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Messages - Old Guy

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Hope its not against the rules
« on: October 15, 2016, 08:44:23 am »
not sure how much space i hv on my computer so wouldve liked there to be a web client, but oh well. main reason i wasnt sure if this was the old thomy was cos i read in some older posts that this wasnt, but i guess whether it is him or not doesnt really matter, was just curious. thanks for the answers u guys, appreciated :)

General Discussion / Re: Hope its not against the rules
« on: October 14, 2016, 10:11:03 am »
World and Scape have the same owner and majority of our players did play scape as well. There's some new faces which I really don't know any but there are some.
Emps-World has advanced a lot from Scape by graphics and content. I wouldn't really compare private servers and runescape because private servers are based off the real game with some modifications i.e custom items, custom quests etc.. 'base' content wise they're the same.
Ahh, nc to hear that there are people from the old scape and new people too. Was just wondering if this one had EoC like runescape or if theyre using the old runescape still, i know that comparing them doesnt really help much. one last question, is there a web server or do u hv to download it? thanks :)

General Discussion / Hope its not against the rules
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:39:57 am »
Alright, so first of all, i'd like to introduce myself. i used to play emps scape back when it was online and loved the forums. A few years ago (or has it only been a year?) i found out that it was closed and felt sad. I decided to search for emps scape again just for fun and found this forums and hv some questions:
1. hope this isnt against the rules or anything, but is the Thomy here the real one or someone else? I dont mind really if this doesnt get answered, just curious.
2. I saw that some other people from the old emps scape are here too, like rock gyo, just Humen etc. are the majority of the old people here too or just a few of them? also gratz Just Humen on being a moderator, even if its late as hell. i dont think u were a mod in the old forums so thought that i should congratulate u :P
3. How different is this from the old emps scape and the current runescape? i saw a few topics on GE and pretty sure that didnt exist in the old one.

thats all for now i guess. i hope im breaking any rules by asking these questions (especially 1st one) or by posting in the wrong sub forums. thanks for ur time :)

Pages: 1