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Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / prayer protection
« on: December 16, 2014, 04:49:02 pm »
prayer protection isn't working like before it is much weakier i had a slayer task killing kalphile queens i used to solo 2-3 queens 1 inv now i kill 1 queen with 2 food inv cuz it hit much more.
and i used to kill mith drags with range using mage protect now i barely kill him and he hit much more used to kill 2-3 drags with 1 p pots now i kill 1-2 drags 1 p pot  and when i used to go there he always hit me 0s he never evin hit me 1 but now it hits me alo 5s and 6s prayer protection isn't working well at all so please fix it fast!

Pages: 1