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Topics - Kaopps

Pages: 1
Help me! / Still cant play.
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:55:59 am »
So recently I decided to play Emps World again but I have ran into some client issues.

With the downloadable client:
Every attempt at logging in tells me that "Unable to reach Emps-World. Servers appear to be offline." I uninstalled and reinstalled Emps and Java with no luck, I only ever get this error message. I have run the game in soft hardware mode aswell.

With the webclient:
I click "Play in browser" before being taken to the game on my web browser. It stays on this page for about 2 seconds before opening a new tab with the java download page.

Please help me, i'm willing to try everything.

Help me! / Unable to play
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:32:17 am »

So I haven't played this server in a long time and I wanted to come back and start playing again. But I can't due to some issues I have with clients etc. So when I try to play on the webclient it tells me my Java is out of date so ofcourse I download and install the newest java version. Then restart browser and PC and it still tells me I need the newest version despite having it. The download client just tells me the servers are offline even though 200 players are online. I have downloaded the newest client and it still tells me the same message.

Please help me asap because i'm getting pissed at not being able to play.

Pages: 1