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Topics - T2itsa Pees

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / The Stories of T2itsa Pees; Episode 1, "The CAOR war"
« on: October 27, 2015, 09:54:21 pm »
The evil menance Ralphe started a war with the free nation of Estonia. On this day we lost many brave men... Mostly Ironman1 from the CC after he tried to buy a arab foot for 5k. R.I.P

We just want to speak our mother tongue and bond. Im sure president Vrey will support this topic.

And on this sad day they found a journal... It was labeled "The life of Ironman1"
Most of its pages were ripped out. Burned. And the ashes snorted.

the remaining pages said this...

"Day 34, I miss my husband T2itsa Pees, I hope our child Zick343 is okay. I havent heard of them for a while. Mostly because i got muted... This is a sad day."

"Day 548, I am still muted, The Voice Of The People and President Vrey are trying to fight for our freedom, But the Communist army of Ralphe is stronger. They lied to us. They told us the military bases in our lands were for protection. In Reality they were used to fight us, conquer us, break us, take our land.  The cities of Valga, Narva, Võru were taken quickly. The last defensive posistion of Tallinn was falling. The surviving men ran to the forests."

"Day 784, The men of Communist Army Of Ralphe is fighting the Men of the Forests. The  y are evenly matched. The CAOR is strong and big but they know nothing about our forests. The Holy Empire of Zudikas95187 is also marching against the Men of the Forests. This shall be a tough fight."

"Day 1023, I finally met with Ralphe in person. He looks pretty hot and has a great personality... He seems cool... Im starting to like him."

"Day 1503, Well one thing led to another and now our son is almost two. We named him Danielshapz. He is quite the little artist. He draws penises everywhere. Such a lovely child. :)"

We have  yet to recover the rest of the pages.

Pages: 1