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Messages - Iron 69

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Goals & Achievements / :thinking:
« on: January 09, 2018, 08:33:01 pm »
hello everyone.
 Im kinda bored or not so motivated to continue grinding for content on my ironmen, as its only rng based, thats what im totally missing of.
 So i kinda wanna test something and try something new for myself. Someone may be similar with this, someone may not, its UIM mode, which stands for ultimate ironmen mode. Its the same ironmen mode, but in addition you're not able to use bank(at least thats from original content) for exception to note/unnote items with bank.
( and for a note, UIM in emps would be much more difficult than in rs, as we dont have any perks for the mode to be somewhat easier)
 But since we dont have that kind of system in emps, I figured out i'd just use bank to note/unnote stuff.
 So if anyone is interested in how would that work out, i can as well record all my progress and what-not.(im gonna do it anyway for myself despite the feedback i get)

Screenshots / Re: Mass Corp
« on: January 04, 2018, 06:35:29 pm »
ayy, I'm der
Looking forward for a Har'lakk/Nex mass

Worst ever idea, nty
Nut bad idea, u just don’t like it, plus it’s going to be fun

Its not beneficial for anyone who would participate in it, 6+ ppl at nex is already cancer. imagine just only few people understanding what to do at nex and suffer of all the plebs that have no experience there, and all the plebs suffer from instantly dying to all the special attacks

And what are you trying to achieve with this?

Screenshots / Re: Mass Corp
« on: January 04, 2018, 02:51:43 pm »
ayy, I'm der
Looking forward for a Har'lakk/Nex mass

Worst ever idea, nty

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Daily quests, would be good one I guess.
« on: January 04, 2018, 02:47:50 pm »
Well, as for high tier vairety tasks, its all randomized. And all tasks have skill capping as well.

But in general i wouldnt mind having more different skill daily tasks

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Farming
« on: December 31, 2017, 07:52:17 pm »
sure for the allotment and fruit farming. but as for spirit trees idk, if thomy wanted to have it function as teleport to certain areas, he'd probably do it in the first place. But it could be a thing, if majority upvotes for the idea, tho you'd have to suggest areas that it'd teleport you to

Suggestions & Ideas / Penance aura
« on: December 27, 2017, 06:29:14 pm »
I would want to suggest removing penance aura ( increases defence by 10% ) and replacing it with other aura, as its clearly currently most useless, not used aura in-game. I'd suggest replacing it with something like aura that either reflects % dmg that you've taken, something like a recoil/weak veng ( lets say 5-10% ), or aura that grants you dmg soaking ( 5-10 soaked dmg )

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: December 25, 2017, 05:22:08 pm »

all of the new accounts are Corne's :kappa:

Half of the repeatedly made accounts are named in estonian
Corne doesnt know estonian
or maybe he does, who knows :kappa:

Off-Topic / Cutting onyxes
« on: December 25, 2017, 12:57:13 pm »
special for cornelitto

cutting onyxes into bolt tips grants you herbs xps and gives you 1 bolt tip instead of 15.

Off-Topic / Re: Clan chat
« on: December 25, 2017, 12:41:06 pm »
just like the staff team, ironmen also ignore the "clan chat off" option and their text is seen.

noticed that it works with " friends only " same way

Screenshots / Re: 1 trip to saradomin boss
« on: December 23, 2017, 03:07:16 pm »

Screenshots / Re: Secret Santa Gifts [Post what you got]
« on: December 23, 2017, 02:40:58 pm »
me got yellow crystal wings

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Elite Clue Scroll (Void)
« on: December 21, 2017, 08:27:26 am »
I don't want them easier just saying that minigame is dead and it takes some time to get 4k points maybe if there be event or something. usually there 2-3 players there. quite hard to find some1 that will be willing to stay.

then go get the void. kek

Videos / Re: 10 hours of hunting black salamanders.
« on: December 18, 2017, 12:30:55 pm »
gz. but for a note, its actually worth alching them while hunting. if you do it correctly, u dont lose a game tick, and you dont have to waste time banking. just that its becoming click intense

Suggestions & Ideas / placeholders
« on: December 17, 2017, 10:25:33 pm »
maybe if its not too hard for thomer, i wanna suggest adding a short key for making/removing placeholders

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