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Topics - Tomasm40

Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / Hi.For Cheats.
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:49:52 pm »
I found cheater Dark Mauler1.He staking at duel arena.I go duel whit him.Stake 10m.Off mage range and all what not need.Then i accept one time.I saw rules.The worst rule was ''you can use mage''*.Then i accept.Then  3.2.1.Fight!.He pick master wand.I cant attack him.Then i dye lose 10.Then i say fight again.i stake 5m and he then we make like last no mage or shits.then one accept i check and says Cant use mage in fight''**.Then he pick again master wand!!I say cheater and i report you.He ignore me and teleport.I dont know he teleport when i say that.Please i lost all items hellp me. :-\
Sorry bad ss you see.But you can see i cant hit him and one gay says report him for that.SO i dont know what i can do now.I think whit my friend leave that scape...

General Discussion / For account Problems.
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:31:41 pm »
Hi.My last account was nick : giedriusmis.Now i cant login.Says Wrong Password.So now i playing on new account.Please hellp me get back my first account.

Pages: 1