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Messages - Papa Troq

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Introductions & Farewells / troq748 lelele
« on: April 21, 2015, 07:15:21 pm »
im back.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest Moderator!
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:52:46 pm »
WPE which means worst promoting ever, in my opinion.
beside that, best of luck.

about this topic

there is a guide section for everyone to make a guide, for whatever you want, so he has the right to make a guide and if i see they pictures, it has to took him some time. our lovely admin mary decided that it was 'Bullshit' which we aint allowed to say, so she has to right to say it?
if you want to have a guide section with great and usefull guides, make a ''official emps-world guides'' section, just like back in emps-scape.


Update Notes / Re: Updates 25/11/2014
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:08:00 pm »
We are just getting started, wait for the weekend ;)
if you get a demote this weekend, il come and check it out ::)

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hopefully for real this time.
« on: November 15, 2014, 10:23:58 pm »
I'm sorry but you are just pathetic.

[2014-11-15 20:24:39]:From co_pure to april at 2766 3515 1: aga ma jätan bottima hetkel, niiet ma ei pruugi vastata
im sorry, but this is the freedom of speech. and i think you should quit this game before every old player like me and bueno quit. then thomy will fuck you up. ''pathetic kid''

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hopefully for real this time.
« on: November 15, 2014, 10:21:31 pm »
Yup, quitting.

Staking was a factor, not the main reason tho.
If you give a sh*t, the main reason, as for troq748, was our fellow administrator, Es Dexter.

Case was: Training mage on my pure, due to shitty pc I do it in a place with no ppl so i can train in peace, talk in cc and pm and so on, right.
Suddenly, i feel the urge to grab a cig. I call my lil bro Kev' to train mage for me (no biggie, he is 5, he can click a spell a few times, right?),
i then continue to go outside, and puff my cigarette calmly. I then go back inside, my bro runs to me and says: "something happened". Aight, maybe the server froze or sth, happens quite often. I then see that my acc is logged out, hmm maybe he got distracted and did something else so it logged out.
Nope, it was banned, the reason was for "botting". The account was banned by Es Dexter, who i later tried to contact from my main. The tries didn't work out that well, since i got 2 replies and then nothing.

Gave all my shit from my main to Ekke, since he is the one that helped me when i needed help.

I must say, thank you, Thomy, for making my childhood less boring, i've been playing since like 2008, and i've had alot of fun.

I've had many accounts: Pro rangah, smutlys pure, Nl_dragon2 (got from a friend) and so on.
Probably not the most popular person in the game, but im sure many of u guys have heard of me.

I don't know, if Arne (archer power) will ever discover this tread, but if he does, he's still a bud to me :D

This came out much longer than excpected, wow. Buhbai.
gl irl dude. thanks for you support, dexter has to get demoted really...

Feedback / Re: Drop partys etc.
« on: November 15, 2014, 10:19:02 pm »
i feel bad for you spending all your life pming.
Lets quit all of us.
Eco is way more broken now, people like you who worked hours everyday
for 2months already get bypassed by some lvl 3 who got lucky in drop party in one second.
fuck this game, quit it<3

Games / Re: League of Legends player list
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:46:37 pm »
IGN (In-game name):troq748
What server do you play on?:EUW
Level / Rank:30 bronze 1(promos)

Introductions & Farewells / Re: after 7 years, its finally time to go.
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:38:29 am »
I witnessed your stake with Martin.  He in no way forced your hand; you willingly accepted the stake with no excess encouragement by Martin.  Please stop blaming Martin for your own decision, as none of this was his fault.

Farewell, Troq748.

As for Martin's choice to introduce one oldschool to the game by staking, it was a great idea.  The purpose of oldschools is to get the items and money of the wealthy players back into public circulation in order to better stabilize the economy.

Now, let's please remain on topic.
Martin told me he wanted to lose, and i had nothing to worry about. That made me feel that he did something to lose. He also nearly begged me to stake him the lanty.
Beside that, goodbye fate, good luck on staff manager.::)

Introductions & Farewells / after 7 years, its finally time to go.
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:57:50 pm »
hello everyone..
Well lets begin at the beginning. I've played Emps since 2007, with some friends, i did my very very best for the community, and nearly maxed my account. Today, all the work and fun ive had in this game, is taken away by one person. Es_Dexter. I have A LOT of respect for martin, but the decisions he made, made me quiting this game. And im pretty sure that  this is also the reason that emps is losing players. Martin literally forced me, to stake 500m for a lanty earlier this day. He also said that he wanted to lose it. He won and i feel like he kinda enjoyed it. In my opinion this is not a good way of bringing old schools ingame. by taking someones money away, and just leave them with nothing. And yes he really tried to make me staking 500m for the lantern.

Beside that, i'd like to thank alot of you guys, for the great community. And Thomy if you read this, thanks for giving me a fantastic time in emps-scape and emps-world. There is only 1 thing i'd like to tell you, the reason why everyone is quiting, is es_dexter. no other things than that.

I'd like to also thank A train, i've had alot of fun with him, i'd like to thank my little brother who helped me when help was need.
And i also want to thank umut, miningmaster, pure ranged1,avenus,ekke,pwnb0y and many many more who know that i've really appriciated their help and funny talk with me.

well, after 7 years of playing, its time to focus on other things, school, friends and GIRLS ::)

i wish everyone the best of luck in their lifes, even es_dexter, the most corrupted admin ever(well beisde  kluke).                                                                                                        ^
bye bye,                                                                                                      |
Maik                                                                                                            |
UPDATE: i got banned by es_dexter, you can probably know the reason.  |

Update Notes / Re: Rares Ahoi!
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:06:32 pm »
thomy asked earlier  'what could be the possible reason that so many players are leaving emps?'
well i got the reason, es_dexter comes to the duel arena and keeps forcing me to stake him his lanty for 500m. it was all my money, and yes if an admin tries to force you. you do it. so i staked him and lost. now i got nothing left? and now your asking what could be the reason?
Still your decision tbh
bullshit es_dexter made me feel that the lanty was mines, i didnt had to worry about the lose he said.
Pure corruption of being an admin.
noone's fault that your power of will is shit lol
i did told es_dexter that i didnt want it and that i was scared, he said there is nothing to worry about.
unicorns exist, you believe me now?
there is a difference between a admin and a normal player. and the way he forced me to stake was very believeable.

Update Notes / Re: Rares Ahoi!
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:44:02 pm »
thomy asked earlier  'what could be the possible reason that so many players are leaving emps?'
well i got the reason, es_dexter comes to the duel arena and keeps forcing me to stake him his lanty for 500m. it was all my money, and yes if an admin tries to force you. you do it. so i staked him and lost. now i got nothing left? and now your asking what could be the reason?
Still your decision tbh
bullshit es_dexter made me feel that the lanty was mines, i didnt had to worry about the lose he said.
Pure corruption of being an admin.
noone's fault that your power of will is shit lol
i did told es_dexter that i didnt want it and that i was scared, he said there is nothing to worry about.

Update Notes / Re: Rares Ahoi!
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:57:54 pm »
thomy asked earlier  'what could be the possible reason that so many players are leaving emps?'
well i got the reason, es_dexter comes to the duel arena and keeps forcing me to stake him his lanty for 500m. it was all my money, and yes if an admin tries to force you. you do it. so i staked him and lost. now i got nothing left? and now your asking what could be the reason?
Still your decision tbh
bullshit es_dexter made me feel that the lanty was mines, i didnt had to worry about the lose he said.
Pure corruption of being an admin.

Update Notes / Re: Rares Ahoi!
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:19:12 am »
thomy asked earlier  'what could be the possible reason that so many players are leaving emps?'
well i got the reason, es_dexter comes to the duel arena and keeps forcing me to stake him his lanty for 500m. it was all my money, and yes if an admin tries to force you. you do it. so i staked him and lost. now i got nothing left? and now your asking what could be the reason?

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