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Topics - Mr Emche

Pages: 1
Introductions & Farewells / bye
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:32:40 pm »
u might not know me , but ive played emps since 2010 , one and only Malaysian player here . Its one of the best game i play in my life . I would like continue playing tho , but i think fate told me otherwise , got scammed 2 times and lose stake about 200m today alone , for some this may look little ,but ive spend alot of time to build that bank . making report ticket is useless , IP ban can be overcome using VPN software . I think its time to move on .

Resolved Bug Reports / duel arena bug
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:24:00 am »
Whipping stake , suddenly i cant fight. everytime i click my opponent its said "you cant walk" . but my opponent can attack me . happen 2 times today. lucky i dont stake alot.

General Discussion / Wanna go Pking ~
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:44:34 am »
I wanna make a pure acc for pking , any suggestion ?

Suggestions & Ideas / Snape grass~
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:20:19 pm »
Snapegrass is one of the most wanted ingredient in herbs , but its so HARD to get , what i mean is players rarely sell them and often keeping for themself  , in fishing we only got 1-3 snape at a time ,even Jangerberries are alot common than that and the price is quite similar .

Im suggesting we add the noted snape grass that dropped by Dagannoth from 1-2 to 4-5 , just like the bird in slayer tower that drop jangerberries .

Guides / The Way Of The Trade
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:54:25 pm »
The Way Of The Trade
-How Its done
-Strategies & Tips

This guide is created to show players the basics on how to be successful in making money using only the skill of speechcraft . In other word , how to successfully "merching" with other players . In generally , "merching" is the art of negotiating with other players who is selling items to "let go" of their goods with the minimal prices as possible and persuade other players to buy your goods at maximum prices . Simply put , "buy low , sell high".

To be successful in The Way Of The Trade , players will require to own certain asset .Asset can be defined as items the has value in the economy and among players of Emps-World . This asset , could be anything such as raw materials,armors,weapons,and coins. Asset , could be obtain using many methods such as skilling , PvM(killing certain AI) , and PvP(killing other players) , or simply obtain from other player (trading) . There are other guides in the "guide" section in the forum that provide with more details on how to obtain these asset .

Beside from asset , players are highly recommended to gain some knowledge of recent demands , offers , and prices . This knowledge can be obtain by observing "traders"(other players selling/buying goods) in the trade center which is the west bank of Falador ( i will explain better in "how its done" section).

How its done
To begin merching with other players , it is recommended to do it in the trading center of Emps-World . There are 3 main trading center in the game which is Al-kharid bank , Edgeville bank , and west bank of Falador , the most famous , promising , and highly populated are the west bank of Falador . You can go to west bank of Falador using the Falador Teleport in the quest tab . The map will also show the location of the bank .

After you reach the bank of west Falador , the first thing you need to do is observe the traders(players selling/buying items) , what are the majority of them selling/buying . By observing , you will have the quick summary of the demands(buying) , offers(selling) , and prices . Observe the picture for an example :
From there , we know the players is in demand on ava acummulator , granite maul , saradomin range gear , dragon claws , dharok pieces, and high level bones while the offers are godswords , abbysal whip , barrow pieces , dragon claws , and seeds. Futhermore , we obtained the overall prices of the demands and offers .

After observing, the next step is set your objective/goal , do you want sell your asset? or do you want to buy asset without spending too much for it . setting your goal is important , you dont want to end up losing money rather than gaining it .

Selling your asset
Selling an asset is like answering exam , sometime its easy sometime its not , and you can only become successful through hard work and a little trick . To sell your asset with maximum prices  , the first thing to do is observe the demands , is your asset is highly demanded by the players ? or not ? . Secondly , observe the offers, are there any other players selling the same asset? or not? If there are no other players selling the same asset and the demands are high , DON'T sell it straight away , find the highest bidder, and try negotiate with the bidder to INCREASE the buying price JUST A LITTLE BIT , with a little charm, the buyer will agree . I call this technique "manipulating the desperate" i know , its cruel .

But what if the demands is high and the offers is also high ? First of all , even both of the demands and offers are high , the ratio will not be 1:1 ,
the numbers of seller and buyer will not be the same . In this case , if the offers a lower , just use the "manipulating the desperate" method but if the offers are higher , DON'T lower your asset price, be stubborn, if you lowering you price WHILE the advertising(selling) is in progress ,the buyers will psychologically "mark" you as weak and easy to be manipulated, trust me , we dont want that to happen .If you cant sell your asset on that day , don't worry just keep selling at that price or try again another day with a little bit altered price , remember , dont change price while advertising .

Lastly , if your asset is very low on demands , there are two thing that can be done , either sell them for very low price (but not too low , be reasonable and smart) , or use the "third alternative" which is cast "high alchemy" magic or sell at general store . But bare in mind , some low demand asset mainly cosmetics(rune hasta, dark dagger ,normal mask,etc) are best to keep in bank , sometime a few people will buy them , just don't ask them why  :P

Buying An Asset
Buying an asset is a different thing entirely ,it is a lot more riskier than selling your asset since you will be spending your on money this time . But remember this , always buy asset that give you profits at the end, either profits of gold or even profits in other forms like better PvM , PvP ,and Skilling . First, identify the current price of the targeted asset , this is important so that you will not fall for scams . Next , is the demands high? or not? is the offers high? or not? If the demands are high and offers are low , it is advised NOT to buy those asset because the price will be high and players will be desperate ,try to buy something else that has same value or simply try another day .

But if the demands are low and offers are high , DO NOT buy it,buying is entirely different than selling , if the offers of certain asset is higher than the demands , the price will go down badly and you will end up buying junk if you proceed .

To buy an asset that will give you guaranteed profits , it is highly advised to buy something that is not influenced by seasons , the demand rate is consistence(not to high not to low),and not new product(new items that just introduced by admin).The best asset that you can invest on is members ring/ticket(this is just a recommendation) , it can be used by yourself or resell anytime .

The way of the buying
There are two ways to buy an asset , "the traditional way" and "retail" .
Traditional : This is quite simple , find an asset that will give you a "double-edge" profit . A double-edge profits mean that even if you cant resell this asset for a better price , it still serves as reliable asset for various task . The number of asset for this way of buying is often not more than 2 . To get a good price for this kind of asset , first Observe the offers(players who sell the asset) , did the players received many buyers or not? if yes then why? is the players sell it very cheap? then you might want to take that chance . But if the players is selling an good asset but there very low in demand( at that time ) , this is the chance for you to manipulate them . Try to convince the player to sell the asset to you with low price because there are no other players would want to buy those . Eventually , the player will become desperate and accept your offer.
Retail: Retail is different than the traditional , it is the art of buying things in bulk and cheap , resell them at a price slightly higher than you bought . You don't use this asset , the only purpose it serve is to be resell . Below show the example of buying using retail style .

Strategies and Tips
-Always ready to take risk, sometimes you have no idea price of some asset could drastically increase .
-Do not expect to make huge profits in every trade you make .
-Trust your guts .
-Avoid any unsure merchandise .
-Do not trust any "too good to be true" trade .
-Always respect other players, mocking and swearing only make thing worst .
-Grab all opportunities , even the smallest .

This is my first guide , i hope that it will be helpful to all players especially those who are new in merching . I also hope that this guide will help players to avoid bad deals and trades . Leave your comments and critics . Im sorry if there is any error regarding language , english is not my main language .

General Discussion / degrading armor
« on: January 25, 2015, 02:07:27 pm »
so i was at jellies grinding for loots , i use cry bow , karils , and other ranging equipment. while im grinding there , my equipment gets degraded as it should be. But , i notice that when my equipment gets more degraded , the loot somehow get lousier . And i have tried experimenting a bit (observing loots when armor at certain condition) . and it is true, lousy armor give lousy loot .

so here is my question , is it happen only to me or anyone else to ?

General Discussion / I need some guidance ...
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:09:22 pm »
a couple of years ago , i played emps scape.. i quit when the server is dead . now im back as "veteran" according to the email i got long ago  ;D .
now im wandering , ive seen many "veteran" obtained high-end equipment and items while im here using free drag scimmy and full rune  :-\ .
im not jealous or anything but could any of you share with me how do you guys "rise from the ashes" .

sorry for bad english  :P


Pages: 1