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Topics - Dovahkiin

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Is Emps your only game??
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:16:37 am »
So, I was having fun with my lunar spell [the stats spying thing] ,and i saw a whole bunch of players got almost all 99's stats . R U kidding meh ?
How long does it take for you guys to achieve that ? I mean , i am training few skills now and it takes forever just to advance one level . How did you guys got the high dedication and consistency ?

Resolved Bug Reports / Ava's accumulator
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:49:28 am »
The new update had cost me an ava .

Suggestions & Ideas / Studded Body
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:32:28 pm »
Haven't you guys notice that Studded body has the same stat bonus with the leather body armor dropped by the barbarians ? Even monk's robes that are sold in Rimmington have better stat bonus than studden body [ 8 prayer bonus i think ] . here's my suggestions [pick either one] :

1)Increase the studden body stat bonus .
2)Decrease the other lower armor bonus [monk's robe,leather armor] .
3)Increase the price of monk's robe sold in Rimmington .
4)Trimmed [t] and Gold [g] studded armor gives more bonus than the normal one .

Introductions & Farewells / DREM YOL LOK
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:50:30 pm »
DREM YOL LOK , greetings to all fellow joor ,

Im DOVAHKIIN , mighty slayer of ALDUIN The World Eater . Left the world of Mundus to travel here , the Emps-World . hoping to find new adventures, shield-brothers, Mighty companions, and worthy opponents . All GRAH-ZINMAHZIIN , ally , are welcome . At the end of the day , maybe we can swap stories over a mug of ale  ;D .


Pages: 1