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Messages - Lt Range99

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No thanks. What means "wild", again? Safespot or what?
Wild is a death area, where you go to kill or be killed and lose your stuff. (All stuff should be dropped/destroyed after death if not protected)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New Items would be great!
« on: April 23, 2015, 08:28:15 pm »
This server is unique, we just don't copy what other servers do all that items exists in "g******scape " so we won't copy that.
Sorry, disagreed.
Most of suggestions came from this server. I'm sure another suggestion will be "Black elite set" or so.
Disagreed on everything, we need something unique. About titles - this would cause the shoutbox fked (about 1/3 of sentence would be your username+title). Maybe I wouldn't mind about this if there would be toggling (ON/OFF)

For next time, maybe read rules?
Advertising - this is NOT tolerated at all - this will be punished with a full forum mute on all your accounts

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings suggestion
« on: April 23, 2015, 08:02:00 pm »
Necklace spot OR new thing - Aura spot.
Now it's good for me, so sorry, no.

Screenshots / Re: Thats called a real DM (DeathMatch)
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:00:47 am »
Guardian Angel pls. :)

Could you send me your client pls, it's pretty. :)
Here's my sprites, it needs some improvement tho :)

Screenshots / Thats called a real DM (DeathMatch)
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:51:02 pm »
Fights like this makes emps just funnyier to me :D

General Discussion / Re: Players??
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:39:41 pm »
Grew up + it's no longer the same server as it was.

General Discussion / Re: What's so bad about nex armours?
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:21:15 pm »
There are a good amount of people on this server that are against adding nex armours into the game.
I'd like to know why exactly, because the armours themselves don't really bring all that many negatives over their positives.
So if any of you could give me a few good reasons why nex armours would be a bad thing for the server, please post.

Replies with multiple sentences, please.
I'm sure that stats of torva won't be like bandos, so it means nex armour will be op.

There are mostly poor pkers with dragon/d'harok sets. Torva set with str t, steads will just K0 with dds\dclaws spec everyone whose bank is 2-20m worth.
Rushers with statius+fcape+steads+str t+dclaws already f#%!ed up pking.

All ritch players with nex armours will just farm boss loots from other players.

Update Notes / Re: Updates 23/03/2015
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:29:30 pm »
yay I just bought a  fcape for 40m.

Ty for killing my bank again, Thomy.
^ moron

In no way this update "killed" your bank. Get out.
Feel free to post something about update here.
No need to search for probs, kid 0.0 

Update Notes / Re: Updates 23/03/2015
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:41:13 pm »
yay I just bought a  fcape for 40m.

Ty for killing my bank again, Thomy.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Pming
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:36:46 pm »
Is that so hard to freeze that chatbox interface.. -.-
It's a max 5-8min update

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ::pm
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:34:44 pm »
That's kinda good idea, as when i am soloing gwd or other bosses, I can't reply to my friends easily.

Example: I'm killing KBD and my friend asks something. When i write like 80% of answer, i see that i have to eat some manta becouse of damage from KBD, after eating I click on KBD to attack again and boom- my answer is gone. I have to rewrite it again and again.

Maybe we don't need ::pm, but atleast freeze the chatbox interface until we press Enter button?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Home teleport Edgeville
« on: March 19, 2015, 06:59:42 pm »
1.15sec from barbarian
2."operate" glory amulet
3.teleport via ancient spellbook
4.repeat reading 1,2 and 3.

How players are so lazy these days..
Be sure that you have glory ammy in bank, make your home location to draynor.
Boom if you die in edge wild, you respawn in draynor. 3sec to bank, take glory and operate it- tele edge.
Gz you're here in 10sec or so.
You dont need to color out your text im not a retard.

So what is really wrong with adding it? Nothing tbh? So what Im lazy, i stand in wild for 4 hours every day and nobody even pks.
Theres nothing wrong with adding this, fuck glory ammy or shit- I registred my email and why is it such a bad thing to replace barb home tele with edge? Barb has no value to anyone unless you're a pker. It has no home teleport value at all. And noobs already start out from there so I doubt they need it as home tele, it has it's own teleport on quest tab.

And no you can't go back and kill the person who killed you, that's not how any of it works. :D
Whatever you say, boss..
You can stand in wild for 4h/day with no pking (just be afking), and you can't walk from barb to edge for an epic 15secs? :o ::edge command then pl0x
I'm just saying you want more people in wild, everyone does. And then you throw away these small beneficial suggestions.
It's not only adding pkp, or some huge upd8 about pk that changes things.
After things like that, I'm 70% sure you'll ask to add something like lodestones, that thingy map interface after pressing home teleport in rs..
Btw, honestly, there were loads of updates for wild, and still there aren't so many real pkers.
So.. Maybe stop suggesting wildy things before we get 400-500players online?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Home teleport Edgeville
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:35:25 pm »
1.15sec from barbarian
2."operate" glory amulet
3.teleport via ancient spellbook
4.repeat reading 1,2 and 3.

How players are so lazy these days..
Be sure that you have glory ammy in bank, make your home location to draynor.
Boom if you die in edge wild, you respawn in draynor. 3sec to bank, take glory and operate it- tele edge.
Gz you're here in 10sec or so.
You dont need to color out your text im not a retard.

So what is really wrong with adding it? Nothing tbh? So what Im lazy, i stand in wild for 4 hours every day and nobody even pks.
Theres nothing wrong with adding this, fuck glory ammy or shit- I registred my email and why is it such a bad thing to replace barb home tele with edge? Barb has no value to anyone unless you're a pker. It has no home teleport value at all. And noobs already start out from there so I doubt they need it as home tele, it has it's own teleport on quest tab.

And no you can't go back and kill the person who killed you, that's not how any of it works. :D
Whatever you say, boss..
You can stand in wild for 4h/day with no pking (just be afking), and you can't walk from barb to edge for an epic 15secs? :o ::edge command then pl0x

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Home teleport Edgeville
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:19:51 pm »
1.15sec from barbarian
2."operate" glory amulet
3.teleport via ancient spellbook
4.repeat reading 1,2 and 3.

How players are so lazy these days..
Be sure that you have glory ammy in bank, make your home location to draynor.
Boom if you die in edge wild, you respawn in draynor. 3sec to bank, take glory and operate it- tele edge.
Gz you're here in 10sec or so.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Korasi
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:10:04 pm »
how about they put it for voting points that would be great :D my opinion xD  :D
Would be WAY too easy to get. Inb4 team korasi rush.

1k voting points pl0x
140 days for a korasi

200 voting points pl0x  :P
I love this..
*cough*why not start using my ip-changer*cough*

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