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Messages - Chris

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Feedback / [For Staff Members] Redirection Threads
« on: November 29, 2014, 09:23:06 pm »
When you guys move a thread, could you uncheck the box that says "Post a Redirection thread?" before you actually move it? There's threads with "MOVED: (title)" all over the place, and it looks terrible.

Update Notes / Re: Minor Bugfixes
« on: November 29, 2014, 09:02:28 am »
When does the BIG update happen this weekend?

Off-Topic / Re: Star Wars: Episode 7: Teaser Trailer
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:37:05 am »
Owned by Disney.


Funded by Disney*. Directed and Produced by JJ Abrams and Lucasfilm.

Off-Topic / Star Wars: Episode 7: Teaser Trailer
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:11:27 am »

Fan-girling so hard right now.

Feedback / Re: best update so far
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:50:00 am »
:doge: = ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest moderator.
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:40:23 am »

Showcase / Re: SOTW #2: Provided Render! (Post Entries Here)
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:39:27 am »

Atleast he tryed. :/

If taking a terrible quality photo, and adding less than 50 characters of text to it is considered "trying", then legitimate GFX Artists would shit on literally every single one of these people.

Games / Re: Assassin's Creed Unity
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:11:19 pm »
That ending.
FUCK that ending. WHY.

I know right. She was hot as fuck.

What I want to know though, is if Arno was welcomed back into the Brotherhood after killing Germain. They never mentioned anything of that.

Showcase / Re: SOTW #2: Provided Render! (Post Entries Here)
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:09:49 pm »

?????????????? You need to use the provided render. Also, that's in like....below 144p resolution.

Screenshots / Re: I am OP
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:23:26 am »
Where is it taken?
Lumbridge swamp you dummy.

Wow offensive language to your Staff Manager? Demote.

Games / Impossible Game Rage Quit
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:32:26 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ARC WE NEED YOU!
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:18:35 pm »
Added a totally legit bow grip thingy 8)

Precisely what I was talking about.

Update Notes / Re: Updates 25/11/2014
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:44:53 pm »
Sweet. Nice work :)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ARC WE NEED YOU!
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:17:51 am »
The handle would have to be moved. Otherwise, C U L8r Hand.
What the hell are you talking about? How do you think bow-swords are held? By their hilt.

How do you hold a bow? You hold it by the handle which is located directly underneath the arrow, which on the model that Otto provided, is currently part of the Blade, which would cut your hand if you grabbed it.
How do you hold a bow-sword? By it's hilt. It's simple physics and chemistry, really. Model looks just fine and functional to me.

Yeah. You hold a sword by the hilt. However, you hold a BOW by the HANDLE where your HAND would be placed directly underneath the CENTER of the BOW. In this case, the CENTER of the BOW that Otto Posted doesn't have a HANDLE where it should be. If you hold the bow, as shown in the first post of this thread, by the handle, then physically, it'd be impossible to get a good shot off the bow, because the hilt is at the bottom of the bow instead of the center like it's supposed to be.

Off-Topic / Re: All Staff members in time
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:08:04 am »
@Roy Jones: Empsdragon K was never a Staff Manager. He only made it to Administrator, then he was demoted cause he duped a shit-ton.

Tonto and Highstats (Chris and Andrew) were Staff Managers. Then Highstats fell off the face of the Earth, and Tonto became a Developer. So Tonto gave his Staff Manager Position to Youbejooin. Youbejooin was then demoted back to Admin for setting his Stats, and Mod Mai took over Staff Management for a little while.

After that, Red Bar Pk (Ben) became Staff Manager, and then Mike (Safe Up Kid) followed soon afterwards. When Ben and Mike both quit, Sergiu Boy became Staff Manager, and then Rock Gyo quickly followed afterwards. Then Kluke became the third member of the Staff Management Team. Once Kluke let Kyle on his account to fuck everything up, Rock Gyo and Sergiu Boy remained Staff Managers.

After Sergiu Boy resigned, Rock Gyo and his brother Gabriel were the Staff Managers (Rock Gyo & George). Then they brought Il Pk I back into the game and made him Staff Manager.

Then finally, Emps Started to begin it's downfall, and George, Gabriel, and Ozzy "resigned" as Staff Managers, and Jonneh made Icedrags the Staff Manager. Marek was the Staff Manager for a whopping 2 days or so, and then Emps was shut down.

Nice little background of Staff Management from 2009-2013. :)

You're wrong. During the period of Mike and Ben, I became close friends with Mike and since Ben was very inactive, Mike got me to Manager. The rule was that all 3 of us had to agree in order to promote someone, but since Ben was inactive, we got the rule changed to a majority of 2/3 votes and promoted Ozzy to moderator (mostly to piss Ben off). Right after that Ben resigned and I remained with Mike.

After Mike quit I got Sergiu as my partner, and then all of a sudden Kluke appeared.. though he was barely doing a thing.. since me and Serg were a team, we were agreeing with each other and always doing whatever we wanted (due to majority 2/3). After Kluke abused, and Serg quit, I got Ozzy from forum moderator to SM, probably my biggest accomplishment lol.

Icedrags was promoted to Manager out of fun, we knew Emps was closing for several weeks.. I wouldn't really count that as a valid promotion but w.e.. he was a SM i suppose.


edit: You're wrong in the timeline of SM achievement xD sorry had to correct you..

Ahh right. My bad. For some reason, I thought Sergiu became SM before you lol.

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