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Messages - Il Skil1z Il

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Videos / Re: Random RSMV-Emps World Version! Please everyone watch this :)
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:42:23 pm »
I gotta say that your video is BRILLIANT!



I've sort of taken this idea from another video and I just had to do it, Well in that video they didnt actually say "Kos amk"
But I know that means Fuck your mum or whatever in Arabic so I had to do it cause there's a majority that say that all the damn time :D
It was a joke hope you don't take this seriously.

Videos / Re: Random RSMV-Emps World Version! Please everyone watch this :)
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:40:09 pm »
K does anyone has a song in mind?
I'd apperciate the suggestions :)
Cause I went ahead and done all the songs I wanted to do in the first damn video, Not a clever move to say the least

Lmfao thank you

Videos / Re: Random RSMV-Emps World Version! Please everyone watch this :)
« on: November 13, 2015, 02:13:04 pm »
K does anyone has a song in mind?
I'd apperciate the suggestions :)
Cause I went ahead and done all the songs I wanted to do in the first damn video, Not a clever move to say the least

Videos / Re: Random RSMV-Emps World Version! Please everyone watch this :)
« on: November 13, 2015, 02:11:53 pm »
Omg man this video is fuc**ng awesome!!!!

Thank you :)

Videos / Re: Random RSMV-Emps World Version! Please everyone watch this :)
« on: November 11, 2015, 03:12:42 pm »
Hey there! The new You-Tube series that I launched on the Emps-World YouTube page, "Emps-Shorts", is also featuring short bits of songs, perhaps we can talk over Skype or something and make some together (ideas & production). Drop me a PM if you're interested. :)

Thanks man! And yes why not, I'm currently working on the next Random RSMV, when I finish with that... We'll work something out for Emps- shorts, Loved the concept of the series

Amazing video, I really enjoyed it!

Thank you my friend,

I enjoyed it a lot so I featured it on the Emps World facebook :)

That's so cool! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Ok guys I will start working on another video, I always wanted to do some sort of "PKMV" (PK Music video) with high editing and everything, the problem is my recording crap isn't working for a long period of time and well, yes... I'm struggling to pk atm lol,
So I wanted to ask some of you to give me some pk clips...
Now that was the first option,
I can always go for another Random RSMV with other songs by your choice...
What do you think?

maybe compliments aren't enough to praise that,but yeah it's incredible.

i would love to see more

Thanks brother :)

This video is awesome!
But 1 thing I didn't like was the texts, they looked like drugs' poop :doge:

You said otherwise yesterday -.- anyways thank you

Off-Topic / Re: A request
« on: November 10, 2015, 01:24:41 pm »
Video is finished guys, tell me what u think:

Verry funny and  entertaining. I'd love to see more!

Thank you my friend :)

Off-Topic / Re: What annoys or pisses you off?
« on: November 10, 2015, 12:40:30 pm »
Those looters at wilderness, most of them are level 3 who keep on giving you "advises and tips" in the middle of a freaking fight!
I'd like to punch the crap out of them

Haha :), very nice video brother! Keep it up

Thank you mate :) Appericate it


AND that kids is how you get high admin on empsu world :kappa:

HAHA, now that you mention it, you were once a mod and an admin I think  :D
Great save though, "How HIGH ADMIN on emps world"

Wow, never expected to get that much love and support from the Emps family :) I will definitely be doing more
Thanks bros <3

for some other people with different understandings of humor, this may be entertaining, it isn't for me. it seems like you just put some music on, some random clips and wrote down the lyrics in game. and i wouldn't be flattering myself that much, because this is not the greatest, nor funniest video of emps world/scape i've seen by far.
although there's a lot of flaws, i appreciate the work you've done, no matter how much of it you actually did, and i think others should as well.

That's exactly what a random RSMV is or rather just RSMV, Music with lyrics, the harder and most intense part was the editing...
It wasn't supposed to be funny, I just threw some jokes here and there to make it for interesting...
But thank you for watching and I totally respect your opinion.

Thank you bros <3

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