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Goals & Achievements / Re: after over a decade of playing...
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:07:53 pm »
Congratulations, I still have not achieved it, after more than a decade of playing...
Create an ironman. I don't know how other people feel about this but having an ironman motivated me to get maxed much more than on my main account.

Screenshots / Re: SOME TIME AGO
« on: August 25, 2018, 09:13:39 pm »
nice :D

Goals & Achievements / after over a decade of playing...
« on: August 23, 2018, 08:16:34 pm »

papa blessings to you all.

Videos / Re: har'lakk guide!! video
« on: August 23, 2018, 12:38:02 am »
How is this a guide? You just posted a video of yourself killing the boss 2 times and you weren't even that good at it.
The inventory is messed up.
You need to have your camera as far out as possible when you kill it to better asses the situation.
And a bunch of other mistakes you made.

2/10 guide
7/9 video of you killing har'lakk

EDIT: Who is that sexy stud in pernix? :kappa:

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why hello there
« on: August 23, 2018, 12:32:43 am »
Was it worth posting an introduction post because of one log in? absolutely.

Guides / Re: Request a guide?
« on: August 20, 2018, 12:38:07 pm »
Yk'Lagor guide

har'lakk guide
one of those will be done in a week or two.

General Discussion / Re: it's time to make a change!
« on: August 17, 2018, 04:36:09 pm »
This should be here ---->

This idea has been suggested countless times and although I would personally like to see the older version of the game come back, Thomy made it very clear that it won't because it would divide the small player base even more.

General Discussion / Re: Good news
« on: August 14, 2018, 06:37:17 pm »
Lets just hope they make the astronomical mistake of implementing the trade limit or something similar again.

Guides / Re: Guide to the demon bosses, part 1 - Kal'ger
« on: August 14, 2018, 07:12:34 am »
I didn't want to be like a certain someone who went on to write a novel on nex

Thanks for not doing that, it looks like a nice guide after a quick read-through, I only noticed a few mistakes with grammar (mostly unnecessary apostrophes after the word "its" and some capitalization mistakes), but other than that the guide seems mostly on point (personally I'd prefer if there was even less unnecessary text, but that's just me). I haven't killed Kal'Ger myself yet, so the only mistake besides grammar that I could find was that there was a small change to the drops a while ago and the demon items are a bit more rare now, which brings me to the point that instead of including them in the guide, it might be best to link to the Wiki page for drops instead (or if you prefer having the image, then perhaps link the image to the Wiki page, as the links for items are clickable there, allowing people to find out more information about them if they need it). The drops on Wiki usually are the first thing to get an update after major updates to the game, so if there's another change to the drops then Wiki would be the best bet for finding the most up-to-date information about them.
Criticism is always appreciated, I will try to reach out to someone to help me write the next one, thanks.

Guides / Re: Guide to the demon bosses, part 1 - Kal'ger
« on: August 13, 2018, 10:48:02 pm »
In my eyes, here's what is missing:

- You mentioned Ranged 99 requirement but not a single picture of Ranged method for Boss. Either exclude it or add up to make up for requirement.
- You can always kill Kal'Ger Boss in all three styles. I don't see how Magic is any exception to it.
- Don't forget to include other gear as well, such as Saradomin Katana and etc. 3rd age and other respective armour depending on which style it goes. As well as mediocre gear for those who can't afford 96 Herblore or weapons you showed as well as Auras and ammo/runes.

Besides these points - Amazing Guide for just about anyone.
I didn't want to be like a certain someone who went on to write a novel on nex, so I just included the information that everyone could use without much effort to understand it. Every style is suitable, I just showed what gear i used to kill it, I didn't say it was the most optimal one.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mission
« on: August 12, 2018, 10:37:37 am »
Killing group bosses is as hard as it gets i think, I just think that you should get 2 ep for those anyway.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Colored rare drop text
« on: August 11, 2018, 01:49:07 pm »
Or let players choose what items to be highlighted. that way it wouldn't get annoying.

Screenshots / Re: sorry
« on: August 11, 2018, 09:47:15 am »
200m+ atm

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Slayer points
« on: August 11, 2018, 09:44:07 am »
No one would use it as a viable way to train slayer because players would rather save their points to skip tasks that take ages to do and do not give a lot of slayer xp.

Would be dead content is what i'm trying to say.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: group bosses' hiscores
« on: August 09, 2018, 05:18:49 pm »
Voting hiscores would be interesting as well. This would reset once a month probably? Could have lifetime top 3/5 for everything that's added too.
Yes :)

I want to put emphasis on one thing. Only one boss out of each 4 would have hiscores of the month, this would encourage players no to kill group bosses overall but a specific one.

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