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Messages - Zudikas95187

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Screenshots / Re: guys was bored in ge!!
« on: October 11, 2017, 10:51:48 am »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clanchat
« on: October 10, 2017, 11:39:23 am »
As for staffs concern, unlike your average Joe they should have a system where they can view all chat channels and what is being said without having to switch over to them. I'm pretty sure you guys also record chat logs, and there is also a reason why we have a system that allows players to report others for misconduct. Staff are human too, we don't expect them to monitor chat 24/7.
They're not supposed to use chatlogs to fish for mutes. Unmonitored chats are great if you're a rulebreaker. The problem with the current system is that people don't bother reporting others and then complain that the staff team never does their job.
the only players who would report every little tiny thing that someone blabs out their mouth about someone else is either you charr or someone who has absolutely nothing to do with their free time.

edit: it's not completely our responsibility to watch over everyone like little children, that's what we have players moderators and administrators for.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clanchat
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:35:24 pm »
and because someone might be flaming a player in a language they don't understand. (usually Lithuanian lol)

Feedback / Re: Wilderness Scan Clues\Easy Clue Scrolls issue
« on: October 01, 2017, 09:12:42 pm »
git gud bois
also pretty valid.

cure the cancer also knows as scan clues in wilderness and just add a little thing which (optional) you could get from a certain monster and it could point you to where you need to dig.

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: October 01, 2017, 07:15:23 pm »
Team Saradomin > Team Zamorak
bad meme

If it's up to 20 level Wilderness - I agree. Higher/deeper Wilderness supposed to be dangerous as Wilderness itself.
the point of this thread is that players killing monsters wouldn't loose all the items they strived to get so much and most of the wilderness monsters worth killing are above level 20, so it should be the opposite, players below level 20 should lose their untradables and players above should be able to purchase them back.

if you lose your untradable items in wilderness, make it so you could buy them back again from kolodion or some other npc in edgevile, because it's not really fair if you lose your whole void knight set that you worked for, for 3 hours and the other player gets only like 2m or something.

General Discussion / Re: Charr rants about resets
« on: July 03, 2017, 11:11:24 am »
Not quite sure how server reset gets us new players though, would just force existing players to play even more. If I don't play 3-4h a day now I'm not gonna play those hours after reset.


Having resets be something that is impossible is something that prevents the playerbase from being insecure about the future of the game. If you've had a reset for reasons what stops a reset from occurring again in the future? If current problems are solved what stops new problems from being created? What would guarantee the old problem will be fixed in the first place? If resets are a possibility in the future that would seriously take away from people's motivation to play the game.

This. So true.

There won't suddenly be a lot of people coming (back) to Emps-World after a total reset. It's just not realistic. That's what I got to say about this.

and a reward for the most useless post goes to...

Screenshots / Re: Castle-Wars
« on: June 25, 2017, 05:45:05 pm »
day 47: they still have no idea that i'm not a box...

Introductions & Farewells / Re: farewell.
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:45:42 pm »
i have only known you for a little while, but from what i was able to gather, you were a good person. good luck sorting your irl problems mate, and goodbye.
sekmytes ;).

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:50:26 pm »

here we go again... have a like from literally everyone on emps world...

General Discussion / Re: Charr rants about resets
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:00:32 pm »
Players actually want new items though, no reason to remove anything.
The fault lies at the fact that you don't really need them, you can hit 47s in 3m gear afk pvm and not worry about dying. Or if you do 3m is still cheaper than GA.

Don't really have use for pvp-armour, new gloves or prayers when a large % of slayer monsters don't hit through prayer. And alot of profitable bosses are also easy.
There's really no incentive to obtain new items because they would have to be really op to be worth the time, but the fact that we get new items at all is really positive.

Then again I kinda wish that the old items were looked at before adding new ones so that the content people were familiar with back in scape would stay relevant.

Godswords for example: ZGS is barely used after it got the freeze effect, BGS is outperformed by Statius Warhammer for reducing defense, SGS is situational but still extremely good at what it does and AGS is hardly any better or worse than D Claws and Vesta Spear. Spirit Shields were nerfed to oblivion. It's no wonder there is no demand for this stuff.

Using the argument ''bosses are too easy, thus no demand'' is pretty silly since, for fucks sake, Bandos was dropped by Banshees in scape and every single GS dropping boss was safespottable with or without abusing bugs and the drops could still be sold instantly. Scape was easier than World by a thousand miles. Useful stuff sells. You won't buy a shit PC for the price of a good PC irl either.

The game is hard for the casuals that run around the game in full dragon. Making stuff harder and harder will simply turn them away from the game. Those casuals have always been the majority of our player count until now. This is a private server, if we're required to put the same number of hours in this game as in RS, there is no point in even playing a game with less content.
Not sure if you meant that this game is hard for casuals because of dragon set... low level armour like dragon is actually really good for even bossing.
Only real reason for finding this game hard is just being ignorant to the options that allow you to play smarter.

I wasn't talking about prices, more about the fact that I personally dislike how easy the combat system in this game is.
Don't need food or potions to even do slayer because of sgs.

pvming/slayer in osrs is pretty much the same with sgs, with the exception of some bosses...

Screenshots / Re: Some screens.
« on: June 17, 2017, 08:44:49 pm »
fabulous screen shots mate, keep it up.

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