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Topics - S Clegane

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General Discussion / Truth - mainly for thomy to read.
« on: September 23, 2019, 07:46:03 am »
So, I wonder, what will you achieve by banning me from every possible communication source while busting your balls to undo ban for past rwt'ers, toxic players from duel arena n shit? Is it that desperate to gain players from here for you rather than to lose the ones that actually give you any sort of kicker(not calling it feedback, you might blow this way with whistle) to get you working on shit?

Jesus, you should fix more bugs instead of banning me anywhere. It just shows, how weak Thomy is mentally if he can't take only my words for truth. I take it back, when I was being told I'm the one with issues, it seems, Thomy most likely is even more if he needs to ban me in shout box, discord and clan chat. One day ppl have higher IQ and quit your creation of stupidity in this server.

Also, can't begin to say how sorry am for all those ass-kissers who re-join staff any time they want. It is obvious, this environment is unstable even more than I am or ever will be. Peace out, hope ya'all have fun for a moment till it goes down in history as server with worst management ever.

Oh, and don't forget to vote for other RSPS, as this one right here is destined to die first.

Gladly would like to see what he has to say instead of twisting this all into his favor and be all defensive. Nobody was aggressive, they just tell you Thomy truth. Not only me - I do it out loud unlike others. And he still is that dumb to realize that the issue is how you reject one players while favoring others, almost kneeling before them and kissing their feet.

I can go on ranting about plenty of shit you haven't done ever since I came back to Emps-World but for you it means jack shit since you always have an excuse.

You are owner. Take the heat if you are one or just step down and let the one with balls control it.

And also, I intend to wait for your "constructive" response instead of you being all defensive and find another excuse why you don't do this and favor those etc. You said, you want constructive conversation from me? Here's options how we all can do it: you can stop banning me for emotional explosions, stop kissing anyone's feet, stop wasting anyone's time and move on. But, those wont change fact I don't respect you at all. You can't take criticism and it's obvious. Only one who is living in fairy tale is you, Thomy boi, here with thinking every game aspect is fine and has no flaws. I suppose if you give to every player response normally each time I get ban for whatever reason the one with really pointing out why you do this, things wouldn't went that way. Like seriously, are you that dumb? Like I said, players will realize who you are in time. The sooner they do, the better is for them. In the end, result is same - such trash for an owner.

Truth to be told, I'm not neglecting on your work so far you've done fairly good job maintaining shit here but what I'm doing it by provoke you into seeing what you have been doing wrong in terms of interacting with community and yes, I made myself mistakes too, but if you think telling you harsh truth is one of them - think again. I'm tired of seeing you do shit that players aren't interested in anymore, invention - seriously? What's next, Evil Tree event which was dusting in suggestion list for ages(suggested by many players till now and it exists in topic at the top of all suggestion topics called "suggestion list" or something). Those were ideas - old players were expecting to see them come out. But what you do - is point out there is no guarantee, rather no, they will NEVER come out since I don't like it(sounds too childish) so what's the point in suggesting things/ideas if this doesn't ring a bell to you at any time? Ideas/suggestions are suppose to be overlooked, taken into account and implemented along with the main idea of yours. But maybe, yeah, maybe some players just like how Emps-Scape was holding it's state till it had to be removed and came out as fail product called "Emps-World". You can cry/be angry on me about many points but before you say anything critique to me, make sure your garden is clean and fixed without any bugs - cause I tend to be strict on that matter. Evaluate yourself on serious matters and everyone will act accordingly based on your behavior. No need for me to say that I guess if you are in university. It is common sense - treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. So far, with my suggestions all this time I was only ragged by your ass-kissers which continues haven't had any impact on them since they could avoid trouble at all costs but on the other hand, you blamed me for provoking them - like, how? I suggest thing or two, and there they are, they got their skin railed up to type another bullshit crap inside my topic instead of three paragraph essay of how idea can be improved? Please. You need to differ when I am really provoking shit(which I had a couple times only and even then I realized that by myself not by you point this as reason why I got banned from shout box which way more than stupid to say the least) and when I speak my mind out. It's two different things, and even university hasn't aid you in that one, now has it? No grudge held since I ended my playtime here probably but I hope you realize, not all I was doing, saying or behaving was just to troll you around and make a joke out of you.

Edited: since Tulrak here as per last reply, shows an example of giving advice, not saying it's worse or anything but doing it in a way in which whole "read" can be improved. He cooperates with me on this one in any way he can, something some players haven't done ever since inside Revenant cave players got stuck behind rocks while pking/chasing their targets.

Suggestions & Ideas / Forum Moderation
« on: September 16, 2019, 10:35:37 am »
Hello everyone,

I visit from time to time Forum sections and I figured this might prove to be useful. Considering, our Staff don't have that much to moderate in-game field I suppose none will object for returning role of Forum Moderation for someone out of Staff Members. From what I can remember, Otto was once Forum moderator (Someone12116, for newbies).

I suppose since Wiki could use cooperation with such players in order to avoid any spam or one-time-kick-ins(constant replies one by one instead of 5 - 10 points in one reply to get Wiki Team to notice it) for Wiki feedback rather have list of them in one message. What else bothering me, is out-dated Rules and Guidelines for certain sections which needs update, constantly with every new "thang"(as huge update, for instance, like Invention) coming out in here. But hey, that's just for Wiki feedback and feedback section, in general. Not sure but there was Marketing moderated lately as well. About others I am not aware of but would gladly liked it if some of them were reconfigured to keep information up-to-date. If any has some additional feedback to this, be sure to hit up to topic. :)

Note: I just re-checked some of the topics here in suggestion too - basically old ones which are already in-game can be removed by those who would be in this role to avoid topic flooding.

Have a great day!

Suggestions & Ideas / Clue Scrolls - add-ons
« on: April 23, 2019, 09:39:41 am »
Here's some of them I wish to see:

- Hot'n'Cold spots added to elite/hard clues with opponent that has typeless attacks and hits via protect prayers even if damage is 10-15s instead of only 25-55 level wilderness cause that area is literally huge compared to other areas where you have to search for spot to dig. This also could prove useful as item used here could be used for Dharok users who want to lower their hitpoints level without drinking overload or getting damaged by opponent.

- Teleport scrolls, like the ones in RS3 where you can teleport to perhaps desert areas easier with normal spell book in tact. For example:

- Firelighters as rewards from all tier clues which could make any light fire in colors of those of firelighter.

- Make heraldic item as requirement for clue scrolls as well. Would make Ironman grind for them worthy.

- Pet from clue scrolls, something like

Some of ideas sure takes time to be implement but you get the hang of it. Opinions?

Videos / Events on daily basis
« on: January 29, 2019, 03:10:09 am »

Us having some fun here and there with chill gear.

Suggestions & Ideas / Shilo Village
« on: January 09, 2019, 07:42:28 am »
I can see why this is abandoned content, to be honest, considering it requires high level magic spell to get to and not everyone can get there. Why not make gem stones there eligible? 7 stones total qould totally bring miners/crafters there.

Suggestions & Ideas / Quest reward re-work
« on: January 09, 2019, 05:00:14 am »
That new quest Jp did... with us helping out Chief cook... Could reward be enable bank booth in a Cooking Guild with all supplies for pies and etc. instead of just cooking gauntlets which can be bought in Rimmington? Since booth isn't working anyways, maybe perhaps to code that door will opened to those who complete the quest? Reward is quite good as well as it will give better exp on cooking there than in POH.

Events / Creative Minds
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:13:50 am »
Creative Minds

Idea behind this event is simple. Choose any popular song (or song you like the most) - doesn't really matter.
What matters, you choose it wisely so you could change its lyrics into something that remins your experience in this place, all Scape games perhaps, anything that is Runescape themed.

One tip: no offense are or should be intended to Staff or other players via lyrics.

Keep it fun and active!

Seeing as how big player count online has grown, I suppose up to 25 players who will participate in this will be receiving a double exp scroll ing. Top 5 most interesting lyrics, chosen by both players and Staff, will be awarded extra 5 double exp scrolls. To vote up, for your favourite ones use like reply button on right above corner of reply.

An extra reward of 1 Event Ticket will be given to every participant. If your song will be voted into the top 5 you will be rewarded an extra Ticket!

So try your luck and you might be the lucky ones to be happy with presents ing also!


Emps Loover
Il Skill L
Saif Nawaf

since some got off-topic and some just don't get idea of event:

Just FYI, putting on list of players who put effort into making new lyrics to make it more interesting and will actually count as participants. Lyrics with no work to little are out of the event.
Deadline for applying: December 30th
Winners will be announced: December 31th - January 1st

Off-Topic / Tormented Demons
« on: December 08, 2018, 03:14:16 am »
Recently, I was trying to kill some of them but occured to me, few glitches(bugs, maybe), not sure why but...

Whenever I killed it - protection prayers visually doesn't changed, you had to only guess from exp drop, like if you were using ranged style and get high exp with low hit - his protect is Ranged one therefore it should visually appear above his head but somehow same protection prayers stays above(let's say, magic one) and doesn't go away till demon is killed completely, not even at 200 Hitpoints where protection prayer should go away.

Tried commands like ::flushmodels and ::reloadmap as well as re-installation of Emps-World. Any ideas of what could cause this?

Here's my setting for better understanding:

Suggestions & Ideas / Intro info
« on: December 08, 2018, 03:03:16 am »
Many times it was suggested, I suppose bringing this up isn't massive problem.

This thing should be enabled once players logs in, thing like enabling auto-broadcasting every 1h - 2hour timeframe as reminder to use commands, like:

::vote - for voting and helping to advertise server ;
::wiki - for main source of information ;
::forum - for additional information that is not only in wiki as well as communication with community ;

And some highlighted notifiers to help newcomer coordinate around in-game, for example:

- Need any quick help or need to report something buggy/glitchy as well as suspicious activity of other player towards another - please use ::helpdesk to make a ticket about it!

There could be many and multiple outcomes of this but one thing this could certainly eliminate - and that's every 15 minutes - 1 hour time asking same question when answer requires player to scroll up a bit to read it thoroughly and understand he got answer already. tl;dr to avoid multiple explanations from different sides.

And for ending, it should be added into setting tab as well, if someone is annoyed by broadcast of it - thing can be turned off.

For price checking, it is inevitable to have players asking for them. This is guarantee, for sure.

Suggestions & Ideas / Broadcasting system
« on: December 08, 2018, 02:51:13 am »

I bring this up since lately was doing some GWD and afterwards wanted to put one of three GWD birds(excluding Nex one) in G.E. for sale - couldn't. I'm not all about that broadcast thing as much as giving it some value above average to an item that is being broadcasted? Pets like these are tradeable anyways via trade window, might as well make them tradeable in G.E. too.

I don't mind having them as broadcasts, too, being as the only unique drop, along with hilts from GWD Bosses (Nex is excluded from this picture as well), other items aren't so big of a deal to be broadcasted.

This is as far as GWD is considered for broadcasting drops.

Other than that, uniques (pets or very exclusive drops with low drop rate, like extremely rare) could be a thing, for example:

For Revenants - Stattuettes that doesn't reach over 2M each should be left outside of broadcasting to avoid spamming from broadcast only.

For Spectrals - I suppose Corrupt Zuriel's Staff and Corrupt Morrigan's Javelins with Axes is the only items worth being broadcasted as others can be easily obtained for maximum of 4-5M gp per piece(without energy costs).

For Clue Scrolls/Fishing caskets - everything is good as it is.

What could be added as broadcast as well, things like(not sure if these are ing):

- When Players reaches a total level of x000 ;
- When Players reaches a total exp of 1 billion ;
- Also, to broadcast whenever player maxes out exp in all skills(currently, I'm guessing, Skillz is the one who is going to accomplish such a goal the fastest) ;

Feedback / Clue Scrolls
« on: November 21, 2018, 01:07:14 am »
Long time ago, clue scrolls were released and took some time to test it by myself. Here's what I make of clue scrolls, at the moment:

Easy clue scrolls are now so underrated unless you're Iron-man and in need of those dragon items quickly but, then again, since dragons drop table also received some buff, not so long ago, so dragons overall give you more profit then looking for something valuable. I suppose this needs to be buffed or at least made one/two unique loots from those easy tier clues, hell, I wouldn't mind giving at 0.5% of chance of receiving random shard piece (1 - 3). Still better profit for new players than dragons. Supplies for teleport tablets, potions, anything that can be utilized for those who seem fit.

Medium clues alongside with other tier clues seem to be okay but adding shards to mediums won't break economy up, at adequate rate of receiving them.

For Hard and Elite clue scrolls, a bit of skill requirement wouldn't hurt and could be counted same way as does daily task system. Not sure if implementing this would take more time than it sounds but this would definitely put clue solvers to level up those skills, after all, if they want to complete some of the steps. In other words, skill requirements could make them more lively and more active. Not just only, Elites but Hard ones as well.

As usual, healthy feedback with toxic-free replies are always welcomed.

Have a good day!

Suggestions & Ideas / Revenants
« on: November 12, 2018, 01:47:48 am »
Suggestion is simple. While being skulled and killing revenants chances of getting rare drops could be slightly increased. What do you think about it? It can be small percentage to not make huge difference.

Suggestions & Ideas / Vote rewards
« on: November 05, 2018, 12:44:11 pm »
Yesterday came up with an idea of having reward like, double exp weekend.

Not sure how voting is counted, is it by IP or what but if we could manage to collect 50(number of votes can be edited) daily votes(on each of 8 websites) based on monthly statistics(meaning player per one IP must vote per all 8 websites each day) - after two months time there could be organized double exp weekend, seeing as how those weekends influence player count so much. It could be done by voting, too.

Feedback is always welcomed in this.

Suggestions & Ideas / Plank Make
« on: October 29, 2018, 12:01:23 pm »
Since we have Rune bag released we can use full inventory space. Why not make plank make to make 14 planks per spell, not 13?

Feedback / Halloween Event
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:40:02 am »
Hello there all,

I could say, it's amazing game is kicking and improving so much, lately haven't been online so much(besides this weekend) but had a chance to experience updates first hand.

It's my personal opinion about it, no offense towards anybody whatsoever.

Bring skulls as drops is amazing but let's be honest, reward shop should've never rewarded players with Pumpkin Lantern, Spider Wings or Kolodion Pet as it devalues Kolodion as monster for actual killing. As pets are not available at wilderness, one can only assume Kolodion won't drop skulls too - then he either must choose places like abyss to farm them or Bosses that are not in wilderness. Tl;dr Those three items should be removed from whole this halloween event, newly hats are fair enough to reach for.

Skeletal version of Raven is amazing, I love it.

As it was per Christmas, so it could be now part two of Draynor quest where you unlock possibility to obtain skulls elsewhere - not only as drops from monsters but randomly, let's say, fishing with it, pickpocketing NPCs or woodcutting trees. Or perhaps, trick or treat players between each other with special items which could use purple sweets or biscuits from clue scrolls. Kinda like idea I would go for but yeah, I take into account it must have take more time and concentration, considering new Boss in wilderness in behind the corner being polished, so it's up to owner of server if it's needed or not.

Continuing first paragraph of whole feedback, Kolodion Spider during this event timer could be minimized to 5-10 minutes gap between re-spawning bringing more action to it. You already saw results with Revenants cave buff. Many players go there now even with minimal risk.

I rate it 8.5/10, being 10 total success.

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