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Messages - Reemster

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Curses
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:51:14 am »
the only thing at jad is, you GET the time to change ur prayers to the correct ones,
every other boss is just a surprise attack for u if they have different attack styles, no animation whatsoever, so if ur flicking and ur to late u'll be hit massively

deflection doesnt mean a 100% deflect it still can hit through prayers, emerald e tactic is used everywhere already atm, onyx e barely heals me when im using them, every boss i get i see ppl speccing gs/stat at start and why would u run in to a boss room with soulsplit active? i usually get my hp up, and in boss fights, ill rather have deflection instead of soulsplit if youre tanking, attackers can be on soulsplit, i'd like to see people do bosses (graardor, kee'arra, kq, kbd) with soulsplit only

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Curses
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:35:10 am »
sgs / hunter c bow / Onyx bolts (e) / stat warhammer / Emerald bolts (e) / SoulSplit / Deflection prayers

i dont see how u are combining primary weapons and prayer together, while only 1 of them can be active/equipped,

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Curses
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:30:41 am »
soulsplit heal ratio 5:1, enemy hitting u, deflection prayers OR soulsplit is active, which means u can or cant protect urself, so wtf is this all about bein OP, soulsplit heals a bit it doesnt make u invincible
if i were to go bossing with SGS, Guthans, SoulSplit, 14Super restores, super pot set, Teleport out, few mantas, Statius warhammer
Sgs spec heals / restores prayer
Guthans passive heals you the same as you hit
Super pots / z brew makes youre hit even higher
Statius warhammer makes boss defence much lower
i could stay at bandos or zamorak for a long time with that kind of gear with me, i know it bcause im experienced runescape player, iv played runescape over 10 years now, since curses came into runescape it ruined all the fun out of pvm and pvp also made alot stuff easyer, bosses already recived 5-10% def nerf, you really want em to make it alot easyer ? please read before u comment :)

ooh boohoo, 2001-2014 rs rip, every1 who disliked turmoil just sucked at pvm/pk and even rs, EOC thats what f'd up rs

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Curses
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:20:05 am »
soulsplit heal ratio 5:1, enemy hitting u, deflection prayers OR soulsplit is active, which means u can or cant protect urself, so wtf is this all about bein OP, soulsplit heals a bit it doesnt make u invincible

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ancient Curses
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:55:10 am »
turmoil will definitly boost ur hits, deflection prayers > protection prayers, soulsplit heals, i dont see why people would vote no

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Blocking/skipping slayer tasks.
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:52:47 am »
just add NPC contact on lunar spellbook for easy skipping or tasking

Suggestions & Ideas / Ancient Curses
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:22:29 pm »

addable? :)

might help a bit with the overpowered bosses people talking about

Feedback / Re: Hunter
« on: February 14, 2015, 03:45:23 pm »
The skill itself is improved big time, but i still feel  screwed...

and let people unfairly gain massive amounts of experience in no time.

been working my ass off at kebbits before, w/o 2xp before the reset was announced, now ppl are 99 in what 5-6hrs?

Resolved Bug Reports / ice strykwyrm last hit
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:06:13 am »
some lasts hits on ice wyrms give u massive range xp, not every last hit but alot

for example this is what ive seen on the last hits

1hp - 720range xp
1hp - 1440range xp
6hp - 2040range xp

i've had more of them but cant remember them all

Feedback / Re: Decrease the defence of bosses already, ffs
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:30:51 pm »
wouldnt it be easier instead just adding a weakness to the monsters, like stab/crush/mage/range/ice/fire etc...

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Half Drop Rate Weekend
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:11:57 pm »
if such a weekend comes then dont increase the drop rate, just make it double drops

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Crossbows
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:05:40 pm »
A Crossbow string is used in the Fletching skill to create crossbows. It is created by using sinew or tree roots (except Magic roots) with a spinning wheel,

Sinew can be used on a spinning wheel by a member with 10 Crafting to create crossbow string, granting 15 Crafting experience. It is created through the Cooking skill, by using a piece of raw beef or bear meat with a range and choosing to make sinew, granting 3 cooking experience.

personally i thought it was made from magic tree roots ^

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ice Strykwyrm
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:42:08 pm »
any PVM area, shouldnt be in a PVP area imo, just like spectrals slayer task, its a non multi-area why can a pker attack me why im already in combat with an npc?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ice Strykwyrm
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:06:17 am »
i think it has a reason why deep wildy aint crowded

now you get there with pvm gear, and then some kids just wait at door with pvp gear, great man

Suggestions & Ideas / Ice Strykwyrm
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:35:13 pm »
make the Ice strykewyrm drop a ring which can teleport you to the cave itself, with a limited amount of 3-5 teleports, after that disintegrates or you have to recharge it.

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