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Messages - Zezimapk007

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Resolved Bug Reports / Re: wildy bug
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:31:12 pm »
The wilderness level will never be fair, no matter what way you turn it around. We can start averaging the wilderness levels where 2 people stand but that's just going to be more confusing.

You've said that you couldn't attack back? Can you provide me more details on that?
like a level 50 standing level 1 wildy and level 53 standing wildy 3, the level 53 can attack the level 50 from wildy 3 with ranged or magic but the level 50 has to run 3 deep until he can attack him back

Screenshots / Re: Give Away!
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:07:46 pm »
good luck to every one :)

and thanks for your support!

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: wildy bug
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:50:21 pm »
Currently, the highest wilderness level counts. If your opponent stands in wilderness level 3 and you in 2, level 3 counts.
Thats not fair because sometimes when you stay in wildy 2 and your opponent stays in wildy 3 you cannot even attack back and not even that wildy 1 ,2 and 3 are too close to each other i've been even attacked from 3 levels higher while i was standing in wildy 1!

Resolved Bug Reports / wildy bug
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:01:00 pm »
there is a bug in wildy, while i stay in wilderness deep (2) even a 3 level higher than my combat can attack me with ranged or magic if he stays in wildy
(3) or deeper!
while we must both stay in wildy (3)!!!
sorry but this is really annoying!

Screenshots / Re: Give Away!
« on: February 04, 2015, 06:54:04 pm »
Cool, definitely going to try my luck ;)
Thanks, and Good luck :D

Screenshots / Give Away!
« on: February 04, 2015, 06:48:14 pm »
Guys READ the description for the give away!
also comment here what kind of video's you would like to see more often!

Channel link:

Thanks and Enjoy! ::) ::) ::)

Resolved Bug Reports / Player face bugged when wearing certain items
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:14:52 pm »
I think its bug but anyways take a look at :)

Guides / Re: Emps-World - Basic Guide: Clan Chat
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:03:48 pm »
This guide is about clan chats, it contains everything you need to know about clan chat - starting from creating a clan chat, to kicking clan chat members.

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction - What is Clan Chat?
II. How to use the Clan Chat - All you need to know about Clan Chats.

I. Introduction - What is Clan Chat?
The Clan Chat (abbreviated as CC) is where you can communicate between all members of the clan chat at once.
It is used mostly for clans, and some others use it to communicate easier with more than one friend at once.

II. How to use the Clan Chat.
The clan chat is controlled by commands, and in this chapter, we're going to learn them all.
Before each Clan Chat command, you must put '/' (slash).

      -How to create a Clan Chat?
The command to create a clan chat is very simple;
"/create YourClanChatName"

For example, if I want to create a clan chat named 'The Beasts' I must write the following command:
"/create The Beasts"

*You cannot create a clan chat that already exist, for example; you cannot create clan chat 'Thomy' because it already exists.
*You cannot own more than one clan chat at once.

      -How to join a Clan Chat?
Very simple, you go to the 'Clan Chat' tab that has an icon similiar to the one in the picture below, and click 'Join Chat' and then write the name of the Clan Chat you want to join.

Clan Chat Icon

*You must use an existing name for a clan chat, that means - you cannot join a clan chat that does not exist.

      -How to invite members to join a Clan Chat?
You must use the command below:
'/invite PlayerName'

Example; '/invite Example123'

      -How to kick Clan Chat members?
To do so, you must be the owner of the clan chat, and use the command below:
'/kick PlayerName'

Example; '/kick Example123'

      -How to delete a Clan Chat?
So you want to create another Clan Chat and don't know how to delete the current one?
(You must be the owner of the clan chat to delete it)
Simple as this:
'/delete ClanChatName'

Example; '/delete Thomy'

      -How to leave a Clan Chat?
To leave a Clan chat, you must go to your Clan Chat tab and then click 'Leave Chat'.
Clan Chat Icon

*You must be in a clan chat in order to leave a clan chat.

*You cannot create a clan chat that already exist, for example; you cannot create clan chat 'Thomy' because it already exists.
*You cannot own more than one clan chat at once.
*If you want to join a clan chat - you must use an existing name for a clan chat, that means - you cannot join a clan chat that does not exist.
*You must be in a clan chat in order to leave a clan chat.
*You must be the owner of the Clan Chat in order to kick players.
*You must be the owner of the Clan Chat in order to delete it.

Thanks for reading.
Rate, give tips on how to improve please!

If there's any other thing I forgot or anything I should add, please tell me about it.
i was about to make a video about that, do you mind if i make a video about that?

Goals & Achievements / Re: Any Tips?
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:55:38 pm »
Nobody seems to be doing dank parodies, I think we could use a good source for one of those on currently existing/original emps-scape pk/boss clips and shit. I'd sub to that.
What about if i make a video about the basics how to pk in emps scape?

Goals & Achievements / Any Tips?
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:45:21 am »
Hello everyone,

I wanted to thank you all for Subscribing to my channel and helping me reach 10+ Subscribers!
That means REALLY a lot to me and i will make more Guide, Tricks, Tips or any video that will help you playing Emps-World much easier.
If you haven't seen my video's, channel etc. Make sure you visit: .

Herewith I wanted to ask you to leave a comment for me about:
* What kind of video's (of emps-world) you mostly search for, at youtube?
* What do you want to see more about Emps-World?
* If you have any trouble in game by not understanding something, not finding sth, you cannot defeat (any npc)...
* Any tips for me on my future video's?
* Is there anything you don't like in my video?

Please comment it all,
Thanks for reading my text, hope my video's have helped you!

Guides / Re: How to solo 'Corporeal Beast)
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:29:04 am »
Not bad. Could improve it with suggested armors / inventory setups and/or strategies.
+1 for the effort tho.

I didn't said that cause almost all high level gears are great for there, but I prefer veracs.
and as you can see in my inventory few pray pots is more than enough, most of my inventory is manta ray.
super set is recommend to kill it faster.
and about the strategy i already said in video when corporeal is level 516 (only the person under attack needs to turn on protect from melee) because corporeal beast won't attack every one together or changing is mind and attacking another player, but corporeal level 752 will change his mind and attacking everyone together + switching from a player to another. all you have to do is to use protect from magic, and run from cylinders as you see in the video.

I hope this helped you enough!
Thanks, I know how to kill Corporeal beast now :kappa:
Hell yeah buddy, you all died because WE ALL didn't know that corporeal beast was in his 2nd form and not in his 1st so we all did use pray melee while he was using magic so yeah well I do still have the video and make sure you buy a G-A next time because i won't be there to give you guys your stuff back again!

Guides / Money making guide
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:22:53 pm »
Hope i helped u all with this guide! make sure you subscribe and Like!

My channel

Resolved Bug Reports / npc level 33 with 1 hp
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:20:53 am »
druids near ice montain (south burthrope) have only 1 hp with 33 combat and they don't drop anything.

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: is this going to happen in wildy?
« on: January 30, 2015, 08:34:04 pm »
Can you try to reproduce the 'sometimes'? Because that makes it super hard for me to actually find the bug, if it's just sometimes. Maybe mess around with weapon switching?
yes your right spam clicking dd and then f5 for spec and voila there is the bug

Resolved Bug Reports / noclipping bug height 1
« on: January 29, 2015, 01:18:33 pm »
im a bird :D a red one :D how do i tell you about this bug without any one seeing this?

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