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Topics - Dark Slay3rr

Pages: 1
Introductions & Farewells / who are you?
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:40:16 am »
this is a thread telling us a little about yourself
old emps name:dark slay3r
where do you live:San Diego California (USA)
age when started playing emps:16
something people may not know: i have 22 pk videos XD
real life picture (dont how to post one here so its under the bar)

Off-Topic / sound system video
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:29:56 am »

hopefully ill get a custom box soon and it will be much louder! but tell me what u think! make you watch the whole video

Introductions & Farewells / whats up?
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:22:13 am »
idk if you guys remember me or not haven't played in about 4-5 years and dont plan on starting again but my name was dark slay3r (for some reason says my name doesn't exist and i log into fourms  but then says it does when i try to create it but whatever) but yeah i used to play and make pk videos and i plan on just hanging out on the forums so yeah haha

Pages: 1