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Messages - Macu

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15
Goals & Achievements / Re: Loot From 100 Lesser Demons
« on: November 15, 2014, 09:10:42 am »
Well lesser demons are easy. You should kill like 100-200 blue dragons or 50 KBD/KQ or Chaos elementals. =)

Otherwise, nice drops.
Yeah, I'll do 100 blue dragons next, I can't do KBD until I get a little higher combat level :p We'll see about the Chaos elementals too, thanks for suggestions!

Goals & Achievements / Re: Loot From 100 Lesser Demons
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:11:04 am »
I like this :)
You should make a list like this of dragons/black demons or something
Indeed, I am trying out dragons right now and I got 2 dragon items in a row :p I will do Blue dragons next if someone doesn't suggest anything better. Thanks for the suggestion and feedback :)

Goals & Achievements / Re: Loot From 100 Lesser Demons
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:58:54 pm »
Nice list mate, keep going :P
Thanks, any suggestions for my next 100 loot thread? :)

Screenshots / Re: [video] Comment for free stuff
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:42:42 pm »
Can I have the Dwarf Weeds please? :)
IGN is the same, Macu.

Goals & Achievements / Loot From 100 Lesser Demons
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:29:40 pm »
Hey guys! I'll be doing loot from 100 Lesser Demons because I have to kill them anyway, so why not make a thread about it? :)
It was fun to do this and it's interesting to see the final results. I will definitely do this with bosses in the future. Comment below what monster should I do next :)



1: 12x Fire Rune
2: 1x Lamp
3: 1287x Coins
4: 1x Grimy Guam
5: 1x Obsidian Cape
6: 2147x Coins
7: Grimy Ranarr

8: 27x Chaos Rune
9: 13x Chaos Rune
10: 3x Guam Seed

11: 1812x Coins
12: 4x Ranarr Seed
13: 2758x Coins

14: 2x Guam Seed
15: 1x Grimy Guam
16: 1x Grimy Guam
17: 1x Obsidian Cape

18: 2x Ranarr Seed
19: 4x Tarromin Seed
20: 21x Adamant Arrow
21: 33x Chaos Rune
22: 3x Guam Seed

23: 1x Grimy Ranarr
24: 1x Grimy Torstol
25: 1x Grimy Guam

26: 17x Chaos Rune
27: 1x Grimy Ranarr
28: 1398x Coins
29: 1x Obsidian Cape

30: 3x Ranarr Seed
31: 1x Lamp
32: 1x Grimy Torstol
33: 1x Obsidian Cape
34: 21x Fire Rune
35: 1x Obsidian Cape
36: 1x Grimy Guam
37: 1x Grimy Ranarr

38: 2x Tarromin Seed
39: 1x Marrentill Seed

40: 1x Grimy Guam
41: 11x Fire Rune
42: 1x Lamp
43: 1x Lamp

44: 2x Fire Rune
45: 2096x Coins
46: 1x Lamp

47: 2x Marrentill Seed
48: 16x Fire Rune
49: 1x Guam Seed
50: 3x Tarromin Seed

51: 1818x Coins
52: 1x Lamp

53: 2x Marrentill Seed
54: 10x Chaos Rune

55: 1x Grimy Ranarr
56: 1x Lamp
57: 1292x Coins

58: 1x Tarromin Seed
59: 12x Chaos Rune
60: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed

61: 1x Grimy Guam
62: 1x Grimy Ranarr

63: 2x Ranarr Seed
64: 1019x Coins
65: 3x Tarromin Seed
66: 2313x Coins
67: 1x Marrentill Seed
68: 1x Lamp
69: x4 Guam Seed
70: 1x Obsidian Cape
71: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed
72: 3x Ranarr Seed
73: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed

74: 1x Obsidian Cape
75: 1x Grimy Ranarr
76: 1x Grimy Guam

77: 3x Guam Seed
78: 1x Obsidian Cape
79: 1x Lamp

80: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed
81: 1x Grimy Guam
82: 1x Lamp
83: 9x Adamant Arrow
84: 1x Lamp
85: 2x Marrentill Seed
86: 2129x Coins
87: 1x Grimy Torstol
88: 1x Ranarr Seed
89: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed
90: 1x Guam Seed

91: 2137x Coins
92: 1x Grimy Dwarf Weed
93: 1x Grimy Ranarr
94: 30x Adamant Arrow
95: 1x Grimy Guam
96: 1x Grimy Ranarr
97: 2627x Coins

98: 18x Adamant Arrow
99: 33x Fire Rune
100: 1x Grimy Torstol
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