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Messages - Darker Manz

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Off-Topic / Re: Just bought myself a Brand New Car! Take a look!
« on: March 07, 2018, 01:15:24 am »
Ha in israel each hour work i claim 8.91$ when i work at night it will up more 56% so easy to ge car but i rather to keep my money to bulding my life.
Not bad right? Guys go isarel and work there.

Introductions & Farewells / Introdution
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:59:52 pm »
My name is:ameer
My in-game is:darker manz
My hoppies:joking
Well i loved pvm at this game,community too,plus we dont speak english in my contrey so i can learn from this game alot of new english word, also i can know many laugage like estonia or lattinia hopefull that i learn those laugage so i would love to join forum community  chat with big smile.

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