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Messages - Hi Im Ethan

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General Discussion / Re: Falador... Where everybody belong
« on: June 09, 2015, 01:06:14 pm »
So you're saying that if we all just migrate back to Falador, then everyone will start being happy and friendly and perhaps we'll magically attract hundreds or new players? ???

I went to Fally to sell stuff and chat or trade items with a couple of my friends, not make memories and have good times. It was too crowded for the small space it was. The fence made it even more of a pain.

Nostalgia might make the older players happy, but really that's about it. G.E. has lots more space and, despite mostly everyone standing in a big clump in the middle, it's easier to buy what I need and go back to what I was doing. No thank you.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Upgraded tools/skilling equipment
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:12:18 am »
Visualization of a possible 'Dragonslayer helmet'. First version described by Charr as the 'Pug Dragon helmet'.

That Second Design oh my god please make it a thing. :o

Perhaps the Crystal Chisel could create more Bolt Tips per Gem as another added bonus? Maybe 20 instead of 15?
Same idea with the Crystal Knife with Arrow Shafts, I guess.

These are pretty much the same as Thieving brawlers, except for the lower chance of getting caught, so why not make these a reward for Castle-Wars for 60/75 tickets with 750 charges or 150 tickets for gloves which can't degrade.

I fully agree on everything else.
But Thieving doesn't really have any other forms of potential XP-Boosts that would be fairly hassle-free to obtain.
Maybe making it a +5% XP Boost with the decreased chance of detection to make it a bit downgraded from the Brawlers?
I'd like to see it more as a reward from the chests, though, since they are generally more popular than CW.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Yo m8
« on: June 08, 2015, 02:19:52 am »
Ayy gratz.
Gimme some of dat xp pls.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New rule for this section.
« on: June 07, 2015, 09:53:03 pm »
Why isn't this a thing already?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New bosses Old npcs
« on: June 07, 2015, 07:01:39 pm »
Generally, the idea seems rather interesting, although I don't see why we need to fight the Masters themselves.
C'mon, Chaeldar is like, the most innocent and frail looking thing ever. Why would I want to beat her up to prove myself a Slayer Master?

Defeating Jossik - Third Slayer Master Lvl 158
Also he would be using the Dorgeshuun crossbow, which he may reward after! May “help” as “An Effective bow to kill dragons with”. That being the description, it would hint that there shall be dragons! Thereafter it would have the ability one shot kill any pesky dragon (level > Lava Dragons!  . . . maybe?) by using its special “Snipe”. (Limited to 3 shots/requires 3000 charges granted by Jossik for 100k) This would bring use the Waterbirth Island! (One of the many unused isles north of rellekka).
I just have one thing to say to this: Why?
Why would we need to One-Shot any dragon with a Crossbow under any circumstance? All of the Dragons are easy enough to kill already, with Mithril Dragons really being the only ones that actually pose any sort of challenge. This seems completely overpowered and really just useless. ???

Defeating Vannaka – The 2nd strongest slayer Lvl 210
This has been part of a previous idea of including wielding a two hand sword as awesome as he does with a dragon shield. Therefore I have no other plausible arrangement for granting the ability to wield a two hand sword with a shield (only up to barrow weapons in exclusion of torag’s hammers).
So basically I could, by what you're saying, equip myself with an Anger Mace (Which behaves like all 2-Handed Swords and is within your weapon cap), And stack the power of this with something like the 3rd Age Kiteshield?
2-Handed Weapons are moreso designed to replace the 1-Handed Weapons' speed and potential defense with a Shield for stronger, more powerful attacks. Saying that I can basically negate this logic and run into, say, Graardor and the Bandos Camp with my trusty Mace and Full 3rd Age, rocking out my awesome 410+ Ranged Defense, and using the Mace's ability to scale damage on bigger enemies makes PVM a joke. No thanks.

Defeating Duradel! – Good luck. CB Lvl: 368. Will use all skills (similar to killing Thomy, copy/paste code! Wooo!) Anyway having Duradel be the strongest out of all the masters will likewise grant access to a safe teleport to Any Boss in the game.
You do know how fast it is to get to most of the bosses in Emps, right? I can teleport and enter the Corp. Fight in about 10 seconds, run to KBD in about 30 seconds, scale the Slayer Tower and enter Chron.'s Chamber in about 1 minute, teleport and enter GWD in about 30 seconds (Or use Trollhiem and get there in about 1 minute), and teleport to the Smoke Dungeon and be in front of the Champion's Chamber in about 1 minute. We don't need to make accessing these and other bosses any faster than it already is because it barely takes any time to get to them in the first place.

I'm not sure how to respond to your last suggestion, as I wasn't too familiar with the Elemental Bow in the first place.

I think the concept is nice, but the Rewards are too much. PVM is all I do in Emps, and I like it because there is a sense of challenge in some of the enemies I have to face. I'd rather keep it this way instead of granting myself Handicap after Handicap, taking the difficulty out of these fights and turning them all into cakewalks.

I give some support towards the basic idea, but your proposed "Rewards" need to be rethinked.

Bye Bubble, it was fun chatting with you!

Goals & Achievements / Re: GWD ACHIEVEMENT
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:21:03 pm »
Actually working on one of these myself. Good luck!

I can already see the saradomin hilt curse incoming.
Good luck.
That Hilt never seems to want to drop I swear I can't get a single one.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Snape grass
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:47:08 pm »
Every time you rake the herbs you get a snape grass, about the quantity you get by one rake... see for yourself.
I personally was thinking more along the lines of just having a way to grow Snapes themselves, but this could be interesting.
Growing them would probably crash theire prices. So I thought this could be an alternative to connect 2 skills. Since there's never a guarantee that you get snape grass from inventory of mantas. That would be 100% grass from each rake.
I see what you mean. If people grow loads of herbs, though, they could really rake in a pretty good amount of Snapes as well (Haha Puns I'm such a Dork).

Not sure TBH. All I know is we need to introduce or improve the ways to get Snapes.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Snape grass
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:20:40 pm »
Every time you rake the herbs you get a snape grass, about the quantity you get by one rake... see for yourself.
I personally was thinking more along the lines of just having a way to grow Snapes themselves, but this could be interesting.

General Discussion / Re: Stab, Slash, and Crush
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:14:38 pm »
Monsters have no weaknesses or strengths in Emps scape: All combat styles are treated the same since the combat updates in okt 2014.

This is best visualized in your equipment screen: there are no individual bonuses listed for the different attack styles Stab, Slash and Crush, and neither for defense bonuses. The only notable difference between the styles is the way your character attacks, it stabs when you use stab (duh).

You can read about the relevant update here:

Alright, thanks for clearing that up.
I came back to Emps this February, so I didn't see these updates.

All of the combat styles are in fact treated the same, The links posted to you can aswer to your questions. BUT. There are some monsters that are vulnerable to different attacks (ex. Dragons vulnerable to water magic attacks).
Yeah, I recall reading about some of those. I just wasn't sure if this was applied to the melee styles as well.

General Discussion / Stab, Slash, and Crush
« on: June 02, 2015, 07:46:08 pm »
I'd just like to clear up some confusion I've had since revisiting Emps.
I know prior to this, - if memory serves me correct - back in Scape, we still listed the stats for Stab, Slash, and Crush Attack/Defense Bonuses.
Here, however, we only list it as Melee, which is fine by me.
Yet, when I hover over Attack Styles on the Combat Tab, it still lists what style (Stab, Slash, or Crush) of attack the melee weapon I am using does.

For example, the D Hasta's Train-Attack Lunge lists Stab, the Train-Strength Swipe and Pound list Slash and Stab, and the Train-Defense Block lists Stab as well.
So my question is, do these styles of Melee Attacks actually work in World? Let's say, although they're not really listed as information anywhere in the Wiki, some enemy is weak to Stab Attacks. Would a Stab-Based Melee Attack be best to use? Or are they kinda pointless?

Basically summing it up: Do the Combat Styles for Melee Weapons actually attack with their listed Attack Style (Stab, Slash, Crush)?

Screenshots / Well...
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:11:16 pm »
This doesn't look like Varrock. ???

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Combo Food!
« on: May 30, 2015, 02:56:05 pm »
Kill him first and maybe he won't kill you
Or just stop PK'ing. :kappa:

Screenshots / Re: 12345.....
« on: May 29, 2015, 08:54:17 pm »
Now stop doing slayer. :kappa:

Screenshots / Re: 2 Brothas tryed to take me down...
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:10:26 pm »
Very nice loots.

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