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Messages - Bad Fight

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Showcase / Signature request
« on: April 07, 2016, 04:17:15 am »
I'll pay 5-10$ for a signature. The signature must have my name on it, everything else is up to you.
Add "Force" somewhere*
Some epic or funny short text*
Quick edit: I'm also going to use this on osrs forums. So don't use Emps-world backgrounds and such.



Goals & Achievements / Re: So It Ends
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:38:50 pm »
That profile gif XD
I can't even...

So I managed to make a few custom animations (somehow lol). I'm going to start testing them next week, because I'm going on a cruise this weekend.
Meanwhile I'm gone I would like all of you to point out all the things you would like to be added and/or changed.
I'll make a poll and the idea(s) that are most liked will be added.
Also if you're going to suggest an idea please do it in a proper manner and be as detailed as you can.

Just post something you want to see added and/or changed(Don't just stick to the boss I'm also making a mini event). Be understandable and detailed.
The best ideas get added.
See you next week :cake:

Debates / Re: Favourite Beer
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:41:45 pm »
Jack Daniels
I can't drink  :'(

Jack Daniels is whiskey, not beer lol
I'm aware of that ;)

I'm closing the poll. The min required percentage to pass was 75%. The quota was not filled so there won't be a barrier.
Thanks for voting!
This is for all the people that wanted the barrier :cake:

Goals & Achievements / Re: So It Ends
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:04:38 am »

Goals & Achievements / Re: So It Ends
« on: April 02, 2016, 08:07:17 pm »
Congratulations buddy, gl on maxing out 200M on each skill 😂👌
Thanks, I'll do my best :P
Meanwhile lets eat some :cake:

Goals & Achievements / Re: So It Ends
« on: April 02, 2016, 08:06:00 pm »
Hey look whos there ^_~ <3

Congrats on maxing out.
I felt like you needed some advertising
More :cake:

Goals & Achievements / Re: So It Ends
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:35:47 pm »
Took you long enough, congrats!
Thanks! I guess I deserve some :cake:

Goals & Achievements / So It Ends
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:11:51 pm »
Finally. Now I can camp in Al-Kaharid bank like the rest of the noobs :kappa: #Lifegoals


It was this one, but with bad textures.

this guy was huge in size, and all he does is he casts fire blast and that's it, it was one of the easiest bosses ever to be made, The only thing that annoy'd me back cause it had no drops and it can be killed using ANY attack style(melee,range and mage) and only couple of the community know this boss, The boss got removed when barrows were moved to their original place..

People should remember him.
This could be Ragnar in his second or third phase. You saved me a lot of trouble, for that I am grateful ^^
I don't think this model is ingame, even if it is it barely had any animations, I don't think it's usable.
I tought I could use the npc skin, because it somewhat reminds me of Ragnarok in phase three. I'm not planning on using any of the current animations in-game, I'll have them custom made.


It was this one, but with bad textures.

this guy was huge in size, and all he does is he casts fire blast and that's it, it was one of the easiest bosses ever to be made, The only thing that annoy'd me back cause it had no drops and it can be killed using ANY attack style(melee,range and mage) and only couple of the community know this boss, The boss got removed when barrows were moved to their original place..

People should remember him.
This could be Ragnar in his second or third phase. You saved me a lot of trouble, for that I am grateful ^^

It's something really original and awesome.. I would love to see this ingame, maybe with a NPC  that already exists but different colors or something like that.
If its going to be a firey monster i used to remember back in mortanyia there was a forgotten boss Im not sure what was his name it was a large flame and fires fire blast spell on ya.
Hmm, I'll do some research, maybe I'll find this boss ;) Thanks

Off-Topic / Re: how much do you trust this person
« on: March 31, 2016, 07:40:30 am »
Amg he gave me an ags 10/10
5/10 still hasn't shown me his Farming Cape. >:(
9/10 I like your classy signature

Off-Topic / Re: Happy birthday A-aron
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:27:50 pm »
Too :cake: much...:cake: Happy b day  ;)

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