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Messages - Mariuxas

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Computers and Technology / What's better ?
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:56:14 pm »
Galaxy or Iphon ?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barbarian Assult.
« on: December 27, 2015, 07:26:07 pm »
I'm not going to open an argument here because i do not have time to discuses.
Thank you for your replies and Happy new year.

(Just suggest to add a minigame and you refused  :-\ i cannot image how idiots you are.)no offensive

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barbarian Assult.
« on: December 27, 2015, 07:23:56 am »
After seeing what the minigame actually is:
  • While I like the minigame itself, the fact that it's so reliant on teamwork is pretty much an achilles heel already.
  • The amount of players required to start it off and successfully win a round is too high to keep it populated
  • Would require amazing rewards to work

Is it worth being made for emps? Not in my opinion.
How can you judge on something you haven't even tried it ? how can you judge on milk before tasting it ?.
You haven't played osrs im so sure of that therefore ,you do not know what this minigame is about.Why don't we try it for once ?.

Every minigame in Emps has an extremely low amount of players as is, and getting them to work together is impossible, especially since a quarter of them barely speak English.

He can make estimates on how popular and effective this minigame is going to be by using past experience, and I happen to agree with him on this topic.

This minigame that requires many players to work together would be very difficult to succeed in, and wouldn't be worth the time it would take to create. This is coming from someone who played the minigame in Osrs as well. It's hard enough getting those idiots to listen to you in Osrs, imagine how hard it will be here.
Instead of saying that , We can attract other people to join us  , This minigame is very hard to see it in any other server therefor I'm suggesting it here , it will be like a shock when they know that "Barbarian Assult" minigame has been added to the server. I'm sure 100% it will improve the community  and it will increase the amount of players.
Adding minigames and especially at this time on the end of this year will be useful.

Furthermore , It's not that hard to create a team as you described despite the fact that there are too many players doesn't speak English , we can easily make a team.


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barbarian Assult.
« on: December 27, 2015, 05:59:51 am »
After seeing what the minigame actually is:
  • While I like the minigame itself, the fact that it's so reliant on teamwork is pretty much an achilles heel already.
  • The amount of players required to start it off and successfully win a round is too high to keep it populated
  • Would require amazing rewards to work

Is it worth being made for emps? Not in my opinion.
How can you judge on something you haven't even tried it ? how can you judge on milk before tasting it ?.
You haven't played osrs im so sure of that therefore ,you do not know what this minigame is about.Why don't we try it for once ?.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barbarian Assult.
« on: December 26, 2015, 09:11:13 pm »
Why would we need this minigame? What would the rewards be? Torso can already be acquired from Warriors' Guild in Emps.
This exactly what we should change.We can make the Fighter Torso/Hat and many items that can be obtained by Points such as attacker points / healer/ defender /collector.

It's more than complicated to explain how it works but I also suggest to watch this video:

A little bit explanation:
It's all about a team that includes 4 roles:
Attacker role: attacker should attack the monsters and call to collector what eggs should he collect

Collector role: Collector has to collect eggs that attacker told him and put them in the cannon he also should call to attacker in which style he has to attack (Aggressave / Controlled / Shared / Accurate )

Defender role: He Has to attract monsters to attack him

Healler role: He has to heal his team.

once you have finished the round you will be given points for the role that you have played. (like Defender points/ healer points /attacker p/collector p.)

You can easily watch the video above and it explains exactly what im talking about.
Here a few picture adds to your understanding if you are lazy to watch the video



Suggestions & Ideas / Barbarian Assult.
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:14:09 pm »
I can obviously observe that Emps is missing minigames , I'm here to suggest a minigame that would be the Christmas update :P.
As being a player of Old School RuneScape for more than 3 years , I can see the success that "Barbarian Assult" minigame has made ,  I highly insist to add this minigame to our server.
Youtube it if you do not know it as well.

Thank you and happy new year :D.

General Discussion / Re: 2 Questions
« on: October 02, 2015, 05:18:33 pm »
I have two questions I want to ask.

1. What's the maximum players online in this server?

2. Why hasn't GE been re-release yet?
1- MAX 250

2- There is no GE anymore , GE was suggested on 1/1 , It has been 9 months , so I think Thomy was trying to take attention's people  to get some players but he failed.(NO offence)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Castle wars to Emps-Wars
« on: September 13, 2015, 02:55:56 pm »
Thomy isn't able to bring it back because it is Graham's content.

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: list that contains a few of bugs
« on: August 20, 2015, 08:28:43 am »
Thank you for the fix! :)
Haven't logged in since a long time , will check soon :P

Goals & Achievements / Re: 99 prayer
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:30:41 am »
Congratulations on 99 prayer! :))
Congratz on 99 prayer and goodluck on more!
Thank you guys  8)

Goals & Achievements / Re: 99 Fishing
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:29:29 am »
Congratulations on 99 fishing, good luck with cooking! :))
Thank You , Sir  ;)
Congrats. Good luck with your cooking, buddy! :D
Thank you mate :)

Goals & Achievements / Re: Cooking
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:43:05 am »
Omfaaag :o , Awesome , buddy , GoodJob and good luck on more  8)

Goals & Achievements / Re: 99 Fishing
« on: August 16, 2015, 09:14:44 am »
What's your cooking XP at the moment?

Good Luck!
Thank you , buddy :)
Current cooking level is '94'.

Goals & Achievements / 99 Fishing
« on: August 16, 2015, 09:08:56 am »
Yesterday was maxing Prayer , And today is fishing time :).
New goal:
  • Maxing Cooking

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Forum suggestion
« on: August 16, 2015, 06:54:35 am »
Well done , I appreciate that :).
Locked  ;)

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