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Messages - Cjkinsey6

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ultimate ironman mode
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:37:49 pm »
I'm a bit torn on the idea of an ultimate iron man mode (I'll refer to it as UIM). On the one hand it is always exciting to introduce a new way to play and to spark up some competition between players who like to compete for the top spot on the highscores.
However, I can see it having a similar fate to the Ironman mode we currently have. In the beginning it was extremely popular, it seemed like everyone wanted to try it out. However, we now have very few active ironmen ingame and it's been the same names on the front page of the highscores forever now.
It was the competition that made it extremely fun for me, but now that very few people are pushing for the top spots I lost some of the interest that I had in the beginning. UIM would reach the same fate but much quicker.

I believe that an UIM would not be as popular as you might think. Only a handful of players have shown any interest in it at all, which begs the question is it worth the time to code and implement, if no one is going to make use of it?

Do you suggest we add the coloured ranger boots to the EP shop or add them somewhere else?
While I do believe the EP shop does need revitalized in some way, idk if Ranger Boots themselves will be enough to make people want to actively complete their daily tasks.

Regardless of how their added, it would be pretty nice to see ingame.

Regarding sols, while not a major issue if it's a quick fix I don't see why not, would be a waste if it took a long time to fix however.

General Discussion / Re: Emps world cc
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:57:15 pm »
Reintroducing the Assistance clan-chat is a good idea, but this does not combat the fact that the main clan chat, at times, can be a god awful place. It simply hides the issue from new players. However I do agree it should be brought back.
What do you think of disbanding emps world cc and leaving people to create their own clans?

The people who are interested in running/maintaining their own clans are already doing so. If the Emps-World CC is disbanded, someone will just make a General clanchat for everyone to join and it'll be exactly the same.
I like the idea of the whole community being connected and able to talk freely, you can have some interesting conversations with players who you would normally never speak to. Just because there's a few toxic players spoiling things briefly doesn't mean the entire chat should be removed.

It would be a nice feature if staff could assign ranks to the CC and allow certain trusted players to be able to kick from the Emps-World CC.
I don't think this will be too useful, it's better than nothing I suppose. Would rather see a rank below player mod that would have the ability to take care of stuff like this, but that's Martin's business not mine.
I'd rather see the cc disbanded entirely though.
See above on my reason why I like the cc and do not want it disbanded.
If clan chat ranks were introduced, a few players could be given the power to kick players from the clan chat, the same as staff members can. Kicking a player only temporarily removes them from the chat (its a minute long ban from the cc?) so its not a huge deal if it gets abused, however the abuser would obviously lose their rank. Any rule breakers in the cc can be removed until a member of staff is made aware of what is happening and can intervene.

Reintroducing the Assistance clan-chat is a good idea, but this does not combat the fact that the main clan chat, at times, can be a god awful place. It simply hides the issue from new players. However I do agree it should be brought back.
What do you think of disbanding emps world cc and leaving people to create their own clans?

Weren't you bashing Bigdicks being the most active clan with whopping maximum of 4 players in the CC at one time? Yes, that'll sure work.


General Discussion / Re: Emps world cc
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:30:07 pm »
I do spend a fair amount of time in the Emps-World cc, granted I don't always actively chat in it but I do often keep an eye on things.

I agree that new players should be thrown into a different CC other than the Emps-World one. At times the CC can be extremely toxic and it doesn't give a good impression for first time players. I'm not disputing the fact that the Emps-World CC can actually be a friendly place, but all it takes is for two people to clash and then a shitstorm ensues.
Reintroducing the Assistance clan-chat is a good idea, but this does not combat the fact that the main clan chat, at times, can be a god awful place. It simply hides the issue from new players. However I do agree it should be brought back.

It would be a nice feature if staff could assign ranks to the CC and allow certain trusted players to be able to kick from the Emps-World CC.

Help me! / Re: Items gone
« on: February 12, 2017, 01:04:38 pm »
All bank accounts were wiped from Emps-Scape, everyone started fresh in Emps-World. The only thing that carried over were your stats.

Clans / Re: Bigdicks - Ironman clan
« on: February 11, 2017, 11:30:12 pm »
LUL @ Legion clan rules:

Never use offensive language towards another Clan Member.

That's a must-do in Bigdicks!


Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hi
« on: February 05, 2017, 10:36:10 pm »
Obby Forever rings a bell, welcome back dude.

General Discussion / Re: Emps Case
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:15:34 pm »
Believe it or not, the Emps-World player count has been steadily increasing over the past few months. This is something which has been discussed between Thomy and the staff team numerous times.

Emps-World is far from dead, we still receive frequent donations and new players are joining all the time. The game is still full of life and is regularly updated. You do not need to have hundreds of players online for you to enjoy yourself, play the content you like to play and make friends while doing it.

The problem you have is that you expect Emps to go back to having the 600-1000 players online that we had back in Scape times. The era of private servers is over, with old-school Runescape coming out it attracted many of the players who played private servers.

As previously said, Emps-World is far from dead. We are still growing and gaining new players. In regards to adverts, we've tried it before and it had very little effect. They are expensive and Thomy has a limited budget, his main priority is obviously going to be keeping the server online. It's up to him what he see's fit to spend the Emps budget on.

We appreciate your concern and will to make the server more popular, however starting a topic and being aggressive isn't going to help.

Going to lock the topic before it turns it any more of a flame war.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ironman player identification
« on: February 03, 2017, 03:19:45 am »
You mean this?

It doesn't work on my ironman account..  :-X
This can be locked lol

Only official ironmen have the symbol next to their names. If you made your ironman before the update you won't be able to get your icon :/
If you ever make a new one, you talk to the last person at tutorial island to become an official ironman.

Topic locked.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ironman player identification
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:13:00 pm »
You mean this?

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Back at it again with the...
« on: January 29, 2017, 08:14:09 pm »
Ello matey, glad to see you're still about :p Catch you ingame soon.

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hi
« on: January 29, 2017, 08:13:14 pm »
Hey there Weerd, welcome to Emps-World! :)

Off-Topic / Players Logging in as 126 Combat
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:13:41 pm »
Simas logged in today, should have been level 124 but was level 126 despite only having 82 Prayer. Also happened to another user (Skilerislt12).

I spoke to both the users, they both just logged in and were at 126 combat. Doesn't seem like any action caused their combat to go up. I'm not entirely sure if this bug could be recreated. Both users are back to their proper combat levels now.

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:44:27 pm »
When you PK Kar for absolute bank

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