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Topics - Chunksofrock

Pages: 1
Introductions & Farewells / omfg wow nub lol
« on: April 17, 2016, 08:40:17 pm »
aye what's good it's been awhile but I rarely get around a computer and when I do I remember these forums.

how's life?

mines been insane, I've got a kid on the way now, I do a lot of acid and cocaineeeeeeeeeeeee and a ton of dabs, and I work still, going to college again, I'm 21.

I played this when I was like 13, it's really apart of my life but recently my life's been very insane, I'm happy, I miss the moments going on here and just talking to the random foreign players all over the world and it's incredible how much I've meant to some of you and how much some of you have meant to me, so of course i'll come around every year or so to update my life that probably none of you really care about, it's cool though to see how much thomy's put into the server, it's still not like it use to be but things always will change, just like my life.

it's awesome to see marys art all over the place but the broad's gotta start working for a real company though.

shout outs to mad turnip, defqon ,martin Lorenzo nightfall12 my brother who sent my pizza from cali hahahahaha, and joy, lars you sick cunt where did you die cause I can't find you anymore.
shout out to pimbo shout out to motherfucking trade aka rauno & yazzy bae king125, I especially miss the 09 crew I was apart of, except for frozen arrow, he was probably high 24/7 but he was a chap, shout out to fucking tom, what a bamf, sometimes made me uncomfortable with his gay jokes, but anyone that has ever made me smile on here or made me laugh or even upset shout out cause you the mvps that made me the man I am today.

I got a little boy on the way, he's going to be such a good kid cause I'm going to whoop his ass if he gets into trouble, i'll make sure he plays emps if this shit is still around, shout out to all my "enemies" cause none of you were, I just did whatever the fuck I wanted to do and didn't care because at the end of the day I meant no harm, just all fun, just chaotic fun that everyone could be apart of, whether or not this tornado came through and swept you to the top or dropped you to the floor cause I was a badass pker for a minute, I'm just glad I can still write on these forums and see how much everyone has changed and grown.

shout out to graham also for the fucking wiki you huge foreheaded genius, and josh dazell for being a chap and giving me advice, memories are all I have left, no accounts, no money, nothing really matters anyways on a server except who you're surrounded by in it, shout out to thomy for putting up with my shit at times, and I hope everyone has like the best 4/20 ever in 3 days, I have work in an hour, but I thought I'd take like 10 minutes to write this, I hope everyone's lives are doing great, keep fucking being yourself keep fucking up and getting back up, just do your best it doesn't matter how much you fail it's all about how much acid you can do and still have a brain intact because at the end of the day being happy and what makes you happy and how you think and feel is important.

love yall or hate yall whatever the fuck you want it to be, just pick.


Pages: 1