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Messages - Lt Range99

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Resolved Bug Reports / Came back for santa ring.
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:14:14 pm »
Sorry for annoying, Thomy, but again after I fix saw this.

When you equip santa ring, you are looking like santa, but when you try to equip capes, rings, legs and so on..
You just return to normal. Here's what i mean:

Tell me if I'm annoying you with visual and other bugs, i can stop looking for :P

Resolved Bug Reports / Another visual bug. Santa ring
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:07:47 pm »
Hello again, this time I'm going to show you powers of santa ring.
Here I'm looking like this:

This is how I look with santa ring:

And the problem - when you try to equip any cape, body, legs, hat and so on while equiped santa ring, you are going to look like this:

Thanks for attention, and ofcourse, sorry for my bad english as allways ;)

General Discussion / Re: Main reason emps dying
« on: November 10, 2014, 05:05:30 pm »
Hello i found this to be most popular reason why emps is dying <...blablabla...>

If i would be mode i wont care about some pixels i would fix their losses from my own bank or lend them gear to make money back if there is enough proofs that he died to smthing unfortunate so yea losing players instead of giving them another chance to stand up and start over again !

Sounds like another "modwannabe" becouse you died in a game sorry..

Hey there Carter,
Mods are there to keep the peace. Not to hand out items to people that have died due to bad connections. I know it sucks, and it has happened to me multiple times. You just gotta deal with it and get back on that horse. But you gotta remember. Mods are players too. they have every right to train, skill, PvP, PvM and make money as you do. Next time, instead of immediately running to a mod for help,make some friends and ask them for help. Emps has a really friendly community if you give them a chance.
Rant over,
-Big Chris

Sounds like "what was mod made for?" You can keep the peace without mod icon.
And yes we all lost some items, so what? I never saw a server with no connection losts, no lagg and so on. Everything needs time to fix it.

About mod population, why there are so many if most of them are just like "I can ignore everything, kick anyone if i don't like him. I don't care about others becouse I'm cool with mod icon."

While watching players, saw only Mary, Es Dexter, Gold2m, Fate helping others. I just think that some mods, admins needs demote.

Showcase / Simply job, made in 3-5mins or so
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:02:48 pm »
I just want to show my custom sprites made for emps, and got one question:
Maybe someone makes customs on his emps files? It would be cool to see some new looks for our server :)

Here's my chat area, bank, inventor and clan chat :)

Resolved Bug Reports / About normal magick's.
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:54:28 pm »
Hi, I had some testing time, and again, found some stuff.

So, this time i was testing a normal spellbook teleports with my other acc and I saw that it needs a bit fixing.
Acc has 1lvl mage and all needed runes for using teleport spells.

1.Almost every teleport i pressed have "stolen" required runes. Not teleported, but runes were used.
2.Trollheim teleport is in bad spot or what? It's named "Level 61: Trollheim teleport" but you can use it with 54leveled mager. (Checked with 54lvl mage, teleport icon don't flash, but you can use it if you have required runes)

Only Watchtower teleport spell looks good coded for me.

Just found a small thing, it's not really that bad,
but some PK'ers should hate it maybe :)

As you see there are spots with 2lvl wild and 25wild.

Another thing is after going from wild to edgeville bank.
You get "attack" options on players:

Update Notes / Re: OpenGL Beta Client
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:36:14 pm »
Warning: DO NOT turn your anti-aliasing option off! It will cause your client to freeze and you will not be able to interact with it, nor close it (other than task manager).
Good luck on ::kick ,Mary :P

Update Notes / Re: OpenGL Beta Client
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:09:07 pm »
Omg I love this client!!

In 2mins just found that I can't reply to friend with "CTRL". Just that, but omg omg omg love this update omggg :D

General Discussion / Re: Monster Database
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:53:38 pm »
Nice database,Mary, but one question:
Is there crystal shield or crystal bow in-game?(dropped by skeletal wyvern)
Most of the players says they are not added in-game yet(I never saw them too)

And yeah, do I only see at KBD drops [color:purple....?

Btw, sorry for my bad english :)

Just a mini color fail:

And some examine fails(all items in my inventory has no examines):

General Discussion / Just want to know..
« on: October 01, 2014, 07:21:05 pm »
Hi, I was thinking about the updates like ancient curses, Korasi's Sword...
But, what about old emps-scape friend- Kolodion? I was wondering to see him back at wild, right where he belongs to be.

So. What you guys think? ???

Btw, sorry for my bad english.

Feedback / Re: Ancient Curses?
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:09:24 am »
Voted No, becouse i was waiting so much time to play the old but gold Emps-Scape, not a copy of other servers. Same opinion about Kolodion boss. Why it's gone? :/ I understand that update like ancient curses would make more players, but i can say that Emps is loosing it's name by doing this. What you think after curses, vesta?statius?torva and so on? :/

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