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Messages - Attacker35

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General Discussion / Re: 'What's your Ironman?' -List
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:05:10 am »
Main account (Known as): Attacker35/Patrick
Ironman: Ironman Pat

Update Notes / Re: Updates July 4th - Ironman Mode
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:23:00 am »
Amazing work, you got it done so fast. Stoked on the next one, thanks!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: xp
« on: July 03, 2016, 05:40:55 pm »
Whether they appear on the same time or not, they are a huge help, at least to me.
Agreed, would love to see it included

Suggestions & Ideas / Antifire potions
« on: July 01, 2016, 09:10:58 pm »
So currently, drinking an antifire potion will give you 5 minutes duration of antifire. In the 5 minutes, the effect slowly starts to fade, and this actually means that the antifire effect is slowly getting weaker and weaker, which causes you to take damage. I think that this should be removed because it makes them a nuisance to use when I have to repot every 2.5 minutes instead of 5 minutes.
I also thought that it's a bug, as most potions fade (like any stat pot) and they were meant to be made without the fading effect. With the new upcoming update (stated by Mary) they would also recieve a lot of use in game.

Games / So what on earth is this all about, Rito?
« on: July 01, 2016, 08:55:44 pm »
Tilted for the next year, or so.

Amazing job, specially with the game tick. Lovin' it!
Looking foward for more ;)

« on: June 24, 2016, 11:44:25 pm »
I got no idea why they are as it is on the pic. My ocd is eating me alive aswell lol

« on: June 24, 2016, 11:20:24 pm »
This is what a fulltime pker's bank looks like  ;)
I added in the cosmetic tab along with the supplies tab just cuz they looked the best out of all the other skilling tabs
A total of 274 batrow items. Can somebody best me? (Other than f4z3r ._.)

General Discussion / Re: request: official statement on charr's case
« on: June 22, 2016, 12:37:04 am »
he got into a fight with martin and martin demoted him
what the fight was about ask martin or charr
I mean holy shit i can't imagine what that woulda been. World war II? Alien versus predator?
God damn i hope they haven't permamuted eachother

Screenshots / Re: lovely bet ;)
« on: June 22, 2016, 12:26:31 am »
Congratulations for whacking somebody for 10 seconds in the game! I can see you're quite the adventurer - skilled, needless to say, experianced!

Feedback / Re: Thomy
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:09:23 pm »
Also, I'm thinking of the overall combat / item balance in the game, which definitely is no easy task.
ugh not again please
Yes please and with minus bonuses this time. :doge:
HELL TO THE YES to this, negative item bonuses is what we're lacking of, needless to say specially in pvp situations. A rune platebody having the same magic defence stats as a black d'hide body is pathetic in my mind.

Suggestions & Ideas / Repairing Barrow items
« on: June 17, 2016, 06:49:43 pm »
Not sure whether it has been suggested or not, but being able to bring noted barrow items (or unnoted) and having an option to 'repair all' in your inventory will save a lot of time, having to reapir like 2-3 invies is a lot of struggle
Thanks ;)

It couldn't be made so you CAN eat in that small period of time?

its called client-side lag.. Or as most of you guys know it, ping. youre already dead for the server it just took a few milisecond to travel to you and give you the news visually

Would that be listed as a bug? It needs fixing imo
Also, this does not happen because of bad connection, it can happen always if your eating timing is respective to the killing blow, which causes you to not be able to eat
ofc that cant be fixed that is lag on your side. Things just need time to travel between the server and back to your computer, it's not instant. I have no idea what you mean with 'respective' in this context, do you mean 'almost at the same time' or something??
Yeah, basically if you try to eat in the 0.5 seconds it goes something like this : you get hit, the animation of your opponent hitting you begins, you can even die mid animation when the animation is long eunogh, claws are a perfect example and after the hit is registered, if the hit is a killing blow the server registers it before you die (visually) and you can't eat in the 0.5 sec interval.
this is by far definetly not a ''lag'' bug and it's something that's a ''feature'' because there is no way for you to eat in that 0.5 seconds

its called client-side lag.. Or as most of you guys know it, ping. youre already dead for the server it just took a few milisecond to travel to you and give you the news visually

Would that be listed as a bug? It needs fixing imo
Also, this does not happen because of bad connection, it can happen always if your eating timing is respective to the killing blow, which causes you to not be able to eat

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