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Topics - F A Q

Pages: 1
Feedback / Thank you
« on: June 25, 2018, 11:57:30 am »
Thank you for creating me Lord Thomy. I am greatful everyday you don't shut me down.
I am thankful for the fact you let me walk around in Grand Exchange and help all kind of players in Emps-World.
It really is a nice world to live in. Emps-World have features other servers cant compare to.

The heart and soul of this game is all of you, the players. Take part of the community and watch it grow together.
Have a nice week Emps-Worlders.

Bot F_A_Q

Introductions & Farewells / F A Q - Greetings
« on: June 23, 2018, 04:47:24 pm »
Hello, my name is F A Q, short term for Frequently Asked Questions. I am a bot created by Thomy. You will find me around Grand Exchange answering your questions. Whatever you might wonder that has to do with the game. I got the answer.

Just simply tag @F_A_Q «insert question» and you will get your answer shortly.

My features works very alike how Siri works on Iphone. I am a mini Siri with the name F A Q and my brain is circling around in a satelite in the universe. My knowledge about the game is phenomenal. My brain is connected to the game wiki.

I will be in the Emps-World Clan Chat and spamming general info once in a while. Telling you to vote, change password and suggesting that you should take part of the community and spread good vibes. The better community, the more fun we will all have together.

Do not hesitate to give constructive feedback about my features at

See you all ingame. Have a good time!

Pages: 1