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Messages - Saligta5

Pages: 1 2 3
Introductions & Farewells / Re: Vacation
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:13:14 pm »
I still dont like you :kappa:

Off-Topic / Re: The Versus Thread
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:11:22 pm »
Burnout 3 :doge:

SNES or Gamecube.

SNES because everyone need SNES

Me vs You

Off-Topic / Re: Yo mama Jokes!
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:21:24 pm »
yo mama is so fat that even illuminati cant control her

Is there any other way to fix it instead of buying a new keyboard? I dont think the problem is broken buttons. Is there a possibility that my keyboard driver or something is out-dated?

Btw I dont know if this helps but I always shut down my PC with saving (A.K.A hybernate or something)

But wat if i dont :kappa:?
Then stop whining about it you lazy shit :kappa:

I cant :kappa:

My friend experienced the same sort of lag recently. His problem was, that the cooling fans weren't working.

I recommend downloading a program that can check your fans speed or just trying to hear if your fan works.

Oh right i forgot to mention that my cpu fans somethimes doesnt work when lagg or when i turn on PC. I can try that.

Thanks for help btw. Hope this works
When the cpu is not hot enough, then fans don't start to work.

But if you think that's the problem, then I recommend getting it fixed asap.

I have CPU cooler. Maybe it adds up to the problem (or something?)

My friend experienced the same sort of lag recently. His problem was, that the cooling fans weren't working.

I recommend downloading a program that can check your fans speed or just trying to hear if your fan works.

Oh right i forgot to mention that my cpu fans somethimes doesnt work when lagg or when i turn on PC. I can try that.

Thanks for help btw. Hope this works

Is there any other way to fix it instead of buying a new keyboard? I dont think the problem is broken buttons. Is there a possibility that my keyboard driver or something is out-dated?

Btw I dont know if this helps but I always shut down my PC with saving (A.K.A hybernate or something)

But wat if i dont :kappa:?

Videos / Re: 51 dollar remix
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:50:11 pm »
1st vid to beat this
aw my god

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Make Toktz-Xil-Ul one handed
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:11:52 pm »
God damn tyrone. Make my wish come true

Introductions & Farewells / Hallo
« on: July 29, 2015, 11:45:05 am »
So okay joined yesterday so uhmm... Yeah hi. Someone may remember my old account that has rly similiar name than my new name or something so yeah. Can i have a fishy stick pls? :kappa:

So yeah hello.

Games / Re: [LoL] What kind of player are you?
« on: July 29, 2015, 10:55:32 am »
Leader (shot caller) or follower? Thug lief
What is more important to you: CS (Counterstrike players gtfo :kappa:) or kills? Champion killz are my CS
Do you prefer grouping early, late or maybe never and play on your own the whole game? Nobody tells me wat to do
Do you play passive or aggressive? aggressive when low hp :kappa:
Which Lane/Position do you like the most/least? All three
Who is your favourite champion and why? Poppy because poppy dont farm minions. She farms champions
Which champion do you hate playing against? Against a fountain turret :kappa:
What is the best feeling for you playing LoL? When someone says that i will get reported for hacking :kappa:
Penta kill or winning the game? Winning the game to rekt other players

My PC is acting strange during a year. Every 5 or 6 hours my PC starts to lagg for about 10 minutes. This is not ordinary lagg (it may be but i dont think so)

So when the lag starts -

1: Cant open ANY program but it opens when the lag period ends

2: If i am lucky and i have chrome opened (yeah i know) and i try to visit any website it loads until lag ends and gets un-responsive

3: Every program that i have opened (even windows explorer) starts being unresponsive

4: My CPU usage is same all the time

If you need moar info reply here plox

Is there any other way to fix it instead of buying a new keyboard? I dont think the problem is broken buttons. Is there a possibility that my keyboard driver or something is out-dated?

Btw I dont know if this helps but I always shut down my PC with saving (A.K.A hybernate or something)

Off-Topic / Re: Yo mama Jokes!
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:56:53 pm »
Yo mama is so boring that even yo mama jokes arent funny when talking bout her :kappa:

Off-Topic / Re: Lets count to 10,000
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:53:31 pm »
1491 (yeah i know)

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