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Messages - Mr Emche

Pages: 1 2 3
Feedback / Re: About the (possible) upcoming GE
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:10:46 pm »
Little history lesson :

In the ancient dynasty of China , Traders and merchants are in the lowest level of society's hierarchy . Now you know why . :D

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:04:21 am »
Do not take offense to this but if everyone was athiest, the world would be a better place.

Josh.. seriously , you statement are like blaming the guns for killing people . And we will live in peace if there is no guns in this world .
Being athiest or theist doesnt makes things better or worst , its not fair that you blame the religion for all things that happen in this world .

I thought you are smarter than this....

Update Notes / Re: Updates 14/02/2015
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:10:00 am »

Games / Re: This is why i hate friday
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:56:10 pm »
Never exp that before... like never,be it friday or any day.

Games / Re: Your childhood game?
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:45:47 am »
Super mario on some cheap China console~

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:22:44 pm »
As a Malaysian, let me share with you guys what multiculture had done to my country .

we malaysian consist by three different races ( Malay , chinese , indian ). Thus creating a unique mixture of culture in many aspect.
As a malay myself , i am proud that my country can sustain PEACE between races that have many differences , not to mention ALL malay
are muslim , yes , i am a muslim , and no , i dont carry bombs and RPG with me . everyday we malaysian see the news from the west, all of us
was like " lol, thats your highly civilized western people right there". what im trying to say is , multiculturalism in europe could cause no harm at all ,
if you could set aside that racist , low-level thinking of yours . look at us small south-east asian country , try to make example of that .

ive seen some of you post negative things about muslim here , let me tell you something , if you blaming Islam for causing havoc around the globe
then why us south east asia (malaysia,indonesia,brunei)(those are countries that islam is official religion) still live in peace? the REAL problem is the
ARABIAN . arabian are know for their warmongering personality since the middle-east dark age . back then they would go to war for the smallest
reasons (camel stolen,lost gambling, etc) . we south east asian know that fact since long ago , but the western keep blaming the religion .
bruh asians were reckless in history aswell

What do you mean by reckless in history? most S.E. Asian remembered their history very well so that we learn from our mistake in the year 1511 [the year where The Malacca Sultanate fall into the hands of the Portuguese , Malayan people had been enslaved , colonized , and suffer for almost 500 fcking year , we obtained our independent in year 1957 ] The western people had give us nothing but suffering in the name of "civilization" . We had been colonized by Portuguese , The Dutch , England [ E.I.Company to be accurate] , and Japanese Empire . All of those countries only interested in one thing , our Fcking resources [ we got shtloads of gold and tin ,in the old days we are called "Golden Peninsular",now we are called "worthless Pile of land"] .

Now tell me again how asians been reckless in history? please i really do , oh by the way , im studying for History Major in University[semester 2] . you cant lie about history to me dude .
I read your first reply too fast and didn't read that you meant s-e asias specificly.
my apologises.
Anyway, you can't be like arabs are more violent than any culture.
You can't be judging the acts of people by their culture.
I don't think that normal arab parents raise their kids to kill and conquer.
Other cultures did a lot of killing and conquering, not just the arabs.
Examples:attila, ghengis khan, hitler, crusades, conquering of 'murica etc

Yes you might be right , perhaps all humans have a little "dark-side" of their own , its all the matters of choice . My bad for blaming the Arabs , it just cant help it you know , if you think of Arabs you think of the Al - Bhasus war [as a history student] .

Current Affairs / Re: Multiculturalism in Europe
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:59:25 pm »
As a Malaysian, let me share with you guys what multiculture had done to my country .

we malaysian consist by three different races ( Malay , chinese , indian ). Thus creating a unique mixture of culture in many aspect.
As a malay myself , i am proud that my country can sustain PEACE between races that have many differences , not to mention ALL malay
are muslim , yes , i am a muslim , and no , i dont carry bombs and RPG with me . everyday we malaysian see the news from the west, all of us
was like " lol, thats your highly civilized western people right there". what im trying to say is , multiculturalism in europe could cause no harm at all ,
if you could set aside that racist , low-level thinking of yours . look at us small south-east asian country , try to make example of that .

ive seen some of you post negative things about muslim here , let me tell you something , if you blaming Islam for causing havoc around the globe
then why us south east asia (malaysia,indonesia,brunei)(those are countries that islam is official religion) still live in peace? the REAL problem is the
ARABIAN . arabian are know for their warmongering personality since the middle-east dark age . back then they would go to war for the smallest
reasons (camel stolen,lost gambling, etc) . we south east asian know that fact since long ago , but the western keep blaming the religion .
bruh asians were reckless in history aswell

What do you mean by reckless in history? most S.E. Asian remembered their history very well so that we learn from our mistake in the year 1511 [the year where The Malacca Sultanate fall into the hands of the Portuguese , Malayan people had been enslaved , colonized , and suffer for almost 500 fcking year , we obtained our independent in year 1957 ] The western people had give us nothing but suffering in the name of "civilization" . We had been colonized by Portuguese , The Dutch , England [ E.I.Company to be accurate] , and Japanese Empire . All of those countries only interested in one thing , our Fcking resources [ we got shtloads of gold and tin ,in the old days we are called "Golden Peninsular",now we are called "worthless Pile of land"] .

Now tell me again how asians been reckless in history? please i really do , oh by the way , im studying for History Major in University[semester 2] . you cant lie about history to me dude .

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Quests
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:39:50 am »
Quests are lot of work to make + they're one-time content, a player will only play it once. The relative work needed for the bit of fun that one player gets once is kinda high :/
That's why there are little quests in our server.

If you have a good quest idea, feel free to post it! Just saying 'new quest' doesn't really help either..

i thought i saw a guy wearing quest cape ingame yesterday , cant remember his name tho but its there , he even do the skillcape emote [floating with quest symbol on his head , lighting all around] and its blue + white in colour ,so im pretty sure its a questcape and not skillcape . How to get that cape anyway?
That 'guy`is Zodiacsreign and he's the only one who has it.

You can't get one.

What does he do to get that cape ? im just curious

Debates / Re: Originality.
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:35:01 am »
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~

No social interaction? Get some friends, find a nice clan, talk to people when skilling... the possibilities are endless! There will be bunch of social interaction left.
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~
So in your opinion, would you say Runescape has no social interaction aswell?

No social interaction within trading lah~ *facepalm* .. dont mad kay?

It isn't 'real' social interaction. If you consider simply saying 'ty' or 'nty', or possibly something offensive, to the person you are trading with proper social interaction. And seriously all the 'negotiation' you see in Emps is just 2 (or more) people insulting each other and their families.

I saw the post before its edited.. but i will overlook that , for peace sake . well you might right about the insulting and stuff , but it just doesnt feel right trading within G.E. , its like you selling your junks at general store . And actually you only discuss 1 of my opinion so far ,how about the "smart people will manipulate it" point ? how can we overcome that ?

I'd say it's the rich people manipulating the market. We just have to hope it doesn't become a too big of a problem.

There is a proverb in Malay , "Mencegah lebih baik dari merawat" mean "avoiding is better than treating" . do we really need to wait until the problem come before we do something ?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Quests
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:26:38 am »
Quests are lot of work to make + they're one-time content, a player will only play it once. The relative work needed for the bit of fun that one player gets once is kinda high :/
That's why there are little quests in our server.

If you have a good quest idea, feel free to post it! Just saying 'new quest' doesn't really help either..

i thought i saw a guy wearing quest cape ingame yesterday , cant remember his name tho but its there , he even do the skillcape emote [floating with quest symbol on his head , lighting all around] and its blue + white in colour ,so im pretty sure its a questcape and not skillcape . How to get that cape anyway?

Debates / Re: Originality.
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:57:00 am »
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~

No social interaction? Get some friends, find a nice clan, talk to people when skilling... the possibilities are endless! There will be bunch of social interaction left.
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~
So in your opinion, would you say Runescape has no social interaction aswell?

No social interaction within trading lah~ *facepalm* .. dont mad kay?

It isn't 'real' social interaction. If you consider simply saying 'ty' or 'nty', or possibly something offensive, to the person you are trading with proper social interaction. And seriously all the 'negotiation' you see in Emps is just 2 (or more) people insulting each other and their families.

I saw the post before its edited.. but i will overlook that , for peace sake . well you might right about the insulting and stuff , but it just doesnt feel right trading within G.E. , its like you selling your junks at general store . And actually you only discuss 1 of my opinion so far ,how about the "smart people will manipulate it" point ? how can we overcome that ?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Banshees
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:59:19 am »
made 500 jangers in 9-10 trips there...its my only source of income for now.. plz leave the bird-thing alone, go alter other monsters  :-\

Games / Re: game suggestions
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:53:15 am »
RPG(sword fighting,magic stuff) :

- Skyrim :kappa:
-Risen 1 ( good game , if you dont mind graphic)
-Gothic 1,2,3
-The witcher 1,2
-South park the Stick of Truth (real funny and good rpg)

RPG(stealth) :

-Assassin's creed series (A.C. 2,A.C. Black Flag recommended)
-Dishonored (Pure stealthy 1st person view game)

Strategy :

-Company of Heroes 1,2
-Command and Conquer "red Alert 3"(never gets old this one)
-Civilization 5 (if you like complex style of strategy)

Debates / Re: Originality.
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:41:28 am »
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~

No social interaction? Get some friends, find a nice clan, talk to people when skilling... the possibilities are endless! There will be bunch of social interaction left.
when the GE is introduced , "market" forum section will be dead , ppl will just pile up their stuff and buy/sell it in GE  . No social interaction , no fun , no negotiating , the smart ppl will manipulate it . but that just my opinion~
So in your opinion, would you say Runescape has no social interaction aswell?

No social interaction within trading lah~ *facepalm* .. dont mad kay?

Current Affairs / Re: what do people think of this?
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:37:45 am »

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