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Messages - Shoaib

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Dark_King Back
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:23:49 pm »
Your name is so familiar, can't seem to remember it

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:22:12 pm »
This topic is disgusting
> wants the player count rise, moaning about it and not willing to do anything himself

General Discussion / Re: Series idea. Yes or no?
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:36:18 pm »
Road to Anger (all anger weapons)

Videos / Re: Thunder Clan Intro
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:27:30 pm »
very poor intro
is it even edited lol

Games / Re: RS3 ironman progress NEW GOAL(stats 20-05-2015)
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:52:21 pm »
nice progress lars

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:42:40 am »
Shoaib, I have known you for a long time on emps scape and I read 50000 farewell topics of you.
Everytime you quit you told us the bs about 'ermygerdddd life important, pixels nott hh', and everytime you returned.
Sometimes it's better to shut up too avoid a shitstorm<3 :-*
Sorry Shebbi, but i have to agree with this.

I also was saying the same thing, i even made a come back like 1-2 months ago, and i'm still not even playing. I won't say i don't have time to spend playing emps, because i play WoW everyday.
I don't get what part you are agreeing on, could you enlighten me, Ashootsh?
Everytime you quit you told us the bs about 'ermygerdddd life important, pixels nott hh' <--- this is what i agree on, but i dont hold it against you, cause i said that to everyone so ye

All he wanted/wants is attention. Why do you think he makes video of him screaming his ass off like a little child about pixels.

On topic: Otto sweg is completely right.
that's right<3

General Discussion / Re: Which Side are you on?
« on: May 20, 2015, 08:46:59 pm »

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:53:50 pm »
Shoaib, I have known you for a long time on emps scape and I read 50000 farewell topics of you.
Everytime you quit you told us the bs about 'ermygerdddd life important, pixels nott hh', and everytime you returned.
Sometimes it's better to shut up too avoid a shitstorm<3 :-*
Sorry Shebbi, but i have to agree with this.

I also was saying the same thing, i even made a come back like 1-2 months ago, and i'm still not even playing. I won't say i don't have time to spend playing emps, because i play WoW everyday.
I don't get what part you are agreeing on, could you enlighten me, Ashootsh?

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:36:45 pm »
Had lots of fun playing emps-world, pvming, group pking, spending time with my clan and what not :) But life's way too more important to be spent on this game imo and I just realized that a week ago, I can't really bother wasting my time here anymore even though I am having fun, but I am not gaining anything.

My point is that I can't succeed in life by spending the tiny bit of time I have nowadays on this game.
You say that you don't have time to play games, but you have time to play OSRS, you say that life is too short to spend time on games yet you play OSRS every day. I just find it ridiculous how you change the story you tell every single time you speak.
The post you are looking at is from the past where I was in a different situation, times change and so do I, just like you have throughout the years.

I prefer OSRS more than Emps because I believe in it, I like the game alot and I do actually gain quite a bit from it, there's nothing to gain from Emps, it's like a lemon, but you don't actually squeeze anything out of it.

I thought I already made myself clear when I said I didn't want you to talk with or about me playing OSRS? Did I or not?

I don't want to talk with you at all, this will be my last reply to you and if you quote or reply this, I'll report you for harrassing me, you have no idea of how much OSRS I play and it's none of your business. You're turning this to a flame war, we are talking about Emps situation, not mine.
You started targeting Emps with invalid arguments, exactly to where/who are you going to report me? You should consider yourself lucky that we let you stay on the site for all the harm and unrest you have caused.
boy you just handed me your death warrant!

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:30:50 pm »
Had lots of fun playing emps-world, pvming, group pking, spending time with my clan and what not :) But life's way too more important to be spent on this game imo and I just realized that a week ago, I can't really bother wasting my time here anymore even though I am having fun, but I am not gaining anything.

My point is that I can't succeed in life by spending the tiny bit of time I have nowadays on this game.
You say that you don't have time to play games, but you have time to play OSRS, you say that life is too short to spend time on games yet you play OSRS every day. I just find it ridiculous how you change the story you tell every single time you speak.
The post you are looking at is from the past where I was in a different situation, times change and so do I, just like you have throughout the years.

I prefer OSRS more than Emps because I believe in it, I like the game alot and I do actually gain quite a bit from it, there's nothing to gain from Emps, it's like a lemon, but you don't actually squeeze anything out of it.

I thought I already made myself clear when I said I didn't want you to talk with or about me playing OSRS? Did I or not?

I don't want to talk with you at all, this will be my last reply to you and if you quote or reply this, I'll report you for harrassing me, you have no idea of how much OSRS I play and it's none of your business. You're turning this to a flame war, we are talking about Emps situation, not mine.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:54:38 pm »
Why are people always talking about Emps in particular? Open up your eyes and see that other private servers and RS in general are dying as well.
Other private servers is none of our concern, we talk about what we play, and we play Emps.

Then you are being blind and ignorant.
Other private servers doesn't catch my interest, why should I talk about them? The way I am seeing your reply as:
"Hi, you are a Muslim, so you're probably a terrorist"

Gaming industry has evolved drastically since Emps became popular. There are so much more games to choose from than almost 10 years ago. It would be most impressive if any game managed to keep such a high players base for such a long time.
This is where you're wrong, Emps' peak wasn't just 7, 5, or 4 years ago. It actually had a player base of 1000 back in 2012 too if I remember right. However, I do agree on your point that the gaming industry has evolved but it doesn't play that big role in Emps current situation.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:51:33 pm »
Why are people always talking about Emps in particular? Open up your eyes and see that other private servers and RS in general are dying as well.
Other private servers is none of our concern, we talk about what we play, and we play Emps.

Then you are being blind and ignorant.
Other private servers doesn't catch my interest, why should I talk about them? The way I am seeing your reply:
"Hi, you are a Muslim, so you're probably a terrorist"

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:46:01 pm »
Why are people always talking about Emps in particular? Open up your eyes and see that other private servers and RS in general are dying as well.
Other private servers is none of our concern, we talk about what we play, and we play Emps.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:19:19 pm »
Emps lost it's spark long time ago. Not just update-wise but realistically. Most of the major / old players has left for various reasons, for someone it's education, boredom and OSRS.

^for me it's all of the three above.

Emps used to be fun before because it was actually challenging and fun to play with the "golden" players. If you log in today, everything is changed, the community, everything. Some people like to remain old school, sticking with old friends, old revisions, etc. I am one of these guys, if someone comes to my house and forexample moves my TV from the living room to the bathroom, I'd be pretty pissed, and that is how I feel about Emps' situation today.

I know rising is important, it is important to rise, but if nobody appreciates it, what is the point really? Emps had gained it's fame and popularity because it was unique, no other runescape private server out there was unique, they were simply just made to spend time and have fun, but Emps wasn't like that, I can tell this from my own experience. Ever since I joined Emps, it hasn't been about having fun / making gainz / getting rich, it has always been about forming relationships and the journey itself, believe me or not but this game actually had a really nice community until Al-Kharid took over.

Some things aren't meant to be, but that's when people split, from old players to new players.

Why does people leave from boredom

The game simpy has nothing left to offer, it is done, the challenge and old emps nostalgia is completely gone. And some people doesn't like to start over again *cough* Keaskybr53 *cough*

The game has too many new players and too less old players, the economy is in 1 player's hand; Hell Skyline (this gives a major disadvantage for big stakers as they can't get anywhere and end up at Introductions & Farewells section.)

Why do people leave for education

People find education far more important than this graveyard and wish to succeed in life.

Why do people go to OSRS

It's far more challenging, entertaining, a new start, there's ton of reasons.

My answer is No, and if you wish it to be Yes, well then you better hope Thomy is Tony Stark to build a time machine!

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hey,Am back.
« on: May 17, 2015, 07:37:28 pm »
welcome back baby :-*

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