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Messages - Rocklal

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Screenshots / Re: Got this earlier
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:30:36 am »
hooolyyy, 90 SMITHING ON IRONMAN?, much respect bro, much respect


At first, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me enough feedback to come up with this final suggestion.
The goal is to add item/money sinks to stabilize the economy and enhance PvM.

Step 1: Add Duel Arena Tickets, that can be bought for 100k. Players will need to pay with one duel arena ticket in order to do one stake. The system will be the same as in the warrior's guild, there the ticket disappars from your inventory when you accept the stake.
This system is way more simple than adding percentage stake fees and everyone will understand that.
Duel Arena will be an expensive place where you can either win big, or go home losing everything. Some stakers will sell their items in order to keep stacking resulting in more items getting brought to the normal players.

Step 2: Now that items are cheaper than before, more people will afford them. To make sure that items leave the game, the game itself needs to be more dangerous. This can be done by making bosses harder (in a creative way) and lowering the timers of when items appear/disappear. On top of that, the guardian angel needs to be removed. People will die more often. They will lose items more often. But they also will use more potions and food more often because the bosses are harder to kill now resulting in a continious demand of supplies.
When items get out of the game, the price will go up and more people will consider doing PvM again.

Step 3: Buff/rework the items that are supposed to be strong to attract more players to get and use them again. Now that many things are harder to get, less items will get into the game compared to now.

Step 4: Add new challenging dungeons, monsters and bosses where people need to team up in order to be efficient and/or use alot of ressources (if they go solo).
hell yeah, this guy gets it. sums up the whole thing :"staking ruined our economy", or I could say stakers, because when alot of items of the same type gather in one guy's hand and that guy prefers cash, he will be disparate to sell it at any lower price, which decreased the demand to the high level items ingame, such as spirit shields

Suggestions & Ideas / skills to bills
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:17:19 am »
now that I think of it these days we have only four real non-pvm money making methods ingame.
which are fishing, farming, herblore, and vials of water. and that's it
let's do some analysis here.
herblore is a skill used to make potions, potions are used in pvm&pvp. which are the two most popular things ingame , and you need vials of water to do that.
so it becomes this way:-
vials of water+herbs>potions>pvmers,pkers buy potions>skillers buy more resources>loop.
which isn't so bad in my opinion, but is that good enough is the question?
in runescape3 and OSRS, they have tons and tons of money making methods that support pvming/pking, which gives the feeling of variety to the game and wide content. if I were to give a solution it would be making a new boss, add loads of requirements, both high and low level items and skills, so both low and high level players gain from that.
actually that's all I could think of

Videos / Re: First commentary video! Iron man adventures.
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:19:32 am »
nice editing,  I know a guy who keeps only shouting in his videos and has a much more annoying voice than you, and guess what.. his name starts with shoaib

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 3 suggestions
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:13:40 am »
I wouldn't mind seeing your current slayer task from operating full slayer helm.

We already have the ability to cancel tasks or switch them for an easier one. I can't agree with blocking the tasks, since it gives too much control for the player.

I don't think locked placeholders are needed, just get 2 of each item.
what if you have a bug lantern ,or any oldschool rare?
even getting arcane is hard already

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ability to choose saved items
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:12:21 am »
how about making this for pvm only?
We already have a problem with items leaving from the game, why make it even worse?
Also, we already have guardian angel, so I have to disagree.
I know that already, but I was trying to help him anyways. because everybody seems to be against it

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SKILL DEVELOPMENT
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:10:28 am »
I highly dissagree to this, you can get from 1-99 firemakeing in a few hours, no reason to make it easier.

It's also a completely useless skill.

To best honest, there are a lot of skills which only serves a very small purpose, wouldn't mind seeing the 10% hp buff you could get from firemaking. Just don't think that it should be easier then it is to lvl it up.
it's easy, but makes the game worse, because you waste your time on a useless skill while you still have slayer at 80.
oh and it's completely un-afkable

General Discussion / Re: FUTURE OF GAME
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:06:15 am »
hmmmmm, I say and still saying this.
a good product advertises itself, before focusing on gaining players, we need a good content atm

Introductions & Farewells / Re: HI GUYS! IM JASONLEWIS2
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:20:35 am »
hi Jason.......
idk what to say shut up. wlcum to the cancerous community of emps-world, we got all types of cancer here, all types of languages too like: arabic, english,sarcasm,and last but not least ks amk.

don't take this too seriously dou

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ability to choose saved items
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:48:28 pm »
how about making this for pvm only?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 3 suggestions
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:47:33 pm »
AGREE to that enchanted gem change, finally one more space when doing slayer tasks

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: July 26, 2016, 02:08:14 pm »
looking like a right posh twat at my graduation

drug dealer?

Screenshots / Re: Damn a**bs lmao
« on: July 26, 2016, 02:10:05 am »
Ffs the point is im not h3rb is g00d piss off
OMG drink bleach and kys, who would understand that

Screenshots / Re: Damn a**bs lmao
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:53:21 pm »
don't click at that IT' A FIHGFGHBHING LINK

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moderator Finder
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:45:31 am »
a better idea, how about making a command to check the staff members that are Online. something like ::staff

Thats what friends list is for. Staff members are required to keep 'private' set to "on".

list of staff members always changes. best to follow this,
that's a pain in the ass, to add each one of them, I still didn't add my brother you know

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