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Messages - Range111

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Player Survey
« on: November 13, 2014, 11:37:07 pm »
if i can give my opinion, i liked the old emps ( emps-scape ) more. because of all the old-school stuff and the better economy the differents between old and rich was bigger. now u can have the best set ( mage ) 30m, melee ( looking at 3age 20m ) thats not really hard to get ! but, before you had to play a lot, u need to merch.. work for your money ! that kind of things.

the economy is not as good as it was at the old Emps-scape. I play it because its different then RuneScape, but the last time its everytime more  and more looking at it.. i'll hope it will get back his old-school ( wings, lantarn, bow sword, camel mask ''high price'' p ring ''high price'', scarf ) and not that everything is free or very cheep. and my last point, no free member all the time. i'll pay for my member and than other players get it free.. befair against everybody !

sorry for my english if its not very well ! but i hope my message is clear !
and remember, i still like it, but the old was better !

Greets #range111

Pages: 1