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Messages - S Clegane

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Feedback / Re: Emps-Wiki: feedback
« on: November 21, 2018, 03:00:44 am »

No new gilded pieces added in rewards table.

Feedback / Clue Scrolls
« on: November 21, 2018, 01:07:14 am »
Long time ago, clue scrolls were released and took some time to test it by myself. Here's what I make of clue scrolls, at the moment:

Easy clue scrolls are now so underrated unless you're Iron-man and in need of those dragon items quickly but, then again, since dragons drop table also received some buff, not so long ago, so dragons overall give you more profit then looking for something valuable. I suppose this needs to be buffed or at least made one/two unique loots from those easy tier clues, hell, I wouldn't mind giving at 0.5% of chance of receiving random shard piece (1 - 3). Still better profit for new players than dragons. Supplies for teleport tablets, potions, anything that can be utilized for those who seem fit.

Medium clues alongside with other tier clues seem to be okay but adding shards to mediums won't break economy up, at adequate rate of receiving them.

For Hard and Elite clue scrolls, a bit of skill requirement wouldn't hurt and could be counted same way as does daily task system. Not sure if implementing this would take more time than it sounds but this would definitely put clue solvers to level up those skills, after all, if they want to complete some of the steps. In other words, skill requirements could make them more lively and more active. Not just only, Elites but Hard ones as well.

As usual, healthy feedback with toxic-free replies are always welcomed.

Have a good day!

Videos / Re: Some rap from archives (EMPS-WORLD)
« on: November 20, 2018, 04:25:17 pm »
This guy takes deaths in wilderness to a whole new level. Memes incoming.

Screenshots / Re: 1,000 Nex Kills
« on: November 20, 2018, 04:22:36 pm »
Nobody is trying to discourage anyone here. Everyone is free to choose what he does in game. Just putting facts on table, that's all. As for stating my own opinion, I'll let you do Nex for 1000 times yourself. Also, let's not bash at others - topics are made for toxic-free feedback. Commending replies is getting nowhere.

Screenshots / Re: 1,000 Nex Kills
« on: November 20, 2018, 09:35:16 am »
I still think doing Nex is pure rng(just like any other monster) - some may do 1k kc and get plenty of loot to repay all potions/food/charges on SWH and etc., others could 1k kc and get 0 rares at all. I suppose, on average, loot is accurate but those two pets though... I wouldn't count on it too much. Good Job, Jhonson.

Suggestions & Ideas / Revenants
« on: November 12, 2018, 01:47:48 am »
Suggestion is simple. While being skulled and killing revenants chances of getting rare drops could be slightly increased. What do you think about it? It can be small percentage to not make huge difference.

Games / Re: Pokemon GO
« on: November 11, 2018, 11:03:36 pm »
Ya'll suck compared to this guy

Doubt he will live up to catch em all.

Goals & Achievements / Re: 95,6%
« on: November 11, 2018, 04:45:46 pm »
Oh blimey, Thomy should be preparing you a nice Completionist Cape for this :D

Suggestions & Ideas / Vote rewards
« on: November 05, 2018, 12:44:11 pm »
Yesterday came up with an idea of having reward like, double exp weekend.

Not sure how voting is counted, is it by IP or what but if we could manage to collect 50(number of votes can be edited) daily votes(on each of 8 websites) based on monthly statistics(meaning player per one IP must vote per all 8 websites each day) - after two months time there could be organized double exp weekend, seeing as how those weekends influence player count so much. It could be done by voting, too.

Feedback is always welcomed in this.

General Discussion / Re: Economy is fucked up.
« on: November 05, 2018, 12:39:02 pm »
Scape games, regardless of RSPS or not, were always grind based which means for anything you do grind certain amount of time to achieve something(staking excluded, since if you win all the time, you make bank easily). What destroys economy in my eyes is plain staker who buys items for average or high price, gets bank high in cash and sells those items below average price which makes up for merchers huge profit and leaves other money making methods to be considered poor, according to gp/h wise.

Off-topic: Closing Duel Arena won't solve this issue but tax in it for staking items would probably do the trick. Not sure who but it was suggested before it can be planned in future as well for economy purposes.

As for pure money making methods. Boy, where should I begin with... Right before double exp weekend came out - bow strings, magic logs, dragonhides, raw mantas, metal bars and probably, rune ess had such high demand I don't know where to start... To get by economy just watch what's in demand, has stable price (around 5k gp difference or so per item) and start gathering. Players are becoming aware of expensive items and doesn't want to gather things nowadays, majority of player is skipping what made them money in first place. For example, take Rune ess. You can make up to 8M/h consistently if doing it right and with certain items which you can find in wiki. Another one is vial of water. Suggestion just came out to adding it to Aquanite drop table but I bet it won't change price of it a lot if quantity will be around 10 - 20 noted per drop. So, buying from general store costs 1gp, filling at someone's house where bank and sink is close to each other. with this process it is also possible to make 8M/h. Not sure about other beginner methods but flax picking isn't bad either, probably 10M/h can be made (not sure of profit, since prices varies). But these are only beginner methods where players at 3 level can start(by 3 level I mean, right after the tutorial island finish) Then again, it depends on players who buy them as well. You just gotta keep watching prices and stay tuned. Gotta have your favourite method of making money.

I am not best at proving facts but you CAN get around this economy as long as it has player base in it that actively uses marketing.

Suggestions & Ideas / Plank Make
« on: October 29, 2018, 12:01:23 pm »
Since we have Rune bag released we can use full inventory space. Why not make plank make to make 14 planks per spell, not 13?

Feedback / Halloween Event
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:40:02 am »
Hello there all,

I could say, it's amazing game is kicking and improving so much, lately haven't been online so much(besides this weekend) but had a chance to experience updates first hand.

It's my personal opinion about it, no offense towards anybody whatsoever.

Bring skulls as drops is amazing but let's be honest, reward shop should've never rewarded players with Pumpkin Lantern, Spider Wings or Kolodion Pet as it devalues Kolodion as monster for actual killing. As pets are not available at wilderness, one can only assume Kolodion won't drop skulls too - then he either must choose places like abyss to farm them or Bosses that are not in wilderness. Tl;dr Those three items should be removed from whole this halloween event, newly hats are fair enough to reach for.

Skeletal version of Raven is amazing, I love it.

As it was per Christmas, so it could be now part two of Draynor quest where you unlock possibility to obtain skulls elsewhere - not only as drops from monsters but randomly, let's say, fishing with it, pickpocketing NPCs or woodcutting trees. Or perhaps, trick or treat players between each other with special items which could use purple sweets or biscuits from clue scrolls. Kinda like idea I would go for but yeah, I take into account it must have take more time and concentration, considering new Boss in wilderness in behind the corner being polished, so it's up to owner of server if it's needed or not.

Continuing first paragraph of whole feedback, Kolodion Spider during this event timer could be minimized to 5-10 minutes gap between re-spawning bringing more action to it. You already saw results with Revenants cave buff. Many players go there now even with minimal risk.

I rate it 8.5/10, being 10 total success.

Computers and Technology / Re: Flashy RGB Gaming Pc.
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:13:34 am »
really insane setup, clean and nice to look at.
I would however never spend that much money on eye candy.

Also do you have really rich parents or a good paying job to afford all this?
I'm guessing people like him, knows how to utilize money properly to make it even more or at least have good savings every now and then. No wonder he bought his own pc on his own. I doubt parents helped him but you never know...

O-T: Pretty sick design overall. Though, I agree with Arjen, I wouldn't spend that much on looks as well. But hey, it's nice of you to share it with us! Especially liked how you constructed that water-cooling system.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Ironman progress.
« on: October 20, 2018, 09:27:23 am »
I like your progress but why Jp exactly?

I understand updates were amazing overall but death animation is still in need of tweaking, I tried it at Red Dragons and Elite Melee/Range/Mage Warriors - doesn't feel like it was changed a lot. Just giving you a feedback on part where players were concerned the most.

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