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Topics - Sensation

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / Hell yeah! I've turned 16 today
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:38:25 am »
Oh my gosh, today I've turned 16 years old. wohooooo

Resolved Bug Reports / Emps-world client error
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:19:33 pm »

When I try to click on the Emps-world client, this happens...

I can't play the client anymore.... help me

Introductions & Farewells / Sensation introduction
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:32:38 am »
Hello community of Emps-world,

I'd like to introduce myself here, before I start playing this, so people know some more information about me. My name is Wesley. I'm from The Netherlands (Holland). I am 15 years old, birth; 23 may, 1999. I played Emps-Scape two years ago, but that is definitely gone? I believe this is the new version, with the same staff that I know are Thomy and Rock Gyo. If you guys can give me some hints and tricks to get fast money and fast training experience, reply that under this topic.

If you guys want some more informations, question me below.

Wesley aka. Sensation

Pages: 1