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Topics - Gorz

Pages: 1
Help me! / LF> Pest Control Group (5 Months Now)
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:41:51 pm »
I've been trying to get a Ring of Vigor for like 5 months now. Can I please get a group for PC at some point or please make the Ring available some other way. It's boring literally sitting on the boat for 4+ hours a day to see one person come to the boat and wait for 30 seconds only to just leave... I have 0 Friends who would play this PriSer anyway. With only 15 to 60 people on at a time you'll NEVER get that 5 man requirement for PC unless a group of 5 friends just come for EXP and I still have never seen even that. I just want my Ring of Vigor already... It's like literally the only thing I even WANT at this point in the game... :/

General Discussion / Best 1 Attack Weapon on this Private Server?
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:51:43 am »
As the title states. Just in case I want to make a Defense Pure. 20 Attack Weapons as well I guess, because I can Lamp later, but I prefer not even doing that honestly.

Resolved Bug Reports / High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:43:00 pm »
Everything so far that I've alched has been pretty close (Like only 5k difference) if not the exact same as the price for OSRS.

This on the other hand, this is pretty sad, I feel like I've been jipped 40k each time I do this.

Help me! / High Alch Price Wrong?
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:38:05 pm »
Everything so far that I've alched has been pretty close (Like only 5k difference) if not the exact same as the price for OSRS.

This on the other hand, this is pretty sad, I feel like I've been jipped 40k each time I do this.

Pages: 1