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Topics - Lolo98obby

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Please READ CAREFULLY Before jumping into conclusion
« on: February 01, 2019, 08:02:17 pm »
Hello everyone, i am a returning player to emps-world and i played emps-scape before aswell. i really enjoyed how we had an option to play in old graphics and new HD graphics but i myself really loved the old graphics. i have tried to click classic on "game settings" which alot of people say that it will be oldschool but its not the same.  majority of people dont care about new graphics i myself is one of them i appreciate the amount of work thomy is putting into the game but people loved the emps in a way where the content was good simple and the graphic options were avaliable to everyone. so please bring back the old graphics it will attract aloto f new players not just me but my friends ask for same thing.

Suggestions & Ideas / Old/new
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:31:36 pm »
Hello fellow emps-world, I was thinking that we should have two clients like one for old school graphics and one for new graphics just like in old emps-scape, I don't see any harm in it plus I m sure it will attract the players that like 2007 graphics, I think there is no harm at all on this idea because the game is still the same just different people chose their own graphics, I really like the new graphics but I have a lot of old friends who would like to play 2007 style :)

Pages: 1