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Topics - Herobrine123

Pages: 1
Guides / KBD killing guide
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:51:55 am »
Hello! this is my first guide, don't judge, and please say my fail's, pro's

Black d'hide   3   Always
Dragon bones   1   Always
Coins    8275 - 35057   Common
Half of a key   1   Uncommon
Half of a key   1   Uncommon
Onyx bolt tips   12 - 44   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Rune platelegs   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Rune sq shield   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Rune kiteshield   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Rune med helm   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon dagger   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon mace   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon halberd   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon longsword   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Shield left half   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Shield right half   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon med helm   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon platelegs   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon chainbody   1   Rare (1 in 25 kills)
Dragon gloves   1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Barrow gloves   1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Dragon boots   1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Master wand   1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Comp ogre bow   1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Uncut onyx    1   Rare (1 in 50 kills)
Infinity top    1   Rare (1 in 67 kills)
Infinity hat    1   Rare (1 in 67 kills)
Infinity boots   1   Rare (1 in 67 kills)
Infinity gloves   1   Rare (1 in 67 kills)
Infinity bottoms   1   Rare (1 in 67 kills)
Ruined dragon armour slice   1   Very Rare (1 in 100 kills)
Dragon hasta   1   Very Rare (1 in 200 kills)
Draconic visage   1   Very Rare (1 in 1000 kills)

Pages: 1