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Messages - Pain Dot

Pages: 1 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:21:01 pm »
> Pking has been a shitshow for quite a while now
> You were probably just unlucky

That's all, time to close this.

"Time to close this." You are what? Moderator or Admin to say things like those? :D Probably without a job adult still playing games and testing other's patience.

Videos / Re: Emps world ironman progress ep 3 - A lot of Slayer
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:13:19 pm »
Earn everything yourself lol. Takes donations. Another one of those with free excuse to get free stuff around. This one used videos to do it. Episodes were nice. But donations for it... Ehem. Be a man earn it yourself. Charr is right.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:10:23 pm »
After Charr's reply, it seems some people finally get it. Thank you very much. Though I still await for this to work splendid in wildy. Nowadays it's just like a luck in staking fights. Just you actually do pot up or eat and do the fighting.

Are you seriously trying to tell us that people like Lars are nothing but lucky? :LUL:
Are you seriously blind or trying to convince me saying "Nowadays" means nothing in that sentence? There is no such Pker as Lars at the moment so quit joking around. Look Dude, I got nothing against you so please leave the topic with your sarcasm. It is not needed here. And it sure isn't helping Thomy or anybody else either.

So you're saying he would be totally shit if he now went PKing?
:notlikethis: which sentence states that he is shit at Pking according to me?

> everything is luck based
> thus everybody is equal
> thus everyone would be equally shit

You don't even know what the hell you're trying to say even yourself.
Then why are you asking? Making no sense here.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:02:51 pm »
And if according to you there are no good PKers playinga anymore and you still die to a shitter, what are you then?
I also mentioned in topic beginning it was a decent Pker + he fought with only one style. Not better than Lars. Lars can do switching easily. Got it? Lars would have rekt me in seconds. he wrecked me in a minute and half. If you were to recall I'm just side rusher I never mentioned anything about me being professional Pker around here.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:58:29 pm »
After Charr's reply, it seems some people finally get it. Thank you very much. Though I still await for this to work splendid in wildy. Nowadays it's just like a luck in staking fights. Just you actually do pot up or eat and do the fighting.

Are you seriously trying to tell us that people like Lars are nothing but lucky? :LUL:
Are you seriously blind or trying to convince me saying "Nowadays" means nothing in that sentence? There is no such Pker as Lars at the moment so quit joking around. Look Dude, I got nothing against you so please leave the topic with your sarcasm. It is not needed here. And it sure isn't helping Thomy or anybody else either.

So you're saying he would be totally shit if he now went PKing?
:notlikethis: which sentence states that he is shit at Pking according to me?

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Quitting
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:57:02 pm »

You look ugly in that suit. Please change into something more neat.

Introductions & Farewells / Quitting
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:32:55 pm »
Well. Im so done. Server is going to be dead soon enough. Not gonna repeat my mistake and I wont gonna return in wildy probably either.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 07:55:15 pm »
After Charr's reply, it seems some people finally get it. Thank you very much. Though I still await for this to work splendid in wildy. Nowadays it's just like a luck in staking fights. Just you actually do pot up or eat and do the fighting.

Are you seriously trying to tell us that people like Lars are nothing but lucky? :LUL:
Are you seriously blind or trying to convince me saying "Nowadays" means nothing in that sentence? There is no such Pker as Lars at the moment so quit joking around. Look Dude, I got nothing against you so please leave the topic with your sarcasm. It is not needed here. And it sure isn't helping Thomy or anybody else either.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 06:15:52 pm »
After Charr's reply, it seems some people finally get it. Thank you very much. Though I still await for this to work splendid in wildy. Nowadays it's just like a luck in staking fights. Just you actually do pot up or eat and do the fighting.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:04:48 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:00:08 pm »
Just by the look at the equipment, you will definitely lose the fight against third-age. The equipment definitely outperforms void armour.

Anyway, the hit chance against your opponent in void would be 33%. Your opponent has a hit chance of 51%. Upgrading to void elite would give you a hit chance of 36% plus additional defence bonuses lowering your opponent's hit chance to 42%. I don't necessarily find this unfair, because your opponent is using way more expensive gear. However, void seems a little weak in this scenario.
Also, keep in mind, my friend also, got killed by the same guy at same place no re-banking.

What if your friend is bad? Have you thought about that? What if your friend didn't bring the proper inventory? What if the opponent had an inventory with more sustain than both of you? Also getting hit by ele chaos would cause you to take off some of your gear, which ends up giving you less dps and defense against the opponent.
You clearly are worse of them all. Should I repeat myself for you misundertood too? Otto was first, now you. Haven't you noted YET our opponent was in range of Chaos Ele attacks yet he wasn't touched?... Also, I didn't said our opponent is/was bad or we were bad. Like Thomy and Charr said, system is clearly RNG based which this time pulled in our loss - THIS IS WHAT I AM HERE RAGING FOR. I hadn't hitted anywhere near 45s on opponent and my friend also barely hitted him in way better gear than me. Friend did had proper inventory with plenty food, super restores and other potions. But I wanna see you getting 40 - 48s constantly from Chaos Ele with armor removal attack and ranger on you and say that it was that my friend is bad smh is just dumb to state. Unless you actually happen to been in similar situation, I repeat, don't comment. This is PvP we're talking about. Not PvM.
Also, Lars this goes to you. You were the Best Pker around. Say something instead of Twitch emote of laughing. If this looks funny to you then your IQ lowers equally to the times you laugh at people about this.
:) Thanks for feedback Thomy. Besides You, Charr, a bit of Otto, others don't produce normal feedback on why this happens very commonly and for us it is usually not RNG based anymore.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:25:30 am »
Just by the look at the equipment, you will definitely lose the fight against third-age. The equipment definitely outperforms void armour.

Anyway, the hit chance against your opponent in void would be 33%. Your opponent has a hit chance of 51%. Upgrading to void elite would give you a hit chance of 36% plus additional defence bonuses lowering your opponent's hit chance to 42%. I don't necessarily find this unfair, because your opponent is using way more expensive gear. However, void seems a little weak in this scenario.
Also, keep in mind, my friend also, got killed by the same guy at same place no re-banking.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:03:42 am »
Multiple users (including me) haven taken an attempt to explain to you how the combat system works. If you are standing in a multi zone and are tanking the chaos elemental and another 1-2 players... then yes, you will eventually just die by a combination of hits. Not to forget the magic effect the chaos elemental has... You aren't stronger than other players and can die quickly in such a situation.
Chaos ele didn't attacked Rangemage Pk. Why? He was also in multi.

Also, to get constantly huge hits, while you're barely hitting 20 - 40s is purely insane. And it needs to be fixed.

No, just no. Everybody is able to get the same max hit.

Uhm... what am I even supposed to answer / explain here? Imho this is just a rant about having been killed in the wilderness by a lucky void special attack? Also, what's the point in mentioning the person who killed you?

Anyway... let me try to explain the system a little. All combat bonuses are listed in your equipment screen. The more defence bonus you have the less likely it becomes for your enemy to hit you. That doesn't mean it'll never happen, it's just becoming less likely. Your opponent can counter this by boosting their accuracy values. Void knight is a perfectly viable option for this. It yields additional accuracy and max hit by giving up defensive values.

You barely hitting could result from the lack of using potions and prayer? Those are also very good ways of boosting your defensive as well as offensive bonuses. Everything can be countered, which results in a healthy and balanced combat system. You can even reduce the max hit of your opponent by stacking defence bonus, this is called damage soaking. Some armours such as torags are also giving unique damage soaking bonuses. Shields are also playing a huge role there.

Just wearing a high level and expensive armour doesn't make you invincible to everything. Your opponent still has many ways of hitting high on you if you don't pay attention. Wearing 3rd age range gives you the best defensive values against magical attacks, it's okay vs ranged and bad vs melee.

In the end I'm open to discuss the system. Talking about buffs and nerfs to certain weapons and/or equipment. However, I want to do this in proper manners and in a friendly way. I'd also like to discuss things in more detail and not take a death rant as example.
I also, want to know how Chaos Elemental in multi-zone doesn't attack all players? To west from obelisk is place where I died with my friend. There Chaos Elemental hasn't even touched our opponent which turned in his advantage widely. To us, his dismantling armor attack was so not on time that we got raped by hits like 40 - 45 constantly even praying ranged protection from opponents attacks and facing him with third-age(my friend was in third-age). Supposedly I understand your position for this. But Void should hit at least one time 40 - 60s hit on player with third-age and spectral SS. not anymore. It's pointless to use void in pk now. even with rushing. It's like with defence bonuses it's not worth getting. Better to buy third-age from alchs and go pk again. Oh wait. I won't because for me system doesn't work like it used to be. Around half-year ago I pked with fun. Both I and my opponents had a chance at good hits. Even though I lost or won I felt system was perfect. Also Revenant Dungeon stone blocks and sometimes in game. Your Player character stops and stands. Not responding to your clicking to attack other player. Also decent reason to not pk anymore.
Overall: I want to know how system got fucked up so badly? Was it damage soaking or what did it? Cause I'm not gonna step in wildy not even for kolodion. it is pointless to get rekt in matter of seconds even with best defence in game.

To me this is just a subjective complaint about having died at chaos elemental. The system is based around randomness and so is the aggression check if the chaos elemental. If your opponent stays far away from it, they won't trigger the aggression code.

Both, you and your opponent have a chance at good hits. If you give me the EXACT armours of both you and your opponent, I can do the maths and give you the hit chances.

Hunter C'bow(Ammo:D Bolts(e))
Void Ranger Set(normal one, not elite)
Amulet of Fury
Ring of Stone
Dragon Boots
Ava's Accumulator
Dragonfire Shield
(Potion + Ranged Piety prayer activated)

Hunter C'bow(Ammo:D Bolts(e))
Armadyl Helmet
Third-Age Range Top
Third-Age Range Legs
Barrow Gloves
Spectral Spirit Shield
Glaiven Boots
Ring(don't know) - Probably Stone.
Special attacks: Morrigans Axes, Javelins with 150% of special attack bar, because he shoved us axes two time right after javelins shooting at my friend)

Friend's(who came later on):
Hunter C'bow(Ammo:D Bolts(e))/Elemental Staff
Armadyl Helmet/Ice Crown
Third-Age Range Top/Third-Age Mage Top
Third-Age Range Legs/Third-Age Mage Bottom
Barrow Gloves
Ice Shield
Ragefire Boots
(Potions + Ranged Piety prayer activated if mage then magic piety)

Opponent won. We lost. Profit he made doesn't bother us. What bother us is hits were abnormal and to our disadvantage purely.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:28:40 am »
Next time when you wanna provide feedback on something, format your text, use less caps and don't give the impression that you're retarded to make your text less of a cancer to read through.
Next time you wanna make yourself useful in this topic go into multi-zone wilderness near Chaos Ele, test this for yourself then comment. Some people doesn't just know what happened and comments anything they can to look smartypants. Also, if it's cancer for you to read, then don't.

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:26:56 am »
Multiple users (including me) haven taken an attempt to explain to you how the combat system works. If you are standing in a multi zone and are tanking the chaos elemental and another 1-2 players... then yes, you will eventually just die by a combination of hits. Not to forget the magic effect the chaos elemental has... You aren't stronger than other players and can die quickly in such a situation.
Chaos ele didn't attacked Rangemage Pk. Why? He was also in multi.

Also, to get constantly huge hits, while you're barely hitting 20 - 40s is purely insane. And it needs to be fixed.

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