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Topics - Fadydbx1

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / mem ticket & gold ring
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:30:29 pm »
make a difference between gold ring and member ticket please...
most ppl got scammed with this (buying gold ring instead of mem ticket) bcs they almost look same..
I saw someone doing that so I told mod and he warned him

Suggestions & Ideas / for easier ge using :D
« on: July 05, 2016, 06:09:48 pm »
I just getting a hard time with switching prices at GE... so I wanted an more easier ge using.
and I was thinking  about something:
lets say that I wanted to sell an item for X price.
and someone came and wanted to buy that item... he type's  its name and press on its name then GE show's all players prices and that player who wanted to buy that item choose the price that he wants and buy it instantly... or he can put his price too and if someone wants to sell GE shows players prices and sell instantly too.
I hope u understand that har language :D... "togather to make our emps-world easier" xD...
I hope u update ge :D.. and thanks

Pages: 1