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Messages - Ahrim Ghost

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What about if instead of actual rewards or vote points which everyone knows have negative effects on the economy. How about we just remove Double Xp weekends entirely, and for example each time you vote, you get 1-2 hours of double xp, this way it doesn't heavily impact on the economy and adds a suitable substitute to our current double xp weekends. May or may not like it , but I see this this as the only possible way of making an effective voting system.

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 19, 2015, 11:15:17 am »

One for Mary & Martin :P

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: Can't attack Ice Strykewyrms.
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:35:21 am »
Yep, the issue fixed itself upon relogging however shortly after, maybe once I banked and came back it happened again. I'm not too sure if it popped up a message sorry.

Introductions & Farewells / Bai <3
« on: February 15, 2015, 10:36:38 am »
Today is my last day playing Emps.

Long story, short, University is starting in a week and is going to be pretty full on and also I've been offered a potential internship if all goes well. So my time is going to be very limited and that's why I've decided to quit.

I would like to thank Martin for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the staff team and to Thomy for all his hard work put into the server. I wish you guys the best of luck. :)

To all my friends, there's so many of you The page isn't long enough for me to post all your names and I'd feel bad If I left some of you out. But thanks for all the good times and the crack up memories I'll cherish, if you wish to keep in contact, pm me and I'll give you my Skype/Facebook. I'll make sure to try stay on the forums.

Gonna miss you guys and Love you all <3

Resolved Bug Reports / Can't attack Ice Strykewyrms.
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:42:28 am »
Happened to me quite a few times today.

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: Npc bugged
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:42:35 am »
Can confirm this. These aren't the only either, Smoke Demon Champion, and quite a lot of the monsters in the Smoke dungeon are also bugged.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: D scim special op
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:26:13 am »
The best thing about a dragon scimitar is the special attack, taking that away will make it a useless weapon.


Fully agree with this. The whole point of Pking in general is so that if you want to deal more damage you have to risk. If the dragon scimitar spec is nerfed, it defeats the whole purpose of risking.

Sorry but I don't support the D scim spec being removed.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Introducing more rares.
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:35:07 am »
While introducing more rares wouldn't be a bad idea, I do worry about the way they're given out.
Some of the latest rares were given out at a PVP event, in which more money = better gear = a better chance of getting one, this isn't really all that fair imo.
If they do add rares i'd like to see them given out like in OSRS, 100% random location, no red dot on the map, and not too many spawns.
That would make sure the rares are actually spread across players, instead of the rich just getting more rich.
i agree on this one. It always go to the richest getting richer, people with best gear getting it. I mean bandos is like 100m now, some high level combat cannot afford that nor even good range or mage gear. although some people immediatly sell it there are some people that would keep it to themselves.

The way life works in general is that the rich get richer because they have an advantage over other people due to their wealth. However I do agree that PvP is a bad way to introduce the rares and we need something like was said earlier. A OSRS type way , where the rares are spawned all over the world map and have a despawn timer of like 30mins or so. So every player can have a fairly even chance of obtaining the rares.

Suggestions & Ideas / Introducing more rares.
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:35:44 pm »

Rares have always been a highlight to players as it gives ambitious players the chance to save their hard worked cash and put it into something admired by the whole community.

My suggestion is to add a limited number of new semi-rares into the game, similar to what we used to have on the old Emps-Scape. Their would be more of every rare. So for example, currently we have 3 rares, with a quantity of 4 each. If these new semi-rares were to be introduced there would roughly maybe 20 or so of each new rare. Which means that they won't all be hoarded by stakers and flow around within the community.

I know personally, they were very popular back in the day and I know a tonne of players would love the nostalgia of having them.

I would like to know your guys thoughts and also if you could please vote a yes/no answer to the poll I've added, whether you would like to see new semi-rares within the game. Thanks.

Screenshots / Re: My Old "Emps-Scape" Bank.
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:28:38 am »
Insane bank !

Off-Topic / Re: Opinions about person above you.
« on: February 10, 2015, 11:49:21 pm »

Feedback / Re: Decrease the defence of bosses already, ffs
« on: February 10, 2015, 11:46:16 pm »
Well personally from experience I know that Commander Zilyana's defence definitely needs to be dropped. Me and Sean went and did a duo the other day, apart from the fact that it took us almost 20 minutes to get the kill count , we then got in and barely got 2 kills wearing maxed Pvm gear. So that's about 20-30minutes for 2 kills, with a 1/100 drop rate for a drop that only if your very lucky is worth about 50m. This definitely needs to be changed.

About the other GWD bosses, Graador seems fine to me and so do the rest. It's mainly just Zilyana that needs to be nerfed.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations!
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:04:41 am »
Gratz man, I'm sure you'll fit in nicely with the team ;)

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Good bye my friends
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:15:20 am »
Gonna miss you bro, cheers for being a good mate and goodluck IRL. <3

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Resigning from Development/Staff Team
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:18:34 am »
Thanks for everything that you've done for the server, wish you all the best IRL :D

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