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Messages - Jacob

Pages: 1 2 3
Games / Re: Yaz pls
« on: March 09, 2016, 08:18:15 pm »
Botrk was the best item for Zed to rush on one point, idk anymore. Active increases his ults damage and gives that nice %dmg and active helps him to reach his target if Zed needs W to get out.
It's also nice if you're going to split push as Zed.

Nope, it's for Basic attacks, and with all his Armour it barley made a difference, like I said he was better off getting LW - MAW - Cleaver

Games / Re: Yaz pls
« on: March 09, 2016, 02:13:37 pm »
He built BORTK on Zed? Because Zed is a DPS champ for sure.

Best chance, MAW -> Cleaver -> Executioner -> Last Whisper

Also Mundo is OP right now.
Botrk deals from health percentage -> a tank counter item?

For someone like Kindred,Vayne,Kog,Twitch

But for Zed? His general attack speed is just too low, he's an ability focused champ, not DPS

That's like having Rammus build BOTRK

Off-Topic / Re: An Irl Meetup?
« on: March 09, 2016, 02:08:48 pm »
Isn't this how people get raped?

Off-Topic / Re: Fun jokes
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:54:17 pm »
Why can't you trust atoms?

Because they make up everything.

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hello, It's me
« on: March 08, 2016, 05:34:43 pm »
*This is Nightfall12,

Just remembered this accounts password, you can reach me on forums here and PM Nightfall12 ING,


Introductions & Farewells / Adios Amigos - Nightfall12
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:54:17 am »

Hello people my children. I am departing you. I've outgrown this game. I no longer have a purpose here. The wilderness was my life since .ucoz and there's been an abundance change that's made it no fun. It's lost the fun factor. It's inactive and dead. Don't Argue on that.

I don't plan on coming back, or saying I'm quitting and lurking or going ING.

I've just accepted a decent job, will be finishing my first year of college. Then going into my dream of being a United States Marine Officer.

In honor of my cousin, R.I.P Marine

To my friends, you may contact me through Facebook: Jake Raak, If I accept you, act mature or you'll be blocked. Send your Username so I know who you are.

Skype: JakeDehBaker
League(Haven't played since Oct): Nightfall12
SnapChat: Ameheecan

Special thanks to all the supportive old School friends,

Yazan, Big Boy, Ridden Solo, Mary(Please shave), Ekke(10/10), Josh, Ozzy, Thomas, Austen, x5 x5, Suryoyo, Knights, Ashtoosh, Shoabi, Gabe(Imma visit you once I come back to Michigan). There's a phew more but you know who you are.

To Thomy: Get your GE finished ASAP, and construction. Your economy will improve ten fold then start thinking or relocating the home near the Wildy so it's active. You also should consider bringing back Emps-scape Special attacks for the GodSwords and reworking magic to actually hit. Mainly focus on the Wilderness. Wildy influences the economy. Brings value in all items, makes skillers profit from skilling, makes the game go round. Also you're a noob as League.

For the best part:
My GoodBye Song:

Farewell Emps-World. May you all live long and accomplish your dreams.[/size]

May you all live long and prosper, and let our paths cross on day.

Adios - Jake Out

Goals & Achievements / Re: 100K Snowballs!
« on: January 12, 2015, 08:01:00 am »
Reported for Duping.

Telling Thomy's Mom to ground Thomy and then ban you.

Gf Account

Off-Topic / Re: Life goals - Jobs Etc..
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:52:21 am »
In my entire life I've always had this question.

I plan on entering my first year of college so I'm eligible into joining the United States Marine Corps like my father and his father before me. Although I plan to Join the Officer Selection Program rather than a basic recruit. While Enlisted I wish to go into the study of Astrophysics and major in that career field and strive to help humanity achieve in space flight. Imagine the day it's safe to travel to another planet as if you were flying on a plane to another country. 

My second option and most desired is after perusing a military career and establishing credibility is to start the process of Uniting the People as a whole, and trying to rid of political parties, unifying the people of America and causing a revolution from the rich and the poor. Removing the majority of corrupt leaders of Congress and installing Middle Class citizens as representatives.

My dream is when the people are United, and remember the Government gets the power from the People. My dream is for the people to establish and Oligarchy. Aristotle did say Democracy is the best of the worst form of Government. Rich leaders are out of touch with reality, they do not know what it's like to struggle in life nor value the simple things or think of people below them(most cases). While the poor are also out of touch of reality where all they know is hardship, struggle. etc.-

Middle Class citizens should be the ones making decisions and also be voted out in a shorter period of time if they become too rich or corrupted.


Update Notes / Re: Updates 04/01/2015
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:19:22 am »
Coolio. Let's get that GE in here so Emps-World can become Emps-scape again. So to speak.

You're still a noob at League though.

Off-Topic / Re: Players From Around The World.
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:06:23 am »
Name: Jake

United States Of Merica

Off-Topic / Re: Lets count to 10,000
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:54:48 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barrows
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:36:42 am »
Arhim's is often used in pvp.
However I do agree with you, Guthans/Torag/Karils are pretty much useless at the moment.
Guthans/torags is underrated, guthans is great for sustain and lazy ppl and torags gives HUGE defense bonuses. Karils bit less useful but still useful for ppl who cant afford the higher range armours, and it's still all level 70. So you shouldn't buff them to match level 75/80 armour.

I believe it would be very nice to see people able to PK in these armours. They honestly need some type of buff/enhancement. Now I'm not saying they need to become stupidly overpowered, but at least make them viable in most situations.

Of course not that would defeat the purpose. However, they should be viable enough to PVP/PVM. Yes Guthans sometimes will heal you, sometimes, other than that it hits low and slow. You can't PK in it nor really PVM, you're better off using a Dragon Scimitar.

dragon scimitar shouldn't be more viable than a barrows set.

Torag gives defense bonus, yes. True. However can you Pk in it? No, not really, can you PVM? Yes possibly, but you'll be hitting very slow and low most often.

The point is to make the Barrows items, actually BARROWS. A player should be delighted to earn any kind of Barrows armour, but that's not the case.

Think of the Key benefits, better economy, stronger mini game, increased fun factor, more active wildeneress which again boosts the economy.

Suggestions & Ideas / Barrows
« on: December 30, 2014, 07:47:02 am »

We all know how lengthy it is to obtain a piece of Barrows Armour. After consecutive attempts you finally are rewarded with a piece!(Excluding Dharoks/Verac's)

Alas.. It's Guthans/Ahrim/Torag/Karils.. What a t(' 't) to the face.. But..-

I'm going to go and PK with these! - Said no one ever
I'm going to be able to sell these easily! - Said no one ever.
I can't wait to go kill a boss in these! - Said no one ever

My suggestion is we some how make these 4 pitiful pieces of armour worth obtaining.

I believe it would be very nice to see people able to PK in these armours. They honestly need some type of buff/enhancement. Now I'm not saying they need to become stupidly overpowered, but at least make them viable in most situations.

If players actually enjoyed earning these particular items, and could honestly use them to effectively PVP/PVM the sales rate on these would increase.(Which would also boost the economy) Barrows is one of the most inefficient ways of earning gold, lesbihonest. By the time you earn a piece of valuable armour, you've blown through Prayer pots(40k+ea)/Food. It stacks up and your revenue isn't that rewarding and the time it took is discouraging from something that may not even sell.(To Some)

Now IF and only IF you earn the 2/5 pieces which are viable and in demand(Dharoks/Verac's) you are able to sell them easily and gain revenue and proceed with continued venture into the Barrows Mini Game.

You may say, "Prayer pots and food don't cost me much whatever!" well lets think about the newer and poorer player. That could very well be a great amount of gold lost in the process.

I believe as a community we can somehow find a solution to this issue, or it may not be an issue to you.

This suggestion is mainly focused on increasing the "fun" feeling for Emps-World(Pking/Wearing "Cool Armour,Rewards) as well as improving the Economy and the Buy/Sell war(More selling than buying)

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Nightfall's Back
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:12:28 pm »
Hey just letting you know that I'll be popping in once In a while. I'm transitioning in living arrangements so Thats the reason I've only logged in twice since I've post,

If you catch me in game hit me up, would love to talk to old friends. If I'm not on again anytime soon, happy holidays to everyone. I'll see you soon hopefully.

Please tell me that you didn't bring Nel-Katie-Patrick with you  :kappa: And lay off the tortillas, or w/e.

Welcome back, Jake.

No Patrick is in College with his girlfriend.

Hey, Just letting everyone know I didn't make an introduction thread to just never show up in game. I'm going through some difficult times right now so I'll be back as soon as possible.

Ask Zack for more information.

Happy Turkey Day everyone.
I was beginning to think you'd just come and gone.

Hope everything's okay though, mate. All the best.

Add me on Facebook if you don't wanna lose touch. "Jake Raak".

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Nightfall's Back
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:28:23 pm »
Hey, Just letting everyone know I didn't make an introduction thread to just never show up in game. I'm going through some difficult times right now so I'll be back as soon as possible.

Ask Zack for more information.

Happy Turkey Day everyone.

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