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Messages - Bad Fight

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General Discussion / Re: Easy explanation: Why people quit Emps
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:50:04 pm »
My goal is very hard and i'm enjoying it. Btw if you do something that is boring and takes a long time you learn patience.

General Discussion / Re: Plans for the weekend
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:36:04 pm »
I'm gonna watch others train xD

Off-Topic / DubStep playlist
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:13:18 pm »
Post all of your good dubstep music here!

Current list:
(i like the video)

General Discussion / Re: Verac...
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:25:25 am »
I like Verac Pking more than I like Dharok Pking.

General Discussion / Re: Mhm.. SRSLY
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:22:27 am »
They're not really 'custom' as they're just Runescape items and not custommade ;)

Don't worry, they will suit only PKers and only temporarily!

Ahh hell naww, just please dont make them op? :c
Don't worry, they will be made perfectly balanced.
That's what they all say....

General Discussion / Re: 643 players online.
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:08:43 pm »
All ty to voting.
Keep voting for emps-world daily

Off-Topic / Re: Falisha
« on: November 30, 2014, 08:12:18 am »
i just fapped to her nudes, does that make me cool
nah but that ass tho.
Btw she was drunk lawl

Off-Topic / Falisha
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:19:33 pm »
So I just had to bring up this topic...
Some of you might already, but still gonna bring this up to warn you all.
There was a girl named Falisha on twich and she was streaming.
She was a bit drunk and someone offered her 500m rs cash for some nudes. And she agreed.
She showed her tits for half a second and her arse for a second and a half. But she didn't get the money.
The viewers took pictures and made gifs, later on they posted em to multiple websites. And it didn't stop there.
They found her fb and added everyone she had in her friends list. They sent pictures to all of em including her family.
They even found her dads number and called him. So basically she fucked up her life lost her friends and respect just because she did something wrong for a second.
Shame on the viewers they asked for the nudes and then decided to fuck her life up.
So please don't do anything stupid.
For some 12 year old kids who still haven't seen women naked. I won't tell you where to find em, tho if you use your brain u can find em.
Here's a video of the prank call. *someone who sounded like falisha called her dad and.... listen till the end.*

If I didn't explain well enough here:

Peace out-
Bad Fight

Showcase / Re: luk my sig
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:16:04 pm »

Smexy siggy xD
This ^ x9000

Showcase / luk my sig
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:13:13 pm »

Goals & Achievements / Re: 99 Cooking!
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:09:15 pm »

Showcase / Re: Paint pro
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:55:33 am »
U all suck balls ......

Rofl. The only thing you did on your picture was just a couple of swirls. You shouldn't insult other if you have nothing impressive to show us either.
I didn't insult you I just sed the fakt . Btw mine doesn't have to some beatiful shit.

Showcase / Re: Paint pro
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:35:02 am »

Off-Topic / Parasite
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:46:45 pm »

Vol.1 watch it don't stop at ep 2 or 3 becus it's weird ples watch it...

Showcase / Re: Paint pro
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:42:37 pm »
U all suck balls ...... well whatever... Iluumunati won won't be online for this week tho so... pm me when i come
C4nerd won

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