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Feedback / A first look at Emps World
« on: April 11, 2015, 01:45:26 pm »
Hello! I'm a new player to Emps. I have got to say that I am impressed about a lot that this server has to offer. I think it could use a few changes though and please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Lack of staff visibility. I have not seen any staff yet. Is the server still fairly new?
2. defaulted full screen isn't for me. I play a 317 server for old school feel, not defaulted full screen
3. graphics are too new. We need like at least 474 graphics and animations.
4. Combat exp rates are too slow. While it is supposed to be a challenge for skillers, I don't think it should be this hard to level combat. A lot of pkers would come if it didn't take them a full day to max.
5. Voting shop is weak. I'm not sure if there is more than one that I'm not seeing, but the one I saw is very weak.
6. Should I trust player online count? It jumps from 208-209 on forums, but it says 179 in-game. Are either of them accurate?
7. I have a fast computer, but a lot of things take awhile to load in areas. I assume the graphics are too high. They should be defaulted toned down and allow users to up it if they want.

Overall I like the server so far though. It seems to have nice activity, solid eco, and lots of features. I just hope the drag of leveling doesn't push me away.

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