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Topics - Saligta5

Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / wiki bug
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:37:16 pm »
In normal and ancient (not sure if at lunar) spellbook pages magic xp rates are totally wrong.

Resolved Bug Reports / Animation cancel when mining rune essence
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:31:11 pm »
When you superheat or high alch an item and start mining rune essence BEFORE animation ends it will show you that you are standing still and rune essence is coming into your backpack.

In other words you mine essence without animation

Suggestions & Ideas / New custom boss@!@!@!@1
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:07:29 pm »
I got an idea for custom boss.

That boss could be named like Evil Cultist

Location of that Evil Cultist could be somewhere close to canifis because there is no boss there (yeah I know)

The fight:

Cultist could have 5 attacks. He attacks with range and magic. He has 3 phases -

1st one would be simple attacks with mage/range

2nd one would be after he gets hit he would teleport 5 squares from the attacker and sometimes make himself invuln. from all attacks except range and mage (EDIT maybe from two ramdom attack styles)

3rd stage would be the most hardest - he sometimes would start to duplicate himself. If you attack the clone a minion would spawn that uses melee attacks and hits like 30 but he would have like 200 hp. When cultist hp gets lower than 100 he would dissapear for a moment and 3 minions that has retribution prayer (when you die everyone gets hit who stands next to them) would start attacking. After killing all three minions cultist would have 200 hp left and he would get back to 1st phase and after he reaches 0 hp he dies.

Loot - its up to you to think (maybe)

Cultist would have 1000 hp each phase.

BTW im pretty sure thats impossible to make boss like this.

What do you guys think?

Introductions & Farewells / Hallo
« on: July 29, 2015, 11:45:05 am »
So okay joined yesterday so uhmm... Yeah hi. Someone may remember my old account that has rly similiar name than my new name or something so yeah. Can i have a fishy stick pls? :kappa:

So yeah hello.

My PC is acting strange during a year. Every 5 or 6 hours my PC starts to lagg for about 10 minutes. This is not ordinary lagg (it may be but i dont think so)

So when the lag starts -

1: Cant open ANY program but it opens when the lag period ends

2: If i am lucky and i have chrome opened (yeah i know) and i try to visit any website it loads until lag ends and gets un-responsive

3: Every program that i have opened (even windows explorer) starts being unresponsive

4: My CPU usage is same all the time

If you need moar info reply here plox

So okay. Last year my keyboard started losing functionable buttons (or something I dont know how to tell that) like a q 1 braces TAB and console key (yeah i know). So I remapped them. So its half a year since my keyboard buttons stopped to lose functionability. Maybe someone can help?

Some things that my help -

My PC is laptop (yeah I know)

I have no system restore save or something so dont even say

If you need more information reply :/

Pages: 1