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Guides / Spectrals guide
« on: August 29, 2017, 07:57:44 pm »

I.   Spectrals
II.   Location
III.   Setups and Tactics
IV.   Escape routes
V.   Drop tables
VI.   Helpful tips


Some of you may be wondering what they so I'll give you a basics what they really are:

•      They are 155 combat monsters with 342 hp.
•      They use 2 different attack styles which is magic and melee.
•      There are 4 different types of them and they all drop different ancient armours: Spectral attendant, Spectral cultivator, Spectral Tender, Spectral Worshipper.
•      Spectrals considered to be best money making method in Emps-World.


They are currently located in 30-34 wilderness so It's quiet dangerous out there

The most efficient way to go there is by using games necklace and teleporting to Revenants

Follow the red line to get there and avoid black marked territory


In this section I'm gonna talk about my personal favourite armour setup and about some ways to kill it.
My personal setup:


Bolts: Onyx (e)- their effect is to heal 25% of the damage they deal, this has a 20% chance of happening. They also provide a 2% lifesteal bonus.
Ranged armour: I'm using void because of It's range accuracy, strength. It may be optimal Armadyl and 3rd Age range will work either way, It's just with them you will risk bigger amount. Also a good addition to the set would be ice crown because It extends freeze time
Magic armour: I'm using ahrim because It's cheap and it has set effect which increases spell effect by 25%. But 3rd age magic is also good because of high defence
Wings: It may be optimal, I'm confident enough that I'll escape so I'm using them. But for begginers I don't recommend taking them.
Amulet: Salve amulet really helps because It gives you some additional 20% damage against undead monsters
Cape: Ava-> Max cape
Ring: Ring of stone
Boots: Ranger boots-> Armadyl boots -> Glaiven boots
Shield: DFS-> Spectral Spirit Shield (Its special ability is that the wearer's maximum Hitpoints level is increased by +11 also operating the shield enables an aura that negates all incoming damage for 2.5 seconds)

Note: Keep in mind It's my way of killing em there's one other way almost as efficent as this one which people mainly use (It's little bit safer). I'll write about it other day.


So basically what you're going to do is go on grave and dig it up by using spade. A spectral will pop up from the ground and will start attacking you. The first thing you should do Is attack it with range and switch to magic and cast  "Ice barrage" until you successfully freeze it. Then run few tiles away from it and start ranging until it starts. Repeat the process until spectral unfreezes.

Why first hit with range? It's probably bugged because if you try to freeze on first hit and be sucesfull on it. It will not freeze somehow.


This way may be safer way to kill Spectrals because you will have more space in bag for supplies.


Note: You should take less potions to have more space for food.

Magic armour: Ahrim-> Battle robe -> 3rd Age magic
Helmet: Ice crown (as a special effect it increases your freeze durations by a flat 5 seconds) -> Slayer helmet If you are on task
Cape: God cape-> Abysall cape-> Max cape
Amulet: Salve amulet
Ring: Ring of stone
Boots: Infinity boots-> Battle robe boots-> Ragefire boots
Gloves: Infinity gloves-> Barrows gloves-> Battle robe gloves
Shield: DFS-> Spectral spirit shield-> Ice shield (as a special effect it decreases bind effects cast on you by 5 seconds)
Weapon: Elemental staff  (it supplies you with an infinite amount of Air, Water, Earth and Fire runes when equipped)
Secondary Weapon: Rod of Ivandis

So basically what you're going to do is go on grave and dig it up by using spade. A spectral will pop up from the ground and will start attacking you. The first thing you will do is try to freeze it by using Ice Barrage, cast this spell until you are succesful of binding enemy. Then run away few squares from It and switch to Rod of Ivandis and start attacking it until it unfreezes. Repeat Ice barrage after it start attacking you. If spectral was able to hit you, don't switch to Rod of Ivandis after freezing it, just keep the same staff and switch spell to blood barrage to heal yourself.


I'll show you routes which people mainly use to escape
Don't panic if you got teleblocked while you were killing it, just follow the route and climb up the wall which is marked by blue square

In any other situations just go south and avoid multi combat zones if multiple people are after you (area marked in black)

Let's talk about escape tactics, imagine that whoever is attacking you is will most likely be freezing you. What you're going to do is wait until your freeze timer is about to run out (wait around 8 seconds), when start freezing opponent yourself and you should be safe If you are sucesfull freezing him this makes your freeze timer ran out and you're briefly immune to being frozen while he just got frozen.


Also Spectrals drops some supplies: bowstrings, rune essence, adamant bars you should pick them up if you have free space


•       Avoid peak time
•       Don't stay until you're out of supplies, make sure you have enough to escape.
•       Don’t announce that you got a drop anywhere because pkers may come after you
•       If you forgot spade there is one spawning north of the graveyard in a broken house
•       Keep your HP as high as you can
•       Protect from magic all the time

Note 2: Keep in mind this guide is not complete and I'll be updating it daily with some other methods to kill it and with other Important stuff.
Let me know of any mistakes I did ( grammar mistakes also counts)

2017-08-30 : Credits to Charr and Iron Corne.

Introductions & Farewells / Hello again
« on: August 23, 2017, 01:58:09 pm »
Came back because looking forward to new boss, hopefully we will get more players here while I'll be apart of community.
Sadly I doubt that I'll stay for long because school year is about to start and It's my last grade so I need to finish it with decent grades If I want get into decent college.

See yaa in game :P

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Teletabs
« on: April 29, 2017, 03:00:30 pm »

Screenshots / Re: taking staking to the next level
« on: April 29, 2017, 07:58:17 am »
Knew it that something like this will happen. Time to get my tb ready

Introductions & Farewells / Re: With a new update, "new player"
« on: April 24, 2017, 05:02:55 pm »
Finnaly got some free time from driving lessons
How many hours do driving lessons take from your week lmao
After school Im going to study Road traffic regulations not just driving. And getting home like 8pm.
so... like literally everyone else that wants a license? ??? Unless you're studying to become a teacher that shit's like a couple of hours a week.
2 hours a day from monday to friday. No breaks. Really wierd school tbh.

Introductions & Farewells / Re: With a new update, "new player"
« on: April 24, 2017, 04:08:55 pm »
Finnaly got some free time from driving lessons
How many hours do driving lessons take from your week lmao
After school Im going to study Road traffic regulations not just driving. And getting home like 8pm.

Introductions & Farewells / With a new update, "new player"
« on: April 24, 2017, 03:05:36 pm »

Finnaly got some free time from driving lessons and got quiet bored at osrs. Looking forward new content to check Thomy has developed.

Screenshots / Re: Looking Fabulous !
« on: March 25, 2017, 09:28:12 pm »

Actually I think g maul is op In good hands.

Games / Re: Osrs
« on: January 12, 2017, 07:54:30 pm »
Ign- Neo Wind

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:09:07 pm »

Events / Re: Secret Santa 2016
« on: December 25, 2016, 03:35:56 pm »
Thank you secret santa some items may be missing because I had full bag.

    • Alch values have been increased by 25%.
    Wut ? I'm sure we have money overflow already .

    Events / Re: Secret Santa 2016
    « on: December 11, 2016, 03:23:24 pm »

    I'm In.

    Guides / Re: Christmas event 2015 guide
    « on: December 10, 2016, 09:28:48 am »

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