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Topics - Hmoob Fisher

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Suggestions & Ideas / Hiscore: Do you mean .......
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:40:27 pm »
I just thought of this idea lol.
My idea is that we have a suggestion text in Hiscore. For example, if you spell someone's name wrong, it says, "Do you mean ..... " so you can pm him/her in game as well as checking his/her stats :)
What do you guys think :D?

Resolved Bug Reports / Sh*t just got weird @ Sara Boss
« on: February 17, 2015, 01:05:56 am »

Was doing boss and for some reason the boss cannot attack me lol so I killed her twice without having to brew 2 potion (minion attacked me).
Then the third one (I change my protection to Mage) and she 63! me lol. Then I run around behind "Bree" and she cannot attack me again lol.
After running around and I finally killed her, she drop me Sara Arrows. I click on the arrows and boom! I went out the map lol.
I think its because my map was loading and I happened to click at the exact time so I went out of the map.
Anyway, just wanted to report this lol.

General Discussion / Ancient Energy
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:17:06 pm »
So I went to Wiki and searched up "Ancient Energy." I notice that the only way to "obtain" them is by killing a player with corrupt or non corrupt armor in wilderness.
My question here is "If I kill him/her wearing ancient armor, will I get some Ancient Energy + the armor or is the armor gonna be ancient energy?"

Thanks in advance.

Screenshots / Alone............ IN PEST CONTROL LMAO!
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:25:59 pm »

GF Void Mager

There was like 8+ players and they all seems to be Disconnected!
I'm alone trying to last but that f***ing Brawler block my WAY TO HELP Void Mager -.- FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!
But it was fun lol being alone hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Resolved Bug Reports / Pest Control Brawler Bug
« on: February 05, 2015, 07:57:20 pm »
I notice this a while back. When I'm attacked or is attacking a Brawler but it had low hp and I want to move onto another one (letting the other players kill it), I cannot move! I click the other monster a lot of time yet it will NOT move. I'm a bit bother by this. Can this be fix?

Suggestions & Ideas / Inform players about Forum
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:26:09 am »
I think that most (new or some who already started) does not know about Forum so I suggest that a/an Mod/Admin make a shout out every once 3 - 6 hours (or just make it automatic) in game informing players that there is forum and telling them that its a good source of communication, selling your stuff and showing off what you got as drop etc....
I'm suggesting this becuz I know for a fact that some players does NOT know or even use Forum.

Suggestions & Ideas / W2 GE Healer
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:46:10 pm »
Why's is Grand Exchange only has 1 healer in W1 and not W2? TF? That's so weird lmao.
I think that's just freaking WEIRD! Both world should have a healer in the opposite corner of the banker.

Fix the scroll on bank tabs & text -.-.
1 scroll = too high IMO and I cannot read other players text when I tried to scroll. I even click on the scroll up and its not working, same apple for the down button and the LONG bar that you click on it, hold it, and scroll it down. Its not working. I tried to clean my bank and I scroll down a 1 time in my mouse and it went WAY DOWN which I do NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. Is there anyway you guys can fix this? Like make it free-scroll? I'm not sure how to explain it but if you scroll on your mouse, it doesn't go to a specific location.
Another thing I want to add to this. I was using the scrolling on the bank and when I scroll down past 1 line of my items, they seem to disappear.
But seriously, the scrolling needs to be fix ASAP lol. Too annoying IMO.

Suggestions & Ideas / Dragon Hasta
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:51:22 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong but is the drop rate of Dragon Hasta 1 out of 500?
Anyway regardless of that, I'm here to talk about Dragon Hasta, the new weapon that was added in game yesterday.
My suggestion here is that make the dragon hasta drop rate the same as Abyssal Whip from Abyssal Demon
(1 out of 100) because since it has the same stats as whip, why should it be at a higher price just because it look cooler? I mean I get the point that it looks cooler and a new version in Emps but cmon. Same stats doesn't mean higher price IMO. I'm not sure if you guys would agree with me or not, just saying what I think.

So? comment? Let me know :)

Suggestions & Ideas / Skill Cape
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:31:19 am »

Can you see how far back the cape goes?
I think it would make the cape look better if its more closer to the back instead of extending out too much.

Screenshots / 3 Zamorak Hawk NOW?! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!?!
« on: January 29, 2015, 05:36:11 am »
3 Zamorak Hawk in GAME NOW WHAT?!?!?


Lol just kidding, somehow when I pick up my pet, they summon theirs, they can get my Zamorak Hawk lol!
Maybe fix this? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Goals & Achievements / 1st In Game?
« on: January 29, 2015, 01:00:34 am »

Here's a closer look at it:

Got it on my 2nd killed.
How rare is it? and how much is it worth?

Suggestions & Ideas / Pouchs?
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:40:07 am »
Was wondering, wouldn't it be awesome to have a pouch?
There can be various of pouchs such as:
Pking pouch - Store your pked items in there, if you die you'll lose the pouch with the items that are in there.
Rune Pouch - Store some runes in there if you ever think you'll need them.
Ess Pouch - Store rune ess in there (Giant - Medium - Small pouchs).
Any thoughts?

Resolved Bug Reports / Firemaking
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:25:46 am »
Twice now that I stop moving forward after I finish lighting the fire on the logs. I just stand under the fire and not move. Does this happen to anyone else besides me? Another thing to add to this is that I did wait for about 10+ secs yet my char would not move forward.
One thing to NOT say:
"You can always click it." No just no... -.- YES I can ALWAYS click it but I'm BUSY! Lol

So if Construction were to come out, what would be require to make them? Planks? I'm not a RS player (I'm a 2007 RS player but quitted maybe around 2008). So I never knew about Construction, Hunter, Summoning etc.... and all those stupid torvas and stuff (no offense to those who actually like them lol).
Anyway, if this question is "not" suppose to be answered, then i'm sorry, just curious that's all.

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