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Topics - Doggestdog

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Vannaka or Duradel?
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:54:12 pm »
Hey, I'm trying to get a decent slayer level. I'm level 124 combat and I know I should be doing Duradel tasks.
I've had more luck with Vannaka, getting a lot more GP and XP from the tasks.

Should I complete Duradel's or Vannaka's tasks? (For 99 Slayer probably.)

Suggestions & Ideas / Donator Whip Custom Specs
« on: August 07, 2015, 10:00:14 am »
I thought about this: Why don't donator whips have their own special attack colors?
All the whips have the red snare coming from the ground when you spec.
I thought: Why not make that every whip's snare is the color of the whip itself? For instance: A cyan whip's special attack snares the target with a cyan snare, a bronze whip with a brownish color, and so on.

Tell me what you think about this. All ratings appreciated!

Thank you, Dogge.

Showcase / A Message to PWNDamian66
« on: August 06, 2015, 01:36:17 pm »
So I thought of a cool signature for my account, like it's a me sitting on top of my name, (Leg over leg you know xD) "Dogge" applying some poison to my Dragon Dagger :D  Preferrably on the side of the last letter of my name though and not covering the name :D tell me what you think and suggest something too :D (I'd like the character to be female yes :D)
Facemask, Dark brown hair, kind of a darker white skin, Trimmed Black Armour, Fury, Grey boots and a DDS *also could you make a gold trimmed version? I wanna see which one looks better*

Suggestions & Ideas / Duel arena presets Suggestion
« on: August 06, 2015, 10:36:02 am »
So I thought about a little thingy for Duel arena. Presets.

Basically there could be a little tab next to the duel screen, where you tick and decide what kind of duel you want to have.
Presets I thought of are the popular Duel styles, like Box, Hasta, DDS, Whipping and others.  (So in boxing it ticks out all the armour and weapons and also all tabs except for No melee, No obstacles and Fun Weapons.)
If you choose a preset it will tick out the things that you don't want to have in the duel.
A "No armour" preset would be good, to automatically tick out all the armor in the duel screen, instead of clicking all of them one by one.

And also a lot of people have been getting money from staking by unfair fighting. (Like Switching to hasta in a DDS fight)
Maybe you could add a little thing that says "No weapon switching" and maybe a "No armour switching tab"?
That would be kind of hard to make, not gonna lie, but i need your opinions.

Also a cool little feature would be when you are about to accept the duel a little chatbox comes out under you cursor saying "Have you checked all the settings?" just to remind players to be careful.

People could have faster duels and maybe could not get tricked in staking, and have fun, that's what I'd like to achieve.

Pages: 1