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Messages - Rocklal

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Goals & Achievements / Re: First pet
« on: February 26, 2017, 03:06:25 pm »
hooooolly shit, how many lamps did you use what the fak

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: another idea for money sink
« on: February 25, 2017, 07:24:11 pm »

Well that's a new content isn't it.

Please explain your train of thought which resulted in you thinking that dice games is exactly what emps-world is missing right now.
basically to potentially make bossing the main option potentially

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: another idea for money sink
« on: February 25, 2017, 06:06:36 pm »
this suggestion is targeting ones with billions lmao

Suggestions & Ideas / another idea for money sink
« on: February 25, 2017, 05:45:32 pm »
so yeah back with another horrible idea, and that is gambling and betting especially dice games. for example.
just like staking,
-person A places a bet
-then person B comes and offers the same amount
-both agree and the dice rolls the person with the higher dice wins
and the reward goes like this.
(A's money + B's money)* (0.8====> the number is to be discussed).
That's about everything.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: an idea for money sink
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:30:41 pm »
The lvl 80 gear that do not degrade are the new items from the ancient cavern, zs, hunters' crossbow, third age and obsidian claws to my knowledge. I don't see a single reason to use any of those items apart from the ice sheild and abyssal cape at the moment, and I would see even less so if they degraded. They are that bad.

Also I dont see a lot of high levels with 728474 billions cash stacks even using those items so making the items degrade would do jack shit.
good point but it could be 75 tier or lower also

-it's not necessarily limited to the current items, it could be implemented later when you have new superman weapons and items that will cost a fortune to buy when it comes out, that's one.

-two that's a good reason to give the nerfed items a buff, since with all honesty I think the system is quite unstable, you have GWD for example were only bandos is worth it yet it has been buffed and now you can barely get a kill. and the price haven't gotten up one bit since then. let alone other GWD Items.

the reason for the bad economy is the game's instability, so making items worth something again isn't a bad idea

Ofc the price won't change at all, when you have Elite void that offers almost what bandos does, except for defense

Everything in this game is connected, you can't simply fix one thing without ruining the other
Making Elite void / normal void tradable has it pros and cons, you can list at least 10 of each, one of them is ruining Bandos price
keeping that in mind, we didn't even mention Vesta or statius yet which is like another hit in the face.

I believe every armor ing should have its unique stats that it can offer,
IKR??, perhaps thomy should do an overall rework on the item's stats.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: an idea for money sink
« on: February 20, 2017, 11:07:05 pm »
The lvl 80 gear that do not degrade are the new items from the ancient cavern, zs, hunters' crossbow, third age and obsidian claws to my knowledge. I don't see a single reason to use any of those items apart from the ice sheild and abyssal cape at the moment, and I would see even less so if they degraded. They are that bad.

Also I dont see a lot of high levels with 728474 billions cash stacks even using those items so making the items degrade would do jack shit.
good point but it could be 75 tier or lower also

-it's not necessarily limited to the current items, it could be implemented later when you have new superman weapons and items that will cost a fortune to buy when it comes out, that's one.

-two that's a good reason to give the nerfed items a buff, since with all honesty I think the system is quite unstable, you have GWD for example were only bandos is worth it yet it has been buffed and now you can barely get a kill. and the price haven't gotten up one bit since then. let alone other GWD Items.

the reason for the bad economy is the game's instability, so making items worth something again isn't a bad idea

Suggestions & Ideas / an idea for money sink
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:09:26 pm »
I don't know if this was suggested before but, all tier 80+ items should be degradable because this will give more options in the future such as an undegradable 80+ tier weapon.

how to fix it and make it tradable again: -obviously Bob in lumbridge.
- or actually have another way like if you use ancient energy you will have to pay less by 100% or something.

obviously this suggestion is from Rs, but no harm in taking the good thing


Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:00:03 pm »
@Rocklal, Ukraine is also 'war-filled' country, should have banned them also? Many arabic countries including UAE have way over 50% of immigrants. Not to mention Singapore who is thriving with its almost 50% immigration rate.
once again, in the beginning this was called a "Muslim ban", and after banning these 7 countries it was changed to "preventing potential danger", oh? then why not ban Saudi Arabia the nest for the terrorists>>>>>> same reason for not banning other countries, if that's not the case for Ukraine then its still debatable, because neither one of us knows about whether this was true or not, (we are debating theories here you know).

now for your second point about, UAE  don't have over 50% illegal immigrants, I would bet that most of them are workers and buisnessmen. well for now I have to go
This debate is really fascinating so please if you could, try to organise your arguments a little better. It's kind of hard to keep track of what are you trying to say.

Trump stated the idea behind the ban as "protection from foreign terrorist entries." Yet he failed to realise that many families who already had permits to live in the states were also denied access to their homes. This left people feeling discriminated and hence naming the ban "muslim ban." The ban was rushed and very robust way to deal with the potential threat of terrorism in the United States. Remember 9/11? The most devastating act of terrorism in the 21st century? 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Was Saudi Arabia one of the 7 countries banned? No.

"if that's not the case for Ukraine then its still debatable, because neither one of us knows about whether this was true or not" Please clarify that, I'd love to weigh in on the Ukraine subject.

And I never talked about illegal immigrants. That's the issue, governments are yet to find a way to blend in immigrants into our society. Make them work, make them pay the taxes. To stop immigrants from radicalising you have to make them feel as part of the society. And hence Singapore and UAE come into play.
yeah that's what I was saying, but it's just my bad habit that made this complicated. what I was saying is that a really high possibility for why trump never banned Saudi-Arabia is because they have economic relations for oil and such

Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 19, 2017, 12:33:58 pm »
@Rocklal, Ukraine is also 'war-filled' country, should have banned them also? Many arabic countries including UAE have way over 50% of immigrants. Not to mention Singapore who is thriving with its almost 50% immigration rate.
once again, in the beginning this was called a "Muslim ban", and after banning these 7 countries it was changed to "preventing potential danger", oh? then why not ban Saudi Arabia the nest for the terrorists>>>>>> same reason for not banning other countries, if that's not the case for Ukraine then its still debatable, because neither one of us knows about whether this was true or not, (we are debating theories here you know).

now for your second point about, UAE  don't have over 50% illegal immigrants, I would bet that most of them are workers and buisnessmen. well for now I have to go

Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 18, 2017, 01:42:19 pm »

Conclusion: immigrants have so many times  proven to be a bad effect to the economy,
all of these are true and I 100% agree with them all, and for the sake of it I'll say it again, the banned countries are war-filled countries.
 I'll ask you this, what will happen when the illegal immigrants are over 50% of your country. sure it's good for economy when it's not overflowing. and the guy in the 3rd video supports my first opinion actually.

Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:49:35 pm »
perhaps I'm stating the obvious, if not then just count it as my opinion. here's what I think; American presidents have only so little power if you ask me. why do I think so? since ever the people who controlled most of the US eco were and are the rich people (mostly jewish) , which makes the whole thing self explanatory. if you do something that will affect the riches in a bad way that's potentially affecting the economy and the opposite is true , which led to the development of a never changing system that stayed until today.
for each and every president goes the same criteria, but each president is assigned a role. here's a small example:-
-Obama "the good president" prevents Iraqi immigrants to enter the U.S. (secretly)
-Trump prevents initially called "Muslim countries", and finally "potentially terrorist countries". ( the so called promise).

Conclusion: immigrants have so many times  proven to be a bad effect to the economy, in 2011 when Obama prevented Iraqi immigrants from entering US, Iraq at that time was one of the most if you look at the list of the countries Trump banned you will clearly see that it's a war-filled countries that mostly produce immigrants along with Iran for different reasons.

Now don't rage for no reason and start spitting bullshit, that was by all means my opinion. it's entirely up to you to think however you want of it, and I'm open for debates about it.

Adding to that:

God Emperor Trump didn't even mention the countries.
The law that the God Emperor signed references to a law that Obamer created, which considered these countries potential threats because they either don't have a stable government or don't have a government that we can trust.
The reason why this is a problem is because during the vetting process of immigrants the US does not do background checks on the people that are coming here, the countries where they're coming from do and the US looks over the information that these countries provide.
If we can't trust the information that these countries provide then we can't take immigrants from them.
And just to be clear, this was never a Muslim ban, that's the leftist media narrative.
If this was a Muslim ban then it would've included countries that have more Muslims than these countries.
Indonesia alone has roughly the same amount of Muslims that all of the countries, that the God Emperor banned immigration from, have combined.

Just wanted to clarify that it's not the immigrants that are the problem, it's the (lack of) government in these countries.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Unofficial ultimate ironman progress (gave up)
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:09:58 pm »
shit that's fuckin sad.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Unofficial ultimate ironman progress (First day)
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:14:07 pm »
I have to delay the 2nd day progress by like 5 days, because I'm extremely busy this week. I'm really sorry.
to max such account you need quite some time, that 5 days lack in comparison

Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:11:01 pm »
perhaps I'm stating the obvious, if not then just count it as my opinion. here's what I think; American presidents have only so little power if you ask me. why do I think so? since ever the people who controlled most of the US eco were and are the rich people (mostly jewish) , which makes the whole thing self explanatory. if you do something that will affect the riches in a bad way that's potentially affecting the economy and the opposite is true , which led to the development of a never changing system that stayed until today.
for each and every president goes the same criteria, but each president is assigned a role. here's a small example:-
-Obama "the good president" prevents Iraqi immigrants to enter the U.S. (secretly)
-Trump prevents initially called "Muslim countries", and finally "potentially terrorist countries". ( the so called promise).

Conclusion: immigrants have so many times  proven to be a bad effect to the economy, in 2011 when Obama prevented Iraqi immigrants from entering US, Iraq at that time was one of the most if you look at the list of the countries Trump banned you will clearly see that it's a war-filled countries that mostly produce immigrants along with Iran for different reasons.

Now don't rage for no reason and start spitting bullshit, that was by all means my opinion. it's entirely up to you to think however you want of it, and I'm open for debates about it.

Goals & Achievements / Re: Unofficial ultimate ironman progress (First day)
« on: February 12, 2017, 04:21:38 pm »
good luck mate!!!!!!!!!

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