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Topics - El Smosh

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Take a look at this
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:22:46 pm »
I was just pking the other and I saw a player by the name of "Rape"
He's level 90... It so does happen to be another level 90 which's me...
I checked his stats and well take a look...

How the hell are we the same combat level? I'd rather be lower than 90 for that matter so what's going on?

Off-Topic / Your To do list...
« on: September 12, 2015, 08:19:11 pm »
Share what is your To do list, you're probably wondering what does that even mean...
I meant the things that you dream or will do before you die,
My To do list is:

1-Train at Barbell Brigade ( It's a gym in LA which includes a lot of powerlifters/Bodybuilders that I watch on youtube and instagrams... I'll be needing 16 hours on a plane to get there cause my current location is so far away)

2-Actually visit Tipton hotel in Boston (Zack and cody's set, I actually didn't think it existed at first but after rsearches I found out that the hotel is real but it's name is not Tipton, I Forgot what it is)

3-Get back to uploading on my channel so I can get at least 100k subs (I have a channel that I get money from it every month, the problem is duo to work and school my last upload was 11 months ago, I lost a couple of subscribers like 100 or 150...)

4-Honeymoon in Hawaii (So I can really figure out whether Hawaii is overrated or does deserve all the credits it gets)

So that's it until now, the things I'd like to do before I die, share yours...

Pages: 1